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Department of Economics

Dr Giancarlo Ianulardo

Dr Giancarlo Ianulardo

Senior Lecturer in Economics


 +44 (0) 1392 726284

 Streatham Court 0.75


Streatham Court, University of Exeter, Rennes Drive, Exeter, EX4 4PU, UK


Dr Ianulardo joined the Economics Department of the University of Exeter Business School in September 2010. Previously, he was a Teaching Fellow at the University of Bath, from 2007 to 2010, where he taught Microeconomics to 1st, 2nd and 3rd year students, and Mathematical Economics.

He has also been a member of the Teaching Committee, Programme Director of the BSc Business Economics and is currently Programme Coordinator for Flexible Combined Honours (Economics). He is module leader of Mathematics for Economists, Basic Quantitative Methods and Philosophy of Economics.

He is an External Examiner for Economics and a Mentor and Assessor for the Aspire Team (Advance HE).

He has been awarded the Fellowship and the Senior Fellowship of the Advance Higher Education.

Nationality: Italian, British


Administrative Responsibilities

  • Member of the Teaching Committee at the Economics Department of the University of Bath
  • Member of the Mitigation Committee, University of Exeter Business School
  • Program Director of Business Economics, University of Exeter Business School
  • Program Coordinator of Flexible Combined Honours (Economics) , University of Exeter Business School
  • External Examiner for Economics
  • Mentor and Assessor for the Aspire Team (Advance HE

Languages studied

  • English: three-year course at university, ‘Preliminary English Test’ at the University of Cambridge local examination centre, fluently spoken and written
  • French: three-year course at university, ‘Brevet de Etudes Françaises’ at the University of Tours, fluently spoken and written
  • Spanish: three-year course at university, fluently spoken and written
  • German: three-year course at university, only written
  • Portuguese, ‘Diploma de Estudos Portugueses’ at the University of Lisbon, fluently spoken and written
  • Ancient Greek, Latin and Hebrew: only reading


BSc Economics (Salerno, Italy), MSc Econ & Fin (Warwick Business School, UK), PhD Economics (Warwick, UK).

Fellow and Senior Fellow of the Advance Higher Education.

Research group links

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Research interests

  • ​Metaphysical Realism and Objectivity in Science
  • Responsibility and Moral Imagination in intergenerational justice
  • Sovereign debt and Political economy
  • Game theoretical analysis of Law and Institutions

Dr Ianulardo’s research is in the area of philosophy of economics, social ontology and institutions.

The main focus of his research is on the role of objectivity in science, and in economics in particular, and metaphysical realism, exploring the implications for the economic discourse of a reconsideration of some philosophical categories such as relation, existence, object, and truth. His paper on Metaphysical Realism and Objectivity is a first step in this broader research agenda.

In recent articles he has focused on the notion of responsibility and fictional expectations in the context of environmental ethics and, in particular, the Circular Economy.

His current research interests are in philosophy of economics, and the role of humanities (philosophy and ethics) in economics and economic education. His recent research has focused on metaphysical realism and moral imagination. He is currently working in reductionism in philosophy of mind and social sciences methodology (i.e., methodological individualism vs holism). In ethics, he is interested in the concept of responsibility and its dialogical foundation. The unifying theme in his research interests is the role of transcendental consciousness and subjectivity in social sciences.

He has also worked is in the area of game theory applied to international political economy, focusing especially on external and domestic sovereign debt, and legal and political institutions. Specifically, he has applied his research to recent default episodes, such as the Argentinean case. Recently, he has been working with some international colleagues on the dynamics of sovereign debt under alternative international monetary regimes.

Research projects

Dr. Ianulardo is currently involved in a broader research agenda on metaphysical realism and objectivity, the notion of relation and existence, and their implications for economic categories. In particular, his focus is on social ontology, as applied to institutions and their formal and informal rules and the constituents of economic and social relationships. He is investigating the philosophical concept of relation within the debate between methodological individualism and holism.

He is also working with some colleagues on the determinants of sovereign debt repayment. His research includes the use of game theoretical tools to formalise the long run relationship between different classes of creditors and the sovereign debtor.

Research grants

  • 2023 PRME (Principles for Responsible Management Education) UK
    2023-2024: PRME (Principles for Responsible Management Education) UK & Ireland Seed Funding Awards, 2023 (£750), Principal Investigator: Project: “Developing a “Purpose Ecosystem” in Higher Education through Humanistic Business Education and Moral Imagination”.

