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University of Exeter Business School

 Nikolai Kazantsev

Nikolai Kazantsev

Postdoctoral Research Associate (INDEX)

 +44(0) 74 594 127 29



In did my master in the European Research Center for information Systems (Muenster) and later worked as a lecturer in Higher School of Economics (Moscow). My experience comprises consulting work, primarily strategic information planning and advisory. My postgraduate research was completed in Manchester, where I participated in the EU-funded project on Decentralised Agile Coordination Across Supply Chains (DIGICOR). 

I received several important awards:

  • AIS Doctoral Student Service Award, 14 Dec 2019
  • BAM2019 Tony Beasley Award - Highly Commended, 2 Sep 2019
  • BAM2018 - Best developmental paper award on Inter-organisational Collaboration, 7 Sep 2018
  • Connected Everything - Early Career Researcher Placement, 15 May 2018

Nationality: Russian

Part of Initiative in the Digital Economy at Exeter (INDEX)

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Research interests

  • Collaborative business models
  • Digital ecosystems
  • Digital transformation in industries

My research interests are related with investigating the impact of digital technologies and new collaborative business models to industries, companies and individuals. In particular, I am interested in the changes which are brought by data-driven technologies. 

Research projects

My current project investigates the impact of digital technologies and new digital business models to transform the animal health industry within the Veterinary Health Innovation Engine (vHive), a research initiative partially funded by Zoetis and managed through the University of Surrey.

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Journal articles

Kazantsev N, Islam N, Zwiegelaar J, Brown A, Maull R (In Press). Data Sharing for Business Model Innovation in Platform Ecosystems: from Private Data to Public Good. Technological Forecasting and Social Change Abstract.
Kazantsev N, DeBellis M, Quboa Q, Sampaio P, Mehandjiev N, Stalker ID (2024). An ontology-guided approach to process formation and coordination of demand-driven collaborations. International Journal of Production Research, 62(9), 3398-3414. Abstract.
Muller JM, Islam N, Kazantsev N, Romanello R, Olivera G, Das D, Hamzeh R (2024). Barriers and Enablers for Industry 4.0 in SMEs: a Combined Integration Framework. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management Abstract.
Rama Murthy S, Sousa-Zomer TT, Minshall T, Velu C, Kazantsev N, McFarlane D (2024). Elastic manufacturing: provisioning and deprovisioning production capacity to vary product volume and mix. International Journal of Operations and Production Management Abstract.
Kazantsev N, Batolas D, White L (2024). Managing Asymmetries for Data Mobilization under Digital Transformation. British Journal of Management, 35(2), 663-678. Abstract.
Kazantsev N, Petrovskyi O, Müller JM (2023). From supply chains towards manufacturing ecosystems: a system dynamics model. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 197 Abstract.
Wan X, Jha AK, Kazantsev N, Boh WF (2023). Online-to-Offline Platforms: Examining the Effects of Demand-Side Usage on Supply-Side Decisions. Information and Management, 60(2). Abstract.
Romanov D, Molokanov V, Kazantsev N, Jha AK (2023). Removing order effects from human-classified datasets: a machine learning method to improve decision making systems. Decision Support Systems, 165 Abstract.
Essien A, Chukwukelu GO, Kazantsev N, Subramanian N (2023). Unveiling the factors influencing transparency and traceability in agri-food supply chains: an interconnected framework. Supply Chain Management Abstract.
Reis JZ, Gonçalves RF, da Silva MT, Kazantsev N (2022). Business Models for the Internet of Services: State of the Art and Research Agenda. Future Internet, 14(3). Abstract.
Kazantsev N, Pishchulov G, Mehandjiev N, Sampaio P, Zolkiewski J (2022). Investigating barriers to demand-driven SME collaboration in low-volume high-variability manufacturing. SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL, 27(2), 265-282.  Author URL.
Gromoff A, Bilinkis Y, Kazantsev N (2017). Business Architecture Flexibility as a Result of Knowledge-Intensive Process Management. Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management, 18(1), 73-86. Abstract.
Komarov M, Konovalov N, Kazantsev N (2016). How Internet of Things Influences Human Behavior Building Social Web of Services via Agent-Based Approach. Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences, 41(3), 197-210. Abstract.
Kazantsev N, Zakhlebin I (2014). Measuring influence of internationalized universities on smart city development in terms of human capital and urban aspects. Knowledge Management and E-Learning, 6(4), 410-425. Abstract.
Gromoff A, Kazantsev N, Kozhevnikov D, Ponfilenok M, Stavenko Y (2012). Newer approach to create flexible business architecture of modern enterprise. Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management, 13(4), 207-215. Abstract.


