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University of Exeter Business School

Dr Lei Liu

Dr Lei Liu

Lecturer in Management

 Streatham Court 


Streatham Court, University of Exeter, Rennes Drive, Exeter, EX4 4PU, UK


Dr Lei Liu joined the Department of Management in 2023. She is also an Honorary Research Fellow at UCL School of Management. Prior to this, she held a postdoctoral position at UCL School of Management. In this position, Lei led a project exploring the collaborations between the NHS and third-sector organizations (charities, non-governmental, and voluntary organizations) as a part of the research program on Cross-sector Innovations funded by UK Research Innovation (UKRI).


PhD in Management (University College London)

MSc in Management (London School of Economics and Political Science)

MSc in Economics (London School of Economics and Political Science)

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Research interests

  • Social networks
  • Cross-sectoral collaborations
  • Creativity and innovation   

Lei's research focuses on interpersonal processes. She is particularly interested in how people's social networks affect their cognitions, affect, behaviours, and the associated outcomes such as task performance and career advancement. She is also passionate about investigating how people collaborate in innovative ways to solve societal problems.

Research projects

Lei is investigating how the NHS and third-sector organizations collaborate to provide high-quality service.  

In another stream of work, she is examining how people’s prestigious social connections affect their career outcomes.

She is also working on a project about how leaders’ behaviours affect follower creativity.

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Kilduff M, Liu L, Tasselli S (eds)(2023). A Connected World., Cambridge University Press. Abstract.


Liu L, Aristidou A (In Press). A Place-Based Perspective of Cross-Sectoral Collaborations.

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External Engagement and Impact

Awards/Honorary fellowships

Honorary Research Fellow at UCL School of Management

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Lei is interested in teaching subjects related to organizational behaviours. She has teaching experience at the undergraduate and the MBA level across various subjects, including managerial decision making and project management. 



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