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Journal articles

De Angelis R, Ianulardo G (2024). Circular economy principles as a basis for a sustainability management theory: a systems thinking and moral imagination approach. Business Strategy and the Environment Abstract.
Stella A, Cantalupi T, Ianulardo G (2022). The concept of relation and the explanation of the phenomenon of Entanglement. Philosophical Investigations Abstract.
Ianulardo G, Stella A (2022). Towards a unity of sense: a critical analysis of the concept of relation in methodological individualism and holism in Economics. Journal of Philosophical Economics, XV(1), 196-226. Abstract.
Ianulardo G, Stella A (2022). Towards a unity of sense: a critical analysis of the concept of relation in methodological individualism and holism in economics. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL ECONOMICS, 15(1), 196-226.  Author URL.
De Angelis R, Ianulardo G (2020). Circular Economy as Fictional Expectation to Overcome Societal Addictions. Where do We Stand?. Philosophy of Management, 19(2), 133-153. Abstract.
Bragoli D, Ferretti C, Ganugi P, Grossi L, Ianulardo G (2020). Does the past count? Sovereign debt during the classical Gold Standard through the lenses of mover stayer and Markov chain models. Rivista internazionale di scienze sociali, 127(4), 407-432. Abstract.
Stella A, Ianulardo G (2020). Reciprocal determination and the unity of distinct determinations in the Primal Structure of Emanuele Severino. Eternity and Contradiction. Journal of Fundamental Ontology, 2(3), 52-70. Abstract.
Stella A, Ianulardo G (2019). Sulla non originarietà della relazione. Replica a G. Goggi [On the non-primacy of the relation. Reply to G. Goggi]. La Filosofia Futura, 10, 75-84.
Stella A, Ianulardo G (2019). The naturalisation of the mind and neurosciences: a reform of anthropology?. Cum-Scientia, I(1), 3-22. Abstract.
Stella A, Ianulardo G (2018). La relazione di coscienza e oggetto nell’Introduzione alla Fenomenologia dello spirito di Hegel. [The relation between concept and object in the Introduction to Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit]. Acta Philosphica, Rivista internazionale di filosofia, 27 (2), 289-311. Abstract.
Stella A, Ianulardo G (2018). Metaphysical Realism and Objectivity: Some Theoretical Reflections. Philosophia, 46 (4), 1001-1021. Abstract.
Stella A, Ianulardo G (2017). La relazione come fondamento nella lettura di Anassimandro offerta da Heidegger e da Severino [Relation as ground in the reading of Anaximander by Heidegger and Severino]. Filosofia futura, 8, 87-97. Abstract.
Stella A, Ianulardo G (2017). Le premesse concettuali de La Struttura Originaria di Emanuele Severino [Conceptual premises of “The Original Structure” of Emanuele Severino]. Divus Thomas, 120(3), 182-210. Abstract.
Stella A, Ianulardo G (2016). Mind-Body Problem : dalla critica al monismo ad una possibile soluzione linguistica. [Mind-Body Problem: from the critique of monism to a possible linguistic solution]. Thèmes, II Abstract.
Ganugi P, Grossi L, Ianulardo G (2015). Scale economies and heterogeneity in business money demand: the Italian experience. Bulletin of Economic Research, 67(2), 146-165. Abstract.
Bragoli D, Ganugi P, Ianulardo G (2013). Gini's transvariation analysis: an application on financial crises in developing countries. Empirica, 40(1), 153-174. Abstract.
Ianulardo G (2009). Law as a claim of the individual in B. Leoni: a game theoretical analysis. Procesos de Mercado/Market Processes, 1(6), 73-116.
Ianulardo G (2006). Creditor Reputation as a Deterrent against Debtor Moral Hazard. Atti della Seconda Lazione Arcelli, 75-126.


Ianulardo G, Stella A (2023). Theoretical and ethical reductionism and the neglect of subjectivity in economics and economic education. In Negru I, Duckworth C, Meyenburg I (Eds.) Handbook of Teaching Ethics to Economists, Edward Elgar, 163-187. Abstract.
Ianulardo G, Stella A (2022). La coscienza in Sulla natura umana [Consciousness in "On Human Nature"]. In Iannone L, Malgieri G (Eds.) Roger Scruton, Giubilei Regnani, 109-109.
Ianulardo G, Stella A, De Angelis R (2022). Uncovering the Dialogical Dimension of Corporate Responsibility: Towards a Transcendental Approach to Economics, with an Application to the Circular Economy. In Faldetta G, Mollona E, Pellegrini MM (Eds.) Philosophy and Business Ethics. Organizations, CSR and Moral Practice, Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave MacMillan, 535-567. Abstract.
Stella A, Ianulardo G (2020). Plato and Parmenides' Parricide: some Theoretical Reflections. In Zabalza A, Grard C (Eds.) Les personnes et les choses: du droit civil à la philosophie du droit et de l’État: mélanges en l'honneur du professeur Jean-Marc Trigeaud, Éditions Bière, 143-153. Abstract.


