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Department of Management

Professor Roger Maull

Professor Roger Maull

Professor of Management Systems, Academic Director INDEX



Roger Maull is Professor of Management Systems at the University of Exeter’s Business School and Academic Director of the Initiative for the Digital Economy at Exeter (INDEX), which is based on London’s South Bank.

Roger’s initial research was in Operations Management and he has continued to publish on that topic (see below for list of publication). Since 2009 his research has moved to focus on the impact of the Digital Economy on individuals, organisations and more generally on society. He argues that we are living through a revolution driven by digital devices that can help us understand more about people (eg biometrics, see DIGIT grant) and things (eg Internet of Food Things project). These new sources of data are changing how individuals live and work; how organizations operate; how businesses create value; how competition unfolds; how industries are structured and how innovation happens.

This begs the question, what is digital for? His research has become increasingly interested in the overlap between the adoption of digital technologies and the circular economy. Roger argues that the CE and the re-design often required is heavily dependent on understanding objects in 'use' and therefore requires technologies that can provide data on use. In a consumer context this raises serious ethical issues on the use of personal data. The practicalities of these issues were addressed in previous research projects associated with the HAT platform and are now being further developed in the startup The B2B issues of data sharing are being addressed through a number of projects broadly labelled ‘data exchanges’. See for example, this report for the Food Standards Agency (

He has held 27 UKRI research awards (19 EPSRC, 4 ESRC and 4 through Innovate UK) which have a total value over £40m. This is one of the largest portfolios of any UK social science researcher. His current research is funded through the DIGIT EPSRC project and the Defence Data Research Centre (, where he takes an active role in developing international links. He is also a CI on the INCLUDE N+, led by Professor Helen Thornham at the University of Leeds. 

Nationality: British

Part of Initiative in the Digital Economy at Exeter (INDEX)

Administrative responsibilities

  • Director of Initiative for Digital Economy (INDEX)


BA Econ, MSc Management Information Systems, PhD (1987)

Research group links

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Research interests

  • Impact of digital technologies on business and society
  • How outcome based business models contribute to a more sustainable society. 
  • Systems theory and problem solving, specifically the application of Ashby’s Law of Requisite Variety.

Research projects

Active UKRI awards. Details of all my previous ESPRC grants are on

  1. DIGIT EP/T022566/1 is a five year next stage Digital Economy research centre with £12.6m funding from three sources, EPSRC, industry and three partner universities. The focus of DIGIT is digital transformation in Large Established Organisations (LEOs)
  2. INCLUsive Digital Economy Network+: INCLUDE + (EP/W020548/1). This is a Network+ led by Professor Helen Thornham at the University of Leeds.​
  3. DDRC. This is a large contract research project funded by DSTL. See for further details. 

