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Department of Economics

Dr Szabolcs Deak

Dr Szabolcs Deak

Lecturer in Economics


 Xfi Building F06, first floor


Xfi Building, University of Exeter, Rennes Drive, Exeter, EX4 4ST, UK


Szabolcs has joined the Business School in September 2019. He received his Masters degree in Economics from the University of Szeged (Hungary) in 1999 and worked there as a full-time Lecturer and then Senior Lecturer from 1999 to 2005. He went on to study Economics at post-graduate level from 2006 at Bocconi University (Milan, Italy), receiving his PhD in 2011. He previously worked at the Monetary Policy Research Division of the European Central Bank (Frankfurt am Main, Germany) and held a Jean Monnet Postgraduate Fellowship at the European University Institute (Florence, Italy). He joined the School of Economics at the University of Surrey in 2013 to support the research activities of the ESRC funded project "Agent-Based and DSGE Macroeconomic Models: A Comparative Study".

Nationality: Hungarian


  • Ph.D.


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Research interests

  • Monetary Economics
  • Fiscal Policy
  • Computational Economics

I am a macroeconomist with particular interest in questions related to the transmission and conduct of monetary, fiscal and macro-prudential policy. The methodology I employ is both theoretical and applied. I develop DSGE models to inform policy makers and to produce novel insights. I also use empirical methods to estimate reduced form and structural models. I am interested in developing and applying computationally intensive methods, which is supported by my strong background in computer science.

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Journal articles

Deak S, Levine PL, Pham S (In Press). Mandates and Monetary Rules in a New Keynesian Framework. SSRN Electronic Journal
Deak S (In Press). Simple Mandates. Monetary Rules and Trend-Inflation. Macroeconomic Dynamics
Deak S (In Press). Tax Cuts in Open Economies. Review of Economic Dynamics Abstract.
Deak S (2023). Reinforcement Learning in a New Keynesian Model. Algorithms, 16

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I have extensive teaching experience in Macroeconomics and Quantitative Methods. I have been a Lecturer or a Teaching Assistant for several courses at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels (including PhD) in Hungary, Italy and the United Kingdom.



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