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University of Exeter Business School

Professor Steffen Boehm

Professor Steffen Boehm

Professor in Organisation and Sustainability

 +44 (0) 1326 259090



Science and Engineering Research Support Facility (SERSF):, University of Exeter,  Penryn Campus, Penryn, Cornwall, TR10 9FE, UK


Steffen Boehm is a Professor in Organisation & Sustainability at the University of Exeter Business School. He completed a BA in Business Administration at Lancaster, a MA in Organisation Studies at Warwick, and a PhD entitled ‘The Political Event: Impossibilities of Repositioning Organisation Theory’, also at Warwick. Prior to joining Exeter in January 2016, he was Professor of Management & Sustainability and Founding Director of the Essex Sustainability Institute (ESI) at the University of Essex.

Professor Boehm held various Visiting and Guest Professor positions over the past 20 years, including at Uppsala University and at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, both in Uppsala, Sweden; University of St Andrews (Scotland), University of Innsbruck (Austria), Copenhagen Business School (Denmark), and Federal University of Rio Grande du Sul (Brazil).

Professor Boehm was a co-founder of the open-access journals ephemera: theory & politics in organization as well as Interface: A Journal for and about Social Movements. He is also co-founder and co-editor of the open-access publishing press MayFlyBooks. He has published five books: Repositioning Organization Theory (Palgrave), Against Automobility (Blackwell), Upsetting the Offset: The Political Economy of Carbon Markets (Mayfly), The Atmosphere Business (Mayfly), and Ecocultures: Blueprints for Sustainable Communities (Routledge). He has published in, and is reviewer for, leading academic journals, including: Organization Studies, Organization, Journal of Management Studies, British Journal of Management, Academy of Management Discoveries, Academy of Management Perspectives, Scandinavian Journal of Management, Journal of Business Ethics, Regulation & Governance, Global Environmental Policy, Climate Policy, Work, Employment & Society, Culture and Organization, Human Relations, Management & Organizational History, Environment and Planning A, D & E, Antipode, Urban Studies, Marketing Theory, Macromarketing, Environmental Sociology, Sociology, Journal of Cleaner Production, and others.

Professor Boehm also publishes short articles aimed at the wider public. He has written over 25 articles in The Conversation, reaching over 260,000 readers worldwide. He’s also published in The Guardian, the Ecologist, CounterPunch and other publications aimed at the general reader, engaging in contemporary events.

Since 2018 he has been the Co-PI of the influential Tevi programme in Cornwall. 


  • PhD (University of Warwick)
  • MA Organisation Studies (University of Warwick)
  • BA(Hons) Business Administration (University of Lancaster)


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Research interests

  • Political economies and ecologies of management, organisation and sustainability
  • Business and governance of climate change and carbon markets
  • Sustainability of, and circular economy approaches to, food systems
  • Environmental activism inside and outside organisations and corporations
  • Relations between business, governments and civil society
  • Circular economy and doughnut economics approaches

Research projects

Professor Boehm’s research focuses on a range of social scientific analyses of problems of environmental sustainability and circular economy. He is currently engaged in the following projects, many of which have received funding from a range of sources:

Food and the Circular Economy: Exploring the opportunities available to, and challenges faced by, small and medium-sized enterprises in the food and beverages manufacturing industry as they transition towards the circular economy.

Climate policy and carbon markets: A critical interrogation of the social struggles involved in forming a sustainable climate policy. Prof Boehm has developed critical understandings of the role of carbon markets, arguing that they have been a distraction and that they have had a range of unintended, negative social and environmental consequences.

Sustainability of the food system: Developing an inter-disciplinary and political economy approach to understanding issues of health, well-being, environmental sustainability, work and labour in the global food system. Prof Boehm has run funded research projects on local food systems, agroecological business and health and well-being

The water-food-energy-environment nexus: Expanding our perspective of the nexus by incorporating political, economic and social issues that are not normally considered by environmental scientists and systems engineers.

Environmental activism amongst social movements, community groups, NGOs, policymakers and company employees and managers: Expanding our perspective of activism to include domains not normally considered to be ‘activist’.

Political economy and governance of organisation: Expanding our view of organisation to include social movement, environmental and political activities. Such a view must include an understanding of the social struggles between business, government and civil society actors who often have different interests, facing divergent material realities and practices.

In all of the above areas, he’s been supervising Masters dissertations and PhD theses.

Research and Impact Funding Awarded

Post-doctoral Supervision

  • 2019-2020: Olga Andrianova, UK, Tevi: Environmental Growth for Business in Cornwall.
  • 2017-2018: Roberta de Angelis, UK, Circular Economy
  • 2015-2016: Rogerio Fae, Brazil, Relations between the national development strategy and the social construction of space in the city of Rio Grande, Brazil.
  • 2014: Annika Skoglund, Sweden, ‘Green Human Resource Management: The case of Vattenfall’
  • 2013: Patricia Mendonca, Brazil, ‘Social movements in Brazil: the contribution of political discourse analaysis’
  • 2012: Eloise Dellangnelo, Brazