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Department of Management

Professor Alexandra Gerbasi

Professor Alexandra Gerbasi

Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Executive Dean of the Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy. Dean of the University of Exeter Business School


 +44 (0) 1392 726298

 Harrison 305


College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences,  Harrison Building, Streatham Campus,  University of Exeter, North Park Road, Exeter, EX4 4QF


Alexandra Gerbasi joined the University of Exeter in 2017. Previously, she has held posts at the University of Surrey, Grenoble Ecole de Management and California State University, Northridge. She received her Ph.D. in sociology from Stanford University and her undergraduate degree from Duke University. Her research focuses on the effects of positive and negative network ties within the workplace, and their effects on performance, leadership, well-being, thriving, affect and turnover. In addition, her research addresses how individuals recognize opportunities for collaboration and advancement in their networks.  Her research has appeared in Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, Journal of Organizational Behavior, The Leadership Quarterly, Social Psychology Quarterly, and Organizational Dynamics.  Her research has been supported by the National Science Foundation and Agence Nationale de la Recherche. She has formerly served as the Head of Department of Management and is currently the Dean of the Business School and Pro-Vice Chancellor of the Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy. 

Nationality: American and British

Administrative responsibilities

  • Dean of the University of Exeter Business School 
  • Deputy Pro-Vice Chancellor of Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy 
  • Executive Director of the Exeter Centre for Leadership
  • Faculty Senate
  • Senate Representative on University Council


  • Ph.D. Stanford University
  • MA Stanford University
  • BA Duke University


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Research interests

  • Leader emergence
  • Well-being and thriving
  • Civility and incivility
  • Social Networks
  • Negative workplace interactions

Research projects

I am currently working on several projects including:

  • How emergent or informal leaders are better placed to handle the strain of boundary spanning behaviours than do formal leaders who do not have the collective support of their colleagues.
  • How both hierarchy and role stressors influence civil behaviours.
  • How an individual’s position in the positive and negative energy networks influences voluntary and involuntary turnover.

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Parker A, Gerbasi A, Emery C (2023). Introduction. Abstract.
Gerbasi A, Emery C, Parker A (2023). Understanding workplace relationships: an examination of the antecedents and outcomes. Abstract.
Cullen-Lester KL, Gerbasi A, White S (2016). The promise and peril of workplace connections: Insights for leaders about workplace networks and well-being. Abstract.

Journal articles

Cullen-Lester K, Maupin C, Floyd T, Mahdon M, Gerbasi A, Carter D (In Press). Crossing the Bridge from Network Training to Development: a Guide to Move Trainees from Classroom Insights to Effective Networks. Organizational Dynamics Abstract.
Lee A, Gerbasi AM, Schwarz G, Newman A (In Press). Leader-Member Exchange Social Comparisons and Follower Outcomes: the Roles of Felt Obligation and Psychological Entitlement. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology
Oshri I, Kotlarsky J, Gerbasi A (In Press). Relational and Contractual Governance for Innovation. Dynamic Innovation in Outsourcing. Technology, Work and Globalization.
Floyd T, Gerbasi A, Labianca G (2023). The role of sociopolitical workplace networks in involuntary employee turnover. Social Networks, 76, 215-215.
Carter D, Cullen-Lester K, Jones J, Gerbasi A, Chrobot-Mason D, Nae EY (2020). Functional Leadership in Interteam Contexts: Understanding ‘What’ in the Context of Why? Where? When? and Who?. The Leadership Quarterly
Inceoglu I, Thomas G, Chu C, Plans D, Gerbasi A (2018). Leadership behavior and employee well-being: an integrated review and a future research agenda. Leadership Quarterly
Zimmermann A, Oshri I, Lioliou E, Gerbasi A (2018). Sourcing in or out: Implications for social capital and knowledge sharing. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 27(1), 82-100.
Cullen‐Lester KL, Leroy H, Gerbasi A, Nishii L (2016). Energy's role in the extraversion (dis)advantage: How energy ties and task conflict help clarify the relationship between extraversion and proactive performance. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 37(7), 1003-1022. Abstract.
Chrobot-Mason D, Gerbasi A, Cullen-Lester KL (2016). Predicting leadership relationships: the importance of collective identity. LEADERSHIP QUARTERLY, 27(2), 298-311.
Parker A, Gerbasi A (2016). The impact of energizing interactions on voluntary and involuntary turnover. M@n@gement, 19(3), 177-177.
Gerbasi A, Porath CL, Parker A, Spreitzer G, Cross R (2015). Destructive de-energizing relationships: How thriving buffers their effect on performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 100(5), 1423-1433.
Porath CL, Gerbasi A (2015). Does civility pay?. Organizational Dynamics, 44(4), 281-286.
Oshri I, Kotlarsky J, Gerbasi A (2015). Strategic innovation through outsourcing: the role of relational and contractual governance. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 24(3), 203-216.
Porath CL, Gerbasi A, Schorch SL (2015). The effects of civility on advice, leadership, and performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 100(5), 1527-1541.
Cullen KL, Gerbasi A, Chrobot-Mason D (2015). Thriving in Central Network Positions: the Role of Political Skill. Journal of Management, 44(2), 682-706. Abstract.
Gerbasi A, Latusek D (2015). Trust-building in international business ventures. Baltic Journal of Management, 10(1), 30-51. Abstract.
Parker A, Gerbasi A, Porath CL (2013). The effects of de-energizing ties in organizations and how to manage them. Organizational Dynamics, 42(2), 110-118.
Cross R, Gray P, Gerbasi A, Assimakopoulos D (2012). Building engagement from the ground up. Organizational Dynamics, 41(3), 202-211.
(2010). Trust and Technology in a Ubiquitous Modern Environment.
Cheshire C, Gerbasi A, Cook KS (2010). Trust and Transitions in Modes of Exchange. SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY QUARTERLY, 73(2), 176-195.  Author URL.