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Journal articles

Kazantsev N, Islam N, Zwiegelaar J, Brown A, Maull R (In Press). Data Sharing for Business Model Innovation in Platform Ecosystems: from Private Data to Public Good. Technological Forecasting and Social Change Abstract.
Ponsignon F, Smart PA, Maull RS (In Press). Service Delivery System Design: Characteristics and Contingencies. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 3, 324-346.
Sönnichsen S, de Jong A, Clement J, Maull R, Voss C (2024). The Circular Economy: a Transformative Service Perspective. Journal of Service Research Abstract.
Pearson S, Brewer S, Manning L, Bidaut L, Onoufriou G, Durrant A, Leontidis G, Jabbour C, Zisman A, Parr G, et al (2023). Decarbonising our food systems: contextualising digitalisation for net zero. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 7
Brewer S, Pearson S, Maull R, Godsiff P, Frey JG, Zisman A, Parr G, McMillan A, Cameron S, Blackmore H, et al (2021). A trust framework for digital food systems. Nature Food, 2(8), 543-545.
Ponsignon F, Davies P, Smart A, Maull R (2021). An in-depth case study of a modular service delivery system in a logistics context. International Journal of Logistics Management, 32(3), 872-897. Abstract.
Pearson S, May D, Leontidis G, Swainson M, Brewer S, Bidaut L, Frey JG, Parr G, Maull R, Zisman A, et al (2019). Are Distributed Ledger Technologies the panacea for food traceability?. Global Food Security, 20, 145-149. Abstract.
Batista L, Bourlakis M, Smart P, Maull R (2018). In search of a circular supply chain archetype – a content-analysis-based literature review. Production Planning & Control, 29(6), 438-451.
Maull R, Godsiff P, Mulligan C, Brown A, Kewell B (2017). Distributed ledger technology: Applications and implications. Strategic Change, 26(5), 481-489. Abstract.
Baron S, Patterson A, Maull R, Warnaby G (2017). Feed People First. Journal of Service Research, 21(1), 135-150. Abstract.
Batista L, Davis-Poynter S, Ng I, Maull R (2017). Servitization through outcome-based contract – a systems perspective from the defence industry. International Journal of Production Economics, 192, 133-143.
Parry GC, Brax SA, Maull RS, Ng ICL (2016). Operationalising IoT for reverse supply: the development of use-visibility measures. Supply Chain Management, 21(2), 228-244. Abstract.
Ng I, Scharf K, Pogrebna G, Maull R (2015). Contextual variety, Internet-of-Things and the choice of tailoring over platform: Mass customisation strategy in supply chain management. International Journal of Production Economics, 159, 76-87.
Ponsignon F, Klaus P, Maull RS (2015). Experience co-creation in financial services: an empirical exploration. Journal of Service Management, 26(2), 295-320. Abstract.
Maull R, Smart A, Liang L (2014). A process model of product service supply chains. Production Planning and Control, 25, 1091-1106. Abstract.
Ponsignon F, Maull RS, Smart PA (2014). Four archetypes of process improvement: a Q-methodological study. International Journal of Production Research, 52(15), 4507-4525. Abstract.
Andreu L, Ng I, Maull R, Shadbolt W (2012). Reducing the fear of crime in a community as a complex service system: the case of London Borough of Sutton. European Management Journal, 30(5), 410-417.
Maull R, Johnston R, Geraldi J (2012). Service Supply Chains: a Customer Perspective. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 48(4).
Smith L, Ng I, Maull R (2012). The three value proposition cycles of equipment-based service. Production Planning and Control, 23(7), 553-570. Abstract.
Ng ICL, Parry G, Smith L, Maull RS, Briscoe G (2012). Transitioning from a Goods-Dominant to a Service-Dominant Logic: Visualising the Value Proposition of Rolls Royce. Journal of Service Management, 23(3), 416-439.
Smith L, Maull RS, Ng I (2011). Servitization and Operations Management: a Service Dominant-Logic Approach. International Journal of Operations and Production Management
Williams M, Smart PA, Maull RS (2010). Patient Safety - a casualty of target success. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 23(5).
Maull RS, Smart PA, Harris A, AAF K (2009). An evaluation of 'fast track' in A&E: a discrete event simulation approach. The Service Industries Journal, 29(7), 923-941. Abstract.
Ng I, Maull RS, Yip N (2009). Outcome-based Contracts as a driver for Systems thinking and Service-Dominant Logic in Service Science: Evidence from the Defence industry. European Management Journal, 27, 377-387. Abstract.
Ng ICL, Maull R, Yip N (2009). Outcome-based Contracts as a driver for Systems thinking and Service-Dominant Logic in Service Science: Evidence from the Defence industry. European Management Journal, 27(6), 377-387.
Smart PA, Maddern H, Maull RS (2009). Understanding Business Process Management: Implications for Theory and Practice. British Journal of Management, 20(4), 491-507.
kumar V, smart PA, Maddern H, Maull RS (2008). Alternative Perspectives on Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction: the Role of BPM. International Journal of Service Industry Management, 19(2), 176-187.
Ng I, Maull RS, Godsiff P (2008). An integrated approach towards revenue management. Journal of Revenue Pricing and Management(7), 185-195. Abstract.
batista L, smart A, Maull RS (2008). The systemic perspective of service processes: underlying theory, architecture and approach. Production Planning and Control, 19(5), 535-544.
Smart PA, Baker P, Maddern H, Maull R (2007). Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality in UK Financial Services. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 27(9), 999-1019.
Maddern H, Maull RS, Smart PA, Baker P (2007). Customer satisfaction and service quality in UK financial services. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 27(9-10), 998-1019. Abstract.
Maddern H, Maull RS, Smart A, Baker P (2007). Satisfaction and Service Quality in UK Financial Services. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 27(9), 999-1019.
Smart PA, Maull RS, Radnor Z, Childe S (2004). A Methodology for the Application of Business Processes in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises. Production Planning and Control, 15(1).
Childe SJ, Maull RS, Radnor ZJ, Smart PA (2004). Capitalizing on thematic initiatives: a framework for process-based change in SMEs. Production Planning & Control, 15(1), 2-12.
Bales RR, Maull RS, Radnor Z (2004). The Development of Supply Chain Management Within the Aerospace Manufacturing Sector. Supply Chain Management Journal, 9, 250-256.
Bales RR, Maull RS, Radnor Z (2004). The development of supply chain management within the aerospace manufacturing sector. Supply Chain Management-An International Journal, 9(3-4), 250-255. Abstract.
Smart PA, Maull RS, Radnor Z, Housel TJ (2003). An approach for identifying value in business processes. Journal of Knowledge Management, 7(4), 49-61.
Smart PA, Housel T, Maull R, Radnor ZJ (2003). An approach for identifying value in business processes. Journal of Knowledge Management, 7(4), 49-61.
Maull RS, Maull W, Tranfield D (2003). Factors characterising the maturity of BPR programmes. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 23(6), 596-624.
Maull RS, Ellis B, Williams T (2002). Demand chain management theory: constraints and development from global aerospace supply webs. Journal of Operations Management, 20(6), 691-706.
Childe SJ, Maull RS, Nash Z (2001). Factors affecting the implementation of process based change. International Journal of Technology Management, 22(1-3), 55-72.
Maull RS, Brown P, Cliffe R (2001). Organisational Culture and Quality Improvement. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 21(3), 302-327.
Smart PA, Maull RS, Childe SJ (1999). A reference model of 'operate' processes for process-based change. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 12(6), 471-482. Abstract.
Smart PA, Maull RS, Greswell TJ, Childe SJ, Tranfield DR (1999). Strategies for enterprise integration: the three-lens model. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 32(2), 163-170.
Maull RS, Weaver AM, Childe SJ, Smart PA, Bennett J (1995). Current issues in Business Process Re-engineering in UK manufacturing companies. International Journal of Operations and Production Management
Maull R, Childe S (1994). Business Process Re‐engineering. Journal of Service Management, 5(3), 26-34.
Childe SJ, Maull RS, Bennett J (1994). FRAMEWORKS FOR UNDERSTANDING BUSINESS PROCESS REENGINEERING. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 14(12), 22-34. Abstract.
Maull RS, Childe SJ (1993). A step-by-step guide to the identification of an appropriate computer-aided production management system. Production Planning and Control, 4(1), 69-76. Abstract.
Childe SJ, Maull RS, Weaver AM (1993). THE APPLICATION OF HIERARCHICAL CONTROL-SYSTEMS TO REDUCE LEAD TIMES IN ONE-OF-A-KIND PRODUCTION (OKP). IFIP Transactions B-Applications in Technology, 13, 517-524. Abstract.
Maull R, Hughes D, Childe S, Weston N, Tranfield D, Smith S (1990). A Methodology for the Design and Implementation of Resilient CAPM Systems. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, Volume 10(Issue 9), 27-36.


