Journal articles
Sugiyama K, Ladge JJ, Dokko G (2024). Stable Anchors and Dynamic Evolution: A Paradox Theory of Career Identity Maintenance and Change. Academy of Management Review, 49(1), 135-154.
Gabriel AS, Allen TD, Devers CE, Eby LT, Gilson LL, Hebl M, Kehoe RR, King EB, Ladge JJ, Little LM, et al (2023). A call to action: Taking the untenable out of women professors’ pregnancy, postpartum, and caregiving demands. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 16(2), 187-210.
Sugiyama K, Ladge JJ, Bilimoria D (2023). Calling Oneself and Others In: Brokering Identities in Diversity Training. Academy of Management Journal, 66(6), 1681-1710.
Hennekam S, Ladge JJ (2023). Free to be Me? Evolving Gender Expression and the Dynamic Interplay between Authenticity and the Desire to be Accepted at Work. Academy of Management Journal, 66(5), 1529-1553.
Gatrell C, Ladge JJ, Powell GN (2023). Profane Pregnant Bodies Versus Sacred Organizational Systems: Exploring Pregnancy Discrimination at Work (R2).
Journal of Business Ethics Abstract.
Gabriel AS, Ladge JJ, Little LM, MacGowan RL, Stillwell EE (2023). Sensemaking Through the Storm: How Postpartum Depression Shapes Personal Work–Family Narratives. Journal of Applied Psychology, 108(12), 1903-1923.
Gatrell C, Ladge JJ, Powell GN (2022). A Review of Fatherhood and Employment: Introducing New Perspectives for Management Research.
Journal of Management Studies,
59(5), 1198-1226.
Heaphy ED, Poulton E, Petriglieri J, Awasty N, Baskerville Watkins M, Poulton E, Reid EM, Carlton P, Ferris L, Heaphy ED, et al (2022). Bringing to Light What’s Been Cast to the Shadows: Marginalized Relationships and Narratives at Work. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2022(1).
MacGowan R, Stillwell EE, Smith AN, Chawla N, Gabriel AS, Grandey AA, Sawyer K, Burke V, Ladge JJ, Little LM, et al (2022). Untold Stories of Women at Work. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2022(1).
Greenberg D, Clair JA, Ladge J (2021). A Feminist Perspective on Conducting Personally Relevant Research: Working Mothers Studying Pregnancy and Motherhood at Work. Academy of Management Perspectives, 35(3), 400-417.
Hennekam S, Ladge JJ, Powell GN (2021). Confinement during the COVID-19 pandemic: How multi-domain work-life shock events may result in positive identity change.
Journal of Vocational Behavior,
130 Abstract.
Eddleston K, Ladge J, Sugiyama K (2020). 'Imposter Syndrome' Holds Back Entrepreneurial Women. Entrepreneur and Innovation Exchange
Hennekam S, Ladge J, Shymko Y (2020). From zero to hero: an exploratory study examining sudden hero status among nonphysician health care workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.
J Appl Psychol,
105(10), 1088-1100.
Author URL.
Masterson C, Sugiyama K, Ladge J (2020). The value of 21st century work–family supports: Review and cross-level path forward.
Journal of Organizational Behavior,
n/a, NA-NA.
Ladge J, Eddleston KA, Sugiyama K (2019). Am I an entrepreneur? How imposter fears hinder women entrepreneurs’ business growth.
Business Horizons,
62(5), 615-624.
Modestino AS, Sugiyama K, Ladge J (2019). Careers in construction: an examination of the career narratives of young professionals and their emerging career self-concepts.
Journal of Vocational Behavior,
115 Abstract.
Ladge JJ, Kossek EE, Little LM, Montanye M, Perrigino MB, Wanberg C, Bodner T, Csillag BB, Duffy MK, Gettings P, et al (2019). Changing Organizations for a Changing Workforce: Improving Work-Life Implementation and Adaptation. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2019(1).
Smith AN, Watkins MB, Ladge JJ, Carlton P (2019). Making the Invisible Visible: Paradoxical Effects of Intersectional Invisibility on the Career Experiences of Executive Black Women. Academy of Management Journal, 62(6), 1705-1734.
Ladge JJ, Little LM (2019). When expectations become reality: Work-family image management and identity adaptation.
Academy of Management Review,
44(1), 126-149.
Ladge JJ (2018). Re-entry and Beyond: the Varied Transitions of Becoming and Being a Working Mother. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2018(1).
Ladge JJ, Humberd BK, Eddleston KA (2018). Retaining professionally employed new mothers: the importance of maternal confidence and workplace support to their intent to stay.
Human Resource Management,
57(4), 883-900.
Powell GN, Ilies R, Kossek EE, Ladge JJ, Goh Z, Ju H, Lee K-H, Little LM, Liu Y (2017). At the Interface of Positive Psychology and Work-Life Balance Research. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2017(1).
Sawyer KB, Thoroughgood C, Ladge J (2017). Invisible families, invisible conflicts: Examining the added layer of work-family conflict for employees with LGB families.
