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University of Exeter Business School

Prepare to succeed



Stack of books



Professional environment chart



Professional practice chart

Our unique PREPARE TO SUCCEED framework is designed to help you fulfil your potential academically, personally and professionally.

Your programme incorporates the three pillars of the framework:

LEARNING: acquiring new knowledge

DOING: developing new practical skills and

BEING: demonstrating essential professional behaviours

Identifying the knowledge, skills and behaviours you build during your academic studies will help you to prepare for professional life, track your personal development, and make an impact in the job market.


Prepare to succeed

Develop your professional skills in a supportive, professional environment

prepare to succeed chart

The Graduate Skills to Thrive framework represents the skills sets that we know (through research) are important for you to develop whilst at university.  By the time you graduate, we hope you’ll not only have achieved academically but will be equipped to succeed and thrive in the professional world.  

Skills signposting on all core module learning sites enables you to RECOGNISE important skills development opportunities.  You can RECORD and REFLECT on these in your own personalised Careers Skills portfolio … so that by the time you apply for a job or further studies, you’re prepared with a bank of PERSONAL skills development examples.  

University of Exeter Business School students can access more detailed information about each of the seven professional graduate skills sets HERE.


Prepare to succeed

In a supportive professional environment

The PRINCIPLES OF PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE sit alongside the graduate skills to thrive.  The intention is to support students to understand what “being” professional looks like in the Business School environment and to highlight the positive behaviours expected within our academic community.  

Principles of professional practice chart