Ng ICL, Maull RS (In Press). Embedding the New Discipline of Service Science. In Demirkan H, Spohrer JC, Krishna V (Eds.) The Science of Service Systems, Springer.
Ng I, Maull RS (In Press). Embedding the new Discipline of Service Science. In  (Ed) Advancement of Services Systems.
Batista L, Bourlakis M, Smart P, Maull R (2018). Business Models in the Circular Economy and the Enabling Role of Circular Supply Chains. In  (Ed) Operations Management and Sustainability, Springer Nature, 105-134.
Godsiff P, Maull R, Davies P (2018). Systems Behaviour and Implications for Service-Dominant Logic. In  (Ed) The SAGE Handbook of Service-Dominant Logic, SAGE Publications, 214-229.
Ng I, Parry G, Maull R, McFarlane D (2011). Complex Engineering Service Systems: a Grand Challenge. In  (Ed) Complex Engineering Service Systems, Springer Nature, 439-454.
Smart PA, Childe SJ, Maull RS (1999). Supporting business process re-engineering in industry: towards a methodology. In Gulladge R, Elzinga J (Eds.) Process Engineering: Advancing the State of the Art, Boston: Kluwer Academic Pub, 283-319.
Maull RS, Childe SJ, Mills JB, Smart PA (1998). The Role of CIM and Robotics in Enterprise Engineering. In Nof SY (Ed) Handbook of industrial robotics, Wiley, 495-508.
Smart PA, Maull RS, Childe SJ (1997). Integration in Small and Medium Enterprises:Specification of a Business Process Re-engineering Methodology. In  (Ed) Enterprise Engineering and Integration, Springer Nature, 449-458.
Maull R, Weaver A, Smart A, Childe S (1997). Using IDEF0 to develop Generic Business Process Models. In  (Ed) Computer Applications in Production and Engineering, Springer Nature, 227-236.
Childe SJ, Weaver AM, Maull RS, Smart PA, Bennett J (1995). The application of generic process models in Business Process Re-engineering. In  (Ed) Re-engineering the Enterprise, Springer Nature, 110-120.
Maull R, Childe S (1993). Methodologies for the Regeneration of Manufacturing Competitiveness. In  (Ed) Advances in Factories of the Future, CIM and Robotics, Elsevier, 13-21.
Childe S, Maull R, Hughes D, Weston N, Tranfield D, Smith S (1991). A Methodology for the Implementation of Integrated CAPM Systems. In  (Ed) Achieving Competitive Edge Getting Ahead Through Technology and People, Springer Nature, 109-114.