Gerbasi A, Latusek D (In Press). Cultural Differences in Trust in High-Tech International Business Ventures. In  (Ed) Managing Dynamic Technology-Oriented Businesses, IGI Global, 1-10. Abstract.
Gerbasi A, Emery C, Parker A (2023). Correction to: Understanding workplace relationships. In  (Ed) Understanding Workplace Relationships: an Examination of the Antecedents and Outcomes, C1-C1.
Parker A, Gerbasi A, Emery C (2023). Introduction. In  (Ed) Understanding Workplace Relationships, Springer Nature, 1-21.
Parker A, Gerbasi A, Cullen-Lester K (2023). Networks, knowledge, and rivalry: the effect of performance and co-location on perceptions of knowledge sharing. In  (Ed) Understanding Workplace Relationships: an Examination of the Antecedents and Outcomes, 295-321. Abstract.
Gerbasi A, Emery C, Cullen-Lester K, Mahdon M (2023). Satisfied in the outgroup: How co-worker relational energy compensates for low-quality relationships with managers. In  (Ed) Understanding Workplace Relationships: an Examination of the Antecedents and Outcomes, 137-165. Abstract.
Oshri I, Lioliou E, Gerbasi AM, Zimmermann A (2019). Organizational Controls, Social Ties and Performance in Plural Sourcing. In Kotlarsky J, Oshri I, Willcocks L (Eds.) Digital Services and Platforms. Considerations for Sourcing. Global Sourcing, Springer, 164-185. Abstract.
Oshri I, Lioliou E, Gerbasi A, Zimmermann A (2019). Organizational Controls, Social Ties and Performance in Plural Sourcing. In  (Ed) Digital Services and Platforms. Considerations for Sourcing, Springer Nature, 164-185.
Cook KS, Gerbasi A (2017). Trust. In  (Ed) The Oxford Handbook of Analytical Sociology, 218-241. Abstract.
Cook KS, Gerbasi A (2015). Homans and Emerson on Power: Out of the Skinner Box?. In  (Ed) George C. Homans: History, Theory, and Method, 157-176. Abstract.
Gerbasi A, Latusek D (2014). Cultural Differences in Trust in High-Tech International Business Ventures. In  (Ed) Cross-Cultural Interaction, IGI Global, 909-918. Abstract.
Gerbasi A, Latusek D (2014). Cultural differences in trust in high-tech international business ventures: the case of a US-Poland cooperation. In  (Ed) Cross-Cultural Interaction: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications, 909-918. Abstract.
Gerbasi A, Latusek D (2012). Cultural differences in trust in high-tech international business ventures: the case of a US-poland cooperation. In  (Ed) Managing Dynamic Technology-Oriented Businesses: High Tech Organizations and Workplaces, 1-10. Abstract.
Cook KS, Gerbasi A (2012). Social Exchange. In  (Ed) Encyclopedia of Human Behavior: Second Edition, 479-485. Abstract.
Cook KS, Cheshire C, Gerbasi A, Aven B (2009). Assessing trustworthiness in providers. In  (Ed) eTRUST: Forming relationships in the online world, 189-214. Abstract.
Gerbasi A, Cook KS (2008). Chapter 9 the Effect of Perceived Trustworthiness on Affect in Negotiated and Reciprocal Exchange. In  (Ed) Social Structure and Emotion, Elsevier, 141-165.
Gerbasi A, Cook KS (2008). The Effect of Perceived Trustworthiness on Affect in Negotiated and Reciprocal Exchange. In  (Ed) Social Structure and Emotion, Elsevier, 141-165.
Cook KS, Rice ERW, Gerbasi A (2004). The Emergence of Trust Networks under Uncertainty: the Case of Transitional Economies—Insights from Social Psychological Research. In  (Ed) Creating Social Trust in Post-Socialist Transition, Palgrave Macmillan US, 193-212.


