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University of Exeter Business School

Exeter College year 3 direct entry to Business Studies

Please check the programme structure for Exeter College students as it is different to that of other students. The list of optional modules that you can take is specific to Exeter College students.

Rules about module selection:

All students must study 120 Exeter credits per year.

Your modules are condonable.  If a module is condonable it means that you can fail it and still continue to the next level.  You can condone up to 30 credits, as long as your average for the year is over 40%.

Please research your module choices thoroughly now:

  • Do you have a sensible balance of modules?
  • Do you have a total of 120 credits? (This includes both your compulsory modules and your optional modules)
  • Consider your choices carefully - we cannot guarantee that you will be able to change to a different module later
  • In March, only choose Level 3 optional modules, you will be able to add any Level 2 optional modules in September 2024, when the Optional module change process opens.

Optional Module Selection Form

Open: 9am Monday 17th March 2025 and will close at 12.00pm (Midday) Friday 28th March 2025.