Dr Eva Poen
Lecturer in Economics
+44 (0) 1392 722653
Streatham Court 0.37
Streatham Court, University of Exeter, Rennes Drive, Exeter, EX4 4PU, UK
- Lic. oec. (University of St. Gallen, Switzerland)
- PhD (University of Nottingham)
Research group links
Research interests
Dr Poen’s research interests include the effect of culture on cooperation, and the formation of expectations and their effect on cooperation.
Previously she has undertaken experiments on contributions to an experimental public good and, in particular, gender differences in contribution and punishment.
Journal articles
Lloyd TA, McCorriston S, Poen E, Zgovu E (2014). Retailer Heterogeneity and Price Dynamics: Scanner Data Evidence from UK Food Retailing. Economics Letters, 124, 434-438. Abstract.
Kirchkamp O, Poen E, Reiß JP (2009). Outside options: Another reason to choose the first-price auction. European Economic Review, 53(2), 153-169. Abstract.
Herrin J, Poen E (2008). Stata tip 64: Cleaning up user-entered string variables. Stata Journal, 8(3), 444-445.