Brewer S, Godsiff P, Kazantsev N, Maull R (2023). From data sharing to resource efficiency: the role of clubs as institutional arrangements of trustworthiness. International Conference on AI and the Digital Economy (CADE 2023).
Kazantsev N, Ghernes C, Zwiegelaar J, Maull R, Brown AW, Vorley T (2023). To Share, Curate or Sell: Three Pathways of Using Data in Open Innovation.
Maull R, Maull W, Brown A (2021). Patterns of adoption of agile tools. Abstract.
Kewell EJ, Mulligan C, Godsiff P, Maull R (2017). Programmable Money, Digital Gold and the Future of Blockchain:. Categorizing the Affordances and Expectations of a Promising Technology. CADE. 1st - 3rd Jun 2017. Abstract.
Maull R, Mulligan C, Godsiff P (2015). Introduction to new economic models of the digital economy Minitrack.
Maull R, Godsiff P, Mulligan C (2015). Transitioning to the pull economy: the case of the UK railways. Abstract.
Maull R, Mulligan CEA (2014). New Economic Models of the Digital Economy. 2014 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
Maull R, Godsiff P, Mulligan CEA (2014). The impact of datafication on service systems. Abstract.
Maull R, Godsiff P, Ng I (2013). A systems model of a service organization. Abstract.
Kumar V, Smart PA, Maddern H, Maull RS (2008). Alternative perspectives on service quality and customer satisfaction: the role of BPM. 10th International Research Symposium on Service Excellence in Management (QUIS 10). 14th - 17th Jun 2007. Abstract.
Kumar V, Maddern H, Smart PA, Maull RS, Tiwari MK (2006). Analysing the drivers of customer satisfaction using structural equation modelling. 10th Annual conference of the Society of Operations Management. 21st - 23rd Dec 2006.
Smart PA, Maddern H, Maull RS (2006). Business Process Management (BPM): the missing link in the service profit chain. Production Operations Management Society - College of Service Operations.
Maddern H, Smart PA, Spilsbury C, Maull RS (2005). BPM as an enabler for Six Sigma. European Operations Management Conference.
Maddern H, Maull RS, Smart PA, Spilsbury C (2005). Business Process Management As an Enabler for Six Sigma: Evidence from UK Financial Services. Operations and Global Competiveness.
Maull RS, Smart PA, Karasneh A, Smith D (2004). Process Design in Hospitals: the Role of Simulation Models. 11th International Annual EurOMA conference. 27th - 29th Jun 2004.
Maddern H, Maull RS, Smart PA (2004). Understanding Business process management: Evidence from UK Financial Services. 11th International Annual EurOMA conference. 27th - 29th Jun 2004.
Maddern H, Maull RS (2003). Measuring Business Process Management: a case study from UK Financial Services. One World: One View of POM?.
Smart PA, Maull RS, Smith D (2003). Strategies for Integration: the Three lens Model. in One World: One View of POM?.
Bales R, Maull RS, Radnor Z (2003). The Development of Supply Chain Management within the Aerospace Manufacturing Sector. One World: One View of POM?.
Smart PA, Maull RS, Karasneh A, Housel T, Radnor Z (2001). An approach to identify value in business processes. 8th International European Operations Management Association Conference.
Williams T, Maull RS, Ellis B, Gregory M (2001). Global aerospace competences: strategy and supply chain tiers. 8th International European Operations Management Association Conference.
Smart PA, Maull RS, Greswell T, Radnor Z (2001). The characterisation and validation of a framework for process based change in SMEs. 1st World Conference on Production and Operations Management.
Greswell T, Childe S, Maull R (1998). Three manufacturing strategy archetypes - a framework for the UK aerospace industry.  Author URL.
Maull RS, Weaver AM, Childe SJ, Smar PA, Bennett J (1995). Current issues in business process re-engineering.
Childe SJ, Delapascua G, Hallihan AJ, Maull RS, Pearce PD (1993). PRODUCTIVITY IMPROVEMENTS IN a MAKE TO ORDER COMPANY. 4th International Conference on Productivity and Quality Research. 9th - 12th Feb 1993.

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External Engagement and Impact

External positions

  • Visiting Professor at the Australian School of Business at UNSW.

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I am currently teaching sustainability topics on the MBA.



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