Silva GDM, Oliveira GA, Setti D, Tortorella G, Kazantsev N (2023). Framework of an Expert System for Maturity Analysis in Industry 4.0: Implementation Roadmap Focused on SMEs. In  (Ed) Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Production Research – Americas: Icpr Americas 2022, 622-627. Abstract.
Stalker ID, Kazantsev N (2021). Collaborative Design and Manufacture: Information Structures for Team Formation and Coordination. In  (Ed) Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer International Publishing, 93-104. Abstract.
Dobrotvorskiy S, Basova Y, Dobrovolska L, Sokol Y, Kazantsev N (2020). Big Challenges of Small Manufacturing Enterprises in Industry 4.0. In  (Ed) Advances in Design, Simulation and Manufacturing III, Springer International Publishing, 118-127.
Jacks T, Kazantsev N, Serenko A (2020). Chapter 30: Information technology issues in Russia. In  (Ed) World Scientific-Now Publishers Series in Business, 383-392. Abstract.
Kazantsev N, Pishchulov G, Mehandjiev N, Sampaio P (2018). Exploring Barriers in Current Inter-enterprise Collaborations: a Survey and Thematic Analysis. In  (Ed) Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, Springer International Publishing, 319-327.


Brooks S, McFarlane D, Thorne A, Ling Z, Hawkridge G, Danaei D, Tadeja S, Ratchev S, Rama Murthy S, Kazantsev N, et al (2023). Design of a Demonstrator Environment for Investigating Multi-Factory Production and Operation Challenges. Abstract.
Brewer S, Godsiff P, Kazantsev N, Maull R (2023). From data sharing to resource efficiency: the role of clubs as institutional arrangements of trustworthiness. International Conference on AI and the Digital Economy (CADE 2023).
Kazantsev N, Niewiadomski K, Martínez-Arellano G, Elshafei B, Mo F, Murthy SR (2023). Investigating Multi-level Ontology to Support Manufacturing during Demand Fluctuation. Abstract.
Cherry G, Kazantsev N, Rai T, Williams S, Wright A, Street T, Wells K, Cook AJ, Kanellos T (2023). SEMANTIC SENSING FOR DATA INNOVATION. Abstract.
Kazantsev N, Stalker ID, Mehandjiev N, Sampaio P (2022). Ontology-based Collaborative Assembly in the Low-Volume High-Variability Manufacturing. Abstract.
Ahuja VK, Kazantsev N, Plattfaut R (2022). Open Innovation via Open Source: Collaboration of Tech Companies to Infuse Automobiles with Digital Technologies. Abstract.
Cherry G, Kazantsev N, Wright A, Street T, Wells K, Cook AJ, Brown AW (2022). SEMANTIC DATA INNOVATION HUBS: ANSWER AS a SERVICE. Abstract.
Dobrolyubova E, Alexandrov O, Kazantsev N, Yangutova S, Kuzevanova E (2021). Digital Economy: Isolation or Collaboration?. Abstract.
Barros A, Jabbari M, Bidar R, Ter Hofstede A, Kazantsev N (2021). Situational dimensions of a coordination theory for network-based team management. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
Ramzan A, Cisneros-Cabrera S, Sampaio P, Mehandjiev N, Kazantsev N (2020). Digital services for industry 4.0: Assessing collaborative technology readiness. Abstract.
Kuzevanova E, Kazantsev N (2020). Russian Telecom: Focus on B2B and B2G. Abstract.
Itsakov E, Kazantsev N, Yangutova S, Torshin D, Alchykava M (2019). Digital Economy: Unemployment Risks and New Opportunities. Abstract.
Aguiar GT, Oliveira GA, Tan KH, Kazantsev N, Setti D (2019). Sustainable implementation success factors of AGVs in the Brazilian industry supply chain management. Abstract.
Romanov D, Kazantsev N, Edgeeva E (2019). The Presence of Order-Effect Bias in Moscow Administration. Abstract.