Ianulardo G, Stella A, De Angelis R (2023). Complexity and reductionism at the source of the current impasse in economic theory and ecology: which model of man for the Anthropocene?. VI International Conference of Economic Philosophy: Economic Philosophy in the Age of the Anthropocene. 28th Jun - 1st Jul 2023. Abstract.
Ianulardo G, De Angelis R (2023). Developing a “Purpose Ecosystem” in Higher Education through Humanistic Business Education and Moral Imagination. 2023 PRME UK & Ireland Annual Conference: UK and Ireland PRME Chapter 10 years on: Reflecting, refreshing and re-envisioning. 27th - 28th Jun 2023.
De Angelis R, Ianulardo G (2023). In search for better theories? Towards the six ‘Es’ of a circular economy-based sustainability management theory. 39th EGOS Colloquium: Organizing for the Good Life: Between Legacy and Imagination. 6th - 8th Jul 2023.
Ianulardo G, Stella A (2023). Sparking students’ curiosity as an antidote to academic cheating and plagiarism in the era of Artificial Intelligence. TeachECONference2023: IV Annual Virtual Conference. 28th - 30th Jun 2023. Abstract.
Ianulardo G, Stella A, De Angelis R (2023). The quest for microfoundations in management and economics and the neglect of the concept of relation in the agency vs structure debate. XV Philosophy of Management Conference. 2nd Jun - 4th Jul 2023. Abstract.
Ianulardo G, De Angelis R (2022). Humanising Business Education with Moral Imagination and Human Betterment: the contribution of the Circular Economy to a renewed Philosophy of Higher Education. XIV Philosophy of Management Conference - PHOM 2022. 1st Jul - 4th Jun 2022. Abstract.
Ianulardo G, Stella A (2022). Methodological Individualism and Holism in Economics and Economics Education: Friends or Foes?. I Economists’ Philosophy Day. 17th - 17th Nov 2022. Abstract.
Ianulardo G, Poen E (2022). Students’ Academic Misconduct and Lecturers’ Responsibility in the age of Blended Learning: Recognition and Dialogue as pedagogical drivers to build integrity. Teaching and Learning Conference 2022: Teaching in the spotlight: Where next for enhancing student success?. 5th Jul - 7th Jun 2022. Abstract.
Ianulardo G, Stella A, De Angelis R (2021). The Dialogical Dimension of Corporate Responsibility: an Analysis and an Application to the Circular Economy. EURAM 2021 Online Conference. 16th - 18th Jul 2021.
Ianulardo G (2021). The role of humanities in economic education: the case of ethics and philosophy of economics. Advance HE’s Virtual Teaching and Learning Conference 2021: Teaching in the Spotlight: What is the Future for HE Curricula?. 6th - 8th Jul 2021.
Ianulardo G, Stella A (2021). Theoretical and Ethical reductionism and the neglect of subjectivity in economics and economic education. Conference on “Teaching Ethics to Economists: Challenges and Benefits” at the London South Bank University. 21st - 22nd Oct 2021.
Ianulardo G, De Angelis R (2019). The Contribution of Circular Economy to Human Betterment:. Moral Imagination and Teleological Ethics. European Academy of Management EURAM 2019 Conference. 26th - 28th Jun 2019. Abstract.
Ianulardo G, Stella A (2019). The role of humanities in economic education: the case of philosophy of economics. Developments in Education (DEE) Conference. 12th - 13th Sep 2019. Abstract.
Stella A, Ianulardo G (2018). Reciprocal determination and the unity of distinct determinations. in the Original Structure of Emanuele Severino. International Congress of Philosophy ‘At the dawn of eternity: the first 60 years of the “Original Structure” of Emanuele Severino”. 2nd - 3rd Mar 2018. Abstract.

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External Engagement and Impact

