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University of Exeter Business School

Double Degree programmes

With our innovative Double Degree programme you’ll spend your first year at Exeter and a second year at another world class international institution, resulting in two Masters degrees.

We currently offer Double Degree options with: Grenoble Ecole de Management in France

Multinational employers, and increasingly employers of all kinds, require their workforce to work readily and confidently across worldwide operations, using a global outlook to consider new opportunities and challenges


University & Careers Guidance

After completing your Masters at Exeter, you will transfer to Grenoble Ecole de Management to complete a second period of study and gain another masters. Grenoble Ecole de Management has been selected as a Double Degree partner due to their academic excellence, international standing, and because their subject specialisations compliment those at Exeter. This means that whichever Exeter programme you have studied, you will find relevant modules available to expand your knowledge further.

All partner institutions teach in English, but it is an excellent opportunity to develop your language skills and fully experience a second culture.

Allocation to Double Degree programmes is subject to achieving the required marks in the first semester. Students are not allowed to undertake a Double Degree programme in their country of birth or country of nationality, due to the entrance requirements of our partner institutions.

Students must be of good academic standing and have good knowledge of the fundamentals of management.

Please note, the Double Degree programme is not currently an option for student on programmes with a January start.

Students will be selected by the University of Exeter Business School. Places are limited, so you can register your interest before enrolling at Exeter by contacting the International Development team at:

It is not possible to apply for the Double Degree in advance and the applications will take place internally, usually in the winter. Suitable candidates will be interviewed and, if you are selected for the Double Degree, will be nominated to their partner institution.

There are no tuition fees payable to the host institution, however the fee to Exeter is currently set at £8,000 for the additional study abroad period. The fee can vary and will be confirmed upon application.