Kazantsev N, Sampaio P, Pishchulov G, Cisneros Cabrera S, Liu Z, Mehandjiev N (2018). A governance metamodel for industry 4.0 service collaborations. Abstract.
Kazantsev N, Bogomolova I, Radyukm A, Sukhanova E (2018). Demand-driven collaboration in the aerospace industry 4.0: Application of subject-oriented process management. Abstract.
Fay M, Kazantsev N (2018). When smart gets smarter: How big data analytics creates business value in smart manufacturing. Abstract.
Kazantsev N, Gorchakov Y, Bilinkis (Stavenko) Y, Torshin D (2017). Best Practices for a Scientific Seminar in Business Process Management for Master Students at Russian University.  Author URL.
Bilinkis Y, Kazantsev N (2017). Introducing semantic services for continuous agile enterprise and process modeling. Abstract.
Zykov S, Shapkin P, Kazantsev N, Roslovtsev V (2016). Adding agility to enterprise process and data engineering. Abstract.
Gromoff A, Kazantsev N, Stavenko JB (2016). An Approach to Knowledge Management in Construction Service-Oriented Architecture. Abstract.
Kazantsev N, Korolev D, Torshin D, Mikhailova A (2016). An approach to automate health monitoring in compliance with personal privacy. Abstract.
Bilinkis J, Filimonova E, Kazantsev N, Zueva A (2016). Entropy-based approach for semi-structured processes enhancement. Abstract.
Konovalov N, Kazantsev N (2016). Shaping decision-making on cloud services application in business processes. Abstract.
Komarov M, Konovalov N, Kazantsev N (2015). Agent-based approach to enhance the new born social Web of Services. Abstract.
Anna K, Nikolay K (2015). Survey on big data analytics in public sector of Russian federation. Abstract.
Voronova L, Kazantsev N (2015). The Ethics of Big Data: Analytical Survey. Abstract.
Gromoff A, Stavenko Y, Evina K, Kazantsev N (2014). Ad-hoc business process management in enterprises as expert communities. Abstract.
Gromoff A, Kazantsev N, Shapkin P, Shumsky L (2014). Automatic business process model assembly on the basis of subject-oriented semantic process mark-up. Abstract.
Gromoff A, Kazantsev N, Konovalov N, Schumsky L (2014). Business transformation based on cloud services. Abstract.
Komarov M, Kazantsev N, Grevtsov M (2014). Increasing the adoption of social collaboration software. Abstract.
Gromoff A, Roslovtsev V, Shumsky L, Kazantsev N (2014). Multilevel real-time business architecture and process simulation. Abstract.
Mashkov I, Tarchinskaya E, Kazantsev N (2014). Reflexivity in business. review on the best practices of S-BPM approach application. Abstract.
Roslovtsev V, Shumsky L, Evgeny B, Anastasya B, Kazantsev N (2013). A synthetic approach to building a canonical model of subject areas in the integration bus. Abstract.
Gromoff A, Kazantsev N, Ponfilenok M, Stavenko Y (2013). Newer approach to flexible business architecture of modern enterprise. Abstract.
Kazantsev NS, Degtyrev VM (2013). Preparation of unstructured data arrays for face recognition in cross-platform registration systems. Abstract.
Gromoff A, Stavenko J, Evina K, Kazantsev N (2012). Expertise search in unstructured data in ECM using S-BPM approach. Abstract.
Kazantsev NS, Degtyrev VM (2009). Color compression in video registration and security systems. Abstract.

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My teaching interests correspond to my research interests and include the topics related to digital transformation in industries. I have experience teaching Enterprise Architecture, Business Process Management and Digital Business Models.

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