External Examiner Positions

External Examiner for Economics at the University of Essex

Conferences and invited presentations

  • Invited Presentation at the VI International Conference of Economic Philosophy: Economic Philosophy in the Age of the Anthropocene. Held on 28/6 – 1/7, at the University of Lille (France). Paper presented: Complexity and reductionism at the source of the current impasse in economic theory and ecology: which model of man for the Anthropocene?
  • Invited Presentation at the 39th EGOS Colloquium: Organizing for the Good Life: Between Legacy and Imagination. Held on 6-8 July 2023 at the University of Cagliari (Italy). Paper presented: In search for better theories? Towards the six ‘Es’ of a circular economy-based sustainability management theory.
  • Invited Presentation at the TeachECONference2023: IV Annual Virtual Conference. Held on 28-30 June 2023 at University College, London. Paper presented: Sparking students’ curiosity as an antidote to academic cheating and plagiarism in the era of Artificial Intelligence.
  • Invited Presentation at the 2023 PRME UK & Ireland Annual Conference: UK and Ireland PRME Chapter 10 years on: Reflecting, refreshing and re-envisioning. Held on 27-28 June at the Aston University, College of Business and Social Sciences, Birmingham. Paper presented: Developing a “Purpose Ecosystem” in Higher Education through Humanistic Business Education and Moral Imagination.
  • Invited Presentation at the XV Philosophy of Management Conference, at EM Normandie, Oxford University, Oxford, 2-4 June 2023. Paper presented: The quest for microfoundations in management and economics and the neglect of the concept of relation in the agency vs structure debate.
  • Invited Presentation at the I Economists’ Philosophy Day, 17th November 2022 (Online Conference). Paper presented: Methodological Individualism and Holism in Economics and Economics Education: Friends or Foes?
  • Invited Presentation at the XIV Philosophy of Management Conference, at St. Anne’s College, Oxford University, Oxford, 1-4 July 2022. Paper accepted: Humanising Business Education with Moral Imagination and Human Betterment: The contribution of the Circular Economy to a renewed Philosophy of Higher Education.
  • Invited Presentation at the Advance HE’s Virtual Teaching and Learning Conference 2022: Teaching in the Spotlight: Where next for enhancing student success? Held on 5-7 July 2022 at Northumbria University, Newcastle. Paper presented: Students’ academic misconduct and lecturers’ responsibility in the age of blended learning: Recognition and dialogue as pedagogical drivers to build integrity.
  • Invited Presentation at the (virtual) Conference on “Teaching Ethics to Economists: Challenges and Benefits” at the London South Bank University, 21-22 October 2021, London (UK). Paper presented: Theoretical and Ethical reductionism and the neglect of subjectivity in economics and economic education.
  • Invited Presentation at the  EURAM 2021 Online Conference to be held 16-18 June 2021. Paper presented: The Dialogical Dimension of Corporate Responsibility: An Analysis and an Application to the Circular Economy.
  • Invited Presentation at  the Advance HE’s Virtual Teaching and Learning Conference 2021: Teaching in the Spotlight: What is the Future for HE Curricula? Held on 6-8 July 2021. Paper presented: The role of humanities in economic education: the case of ethics and philosophy of economics.
  • Invited Presentation at the XIV Philosophy of Management Conference, at St. Anne’s College, Oxford University, Oxford, 10-13 July 2020 (postponed). Paper accepted: Disentangling the ethical dimension of the Circular Economy through the lenses of moral imagination and human betterment.
  • Invited Presentation at the Developments in Economics Education (DEE) Conference in Warwick 12-13 September 2019. Paper presented: The role of humanities in economic education: the case of philosophy of economics.
  • Invited Presentation at European Academy of Management EURAM 2019 Conference in Lisbon, 26-28 June 2019. Paper presented: The Contribution of Circular Economy to Human Betterment: Moral Imagination and Teleological Ethics (with R. De Angelis).
  • Invited presentation at the International Congress “All’alba dell’eternità. I primi 60 anni de La Struttura Originaria”, Università degli studi di Brescia (Italy) and Università Cattolica di Brescia (Italy), 2-3 March, 2018.
  • Invited presentation at the University Cattolica, Italy, paper presented: ‘The Political Economy of Sovereign Debt with an Application to the Argentinean Default Episode’, April 2010.
  • Invited presentation, Royal Economic Society, ‘Creditor Reputation as a Deterrent against Debtor Moral Hazard’, 2009.
  • Workshop on Sovereign and Public Debt and Default, University of Warwick, paper presented: ‘The Political Economy of Sovereign Debt with an Application to the Argentinean Default Episode’, December 2008.
  • Invited presentation at CeFiMs University of London: ‘Creditor Free Riding in a Reputational Model of Debtor Moral Hazard’, February 2008.
  • XXXII Simposio de Análisis Económico, Granada, Spain: ‘Creditor Free Riding in a Reputational Model of Debtor Moral Hazard’, December 2007.
  • Economic Theory Seminar, University of Bath: ‘Creditor Free Riding in a Reputational Model of Debtor Moral Hazard’, October 2007.
  • Economic Theory Workshop, University of Warwick: ‘Creditor Free Riding in a Reputational Model of Debtor Moral Hazard’, June 2007.
  • University Cattolica, Piacenza, Mario Arcelli Seminar, paper presented: ‘Creditor Reputation as a Deterrent against Debtor Moral Hazard’, March 2005.

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Dr Ianulardo’s teaching experience has been in Microeconomics and Mathematical Economics at all levels, including courses of game theory and contract theory for postgraduate students. He has also taught more applied modules focused on contemporary policy and theoretical debates on financial crises and sovereign debt crises, such as Policy Issues in the Global Economy. Finally, he has developed and taught more innovative modules at the frontier between social sciences and humanities such as Philosophy of Economics and Economics and Ethics, which are inspired by his research interests and passion for philosophy.

He has been awarded the Fellowship (FHEA) and Senior Fellowship (SFHEA) of the Advance Highher Education.



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