103, 23-39.
Author URL.
Hennekam SAM, Ladge JJ (2017). When lesbians become mothers: Identity validation and the role of diversity climate.
Journal of Vocational Behavior,
103, 40-55.
Eddleston KA, Ladge JJ, Mitteness C, Balachandra L (2016). Do you See What I See? Signaling Effects of Gender and Firm Characteristics on Financing Entrepreneurial Ventures.
Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice,
40(3), 489-514.
Clair JA, Ladge JJ, Cotton R (2016). This is How We Do it: How Perceived Prosocial Impact Offsets Negative Personal Outcomes Associated with Carrying Out Necessary Evils.
Journal of Management Inquiry,
25(3), 301-321.
Ladge JJ, Greenberg DN (2015). Becoming a Working Mother: Managing Identity and Efficacy Uncertainties During Resocialization.
Human Resource Management,
54(6), 977-998.
Humberd B, Ladge JJ, Harrington B (2015). The “New” Dad: Navigating Fathering Identity Within Organizational Contexts.
Journal of Business and Psychology,
30(2), 249-266.
Ladge JJ, Humberd BK, Watkins MB, Harrington B (2015). Updating the organization man: an examination of involved fathering in the workplace.
Academy of Management Perspectives,
29(1), 152-171.
Ladge JJ, Clair JA, Greenberg D (2012). Cross-domain identity transition during liminal periods: Constructing multiple selves as professional and mother during pregnancy.
Academy of Management Journal,
55(6), 1449-1471.
Greenberg D, Ladge J, Clair J (2009). Negotiating Pregnancy at Work: Public and Private Conflicts. Negotiation and Conflict Management Research, 2(1), 42-56.
HARRINGTON B, LADGE JJ (2009). Work-Life Integration:. Present Dynamics and Future Directions for Organizations. Organizational Dynamics, 38(2), 148-157.
Valcour M, Ladge JJ (2008). Family and career path characteristics as predictors of women's objective and subjective career success: Integrating traditional and protean career explanations.
Journal of Vocational Behavior,
73(2), 300-309.
Clair JA, Dufresne R, Jackson N, Ladge J (2006). Being the bearer of bad news: Challenges facing downsizing agents in organizations.
35(2), 131-144.
Author URL.
Crick JC (In Press). Epilogue. In Crick J, Houts EMCV (Eds.) , Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Ladge JJ, Humberd BK (2022). Impossible Standards and Unlikely Trade-Offs: can Fathers be Competent Parents and Professionals?. In (Ed)
Contributions to Management Science, 183-196.
Ladge J, Greenberg D (2019). Allies, Not Enemies. In (Ed) Maternal Optimism, Oxford University Press (OUP), 211-232.
Ladge J, Greenberg D (2019). Becoming a Working Mother. In (Ed) Maternal Optimism, Oxford University Press (OUP), 55-80.
Ladge J, Greenberg D (2019). Career Paths that Twist and Turn. In (Ed) Maternal Optimism, Oxford University Press (OUP), 161-186.
Ladge J, Greenberg D (2019). Envisioning the Future as a Working Mother. In (Ed) Maternal Optimism, Oxford University Press (OUP), 3-26.
Ladge J, Greenberg D (2019). Making Workplace Flexibility Work. In (Ed) Maternal Optimism, Oxford University Press (OUP), 133-160.
Ladge J, Greenberg D (2019). Nine Months and Counting. In (Ed) Maternal Optimism, Oxford University Press (OUP), 27-54.
Ladge J, Greenberg D (2019). Older, Wiser, But Still a Working Mother. In (Ed) Maternal Optimism, Oxford University Press (OUP), 109-130.
Ladge J, Greenberg D (2019). Preface: Defining Maternal Optimism. In (Ed) Maternal Optimism, Oxford University Press (OUP), ix-xviii.
Ladge J, Greenberg D (2019). The Evolution of Work and Family. In (Ed) Maternal Optimism, Oxford University Press (OUP), 81-108.
Ladge J, Greenberg D (2019). What to Expect from the Unexpected in Work and Family Life. In (Ed) Maternal Optimism, Oxford University Press (OUP), 187-210.
Ladge J (2016). Communicating work-life support: Implications for organizations, employees, and families. In (Ed) Work Pressures: New Agendas in Communication, 27-44.
Greenberg DN, Clair JA, Ladge J (2016). Identity and the transition to motherhood: Navigating existing, temporary, and anticipatory identities. In (Ed)
Research Perspectives on Work and the Transition to Motherhood, 33-55.
Ladge JJ, Humberd BK, McNett J (2016). The other half: Views of fatherhood in the organization. In (Ed)
Research Perspectives on Work and the Transition to Motherhood, 267-285.
Ladge JJ, Greenberg D, Clair JA (2011). What to expect when she's expecting work-family and identity integration challenges and opportunities of soon-to-be working professional mothers. In (Ed)
Creating Balance?: International Perspectives on the Work-Life Integration of Professionals, 143-155.