Porath C, Kennedy J, Gerbasi AM (In Press). Do jerks get ahead? the consequences of incivility for social rank. International Association for Conflict Management (IACM) Conference.
Gerbasi A, Lee A, Thomas G, Legood A (In Press). Horizontal and Vertical Social Exchanges, the Benefits of both Giving and Receiving. 3rd Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Leadership Symposium.
Cullen-Lester K, Gerbasi AM, Emery C (In Press). Modelling Collective Leadership: Applying Advanced Social Network Techniques to Quantify the Patterns and Processes of Leadership. Modelling Collective Leadership: Applying Advanced Social Network Techniques to Quantify the Patterns and Processes of Leadership.
Moser C, Deichmann D, Gerbasi A, Perkmann M, Grohsjean T (In Press). Rise and Shine! How to Present Your Academic Research. Academy of Management Annual Conference. Abstract.
Cullen-Lester K, Gerbasi AM, Emery C (2019). Embedding LMX in Networks. Sunbelt Social Networks Conference. 17th - 23rd Jun 2019.
Emery C, Gerbasi AM, Cullen-Lester K (2019). Examining how Leader-Member Exchange Differentiation Shapes the Pattern of Social Networks. European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology Congress. 29th May - 1st Jun 2019. Abstract.
Lee A, Gerbasi AM, Schwarz G, Newman A (2019). Leader-Member Exchange Social Comparisons and Follower Outcomes: the Roles of Felt Obligation and Psychological Entitlement. European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology Congress. 29th May - 1st Jun 2019. Abstract.
Lee A, Emery C, Gerbasi AM, Cullen-Lester K, Parker A (2019). Political Navigators: Political Skills & Accuracy in Social Network Perception. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Leadership Symposium. 15th - 18th May 2019.
Gerbasi A, Parker A, Cullen-Lester K (2018). A Social Comparison Approach to Knowledge Hiding. Sunbelt Conference. 26th Jun - 1st Jul 2018.
Inceoglu I, Thomas G, Chu C, Plans D, Gerbasi A (2018). Leadership behavior and employee well-being: an integrated review. the Institute of Work Psychology International Conference. 19th - 22nd Jun 2018.
Cullen-Lester K, Parker A, Gerbasi A, Leroy H (2018). One Extravert Too Many: Negative Assortivity for Extraverts in Energizing Workplace Relationships. Sunbelt Conference. 26th Jun - 1st Jul 2018.
Gerbasi A, Cullen-Lester K, Emery C (2018). Using Social Network Analysis to Quantify Collective Leadership Processes and Patterns. Sunbelt. 26th Jun - 1st Jul 2018.
Oshri I, Kotlasky J, Gerbasi A (2012). Understanding Innovation in Outsourcing Services.  Author URL.
Oshri I, Kotlarsky J, Gerbasi A (2011). Can client firms achieve radical innovation in IT outsourcing?. Abstract.

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External Engagement and Impact


  • Visiting International Academic Fellowships.  2018-2019. University of Exeter
  • Barbara and Sandy Dornbusch Award for Excellence in Social Psychology.  2007. Stanford University.
  • Walter J. Gores Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Education.  2004.  Stanford University.
  • William H. Metzler Fellowship in Sociology 2003-2004.  Stanford University

External Examiner Positions

  • London Business School

External positions

Chief Operating Officer Academy of Management Organizational Behavior Division

International recognition, such as international research collaborations, visiting research posts in overseas institutions, involvement at senior levels in international research associations, acting as referee for national and international research councils.

  • Fletcher Building Employee Education Fund Visiting Chair in Leadership. University of Auckland Business School.  2019-2020.

Journal and book series Editorships and Editorial board membership

Editorial Board

  • The Leadership Quarterly
  • Journal of Trust Research

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I have taught research methods and statistics over the past 15 years. I constantly evolved the classes in order to better meet the needs of business students. The current instantiation of the course involves the integration of real world case studies) so that students can better appreciate the variety of uses of quantitative skills in business and management. Being able to use and collect data effectively are key skills necessary to get ahead today, and I design my classes so that students can excel in that arena.



Information not currently available

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Supervision / Group

Postdoctoral researchers

  • Michelle Mahdon

Postgraduate researchers

  • Najd Alzunaydi
  • Zexi Li
  • Siobhan Renshaw

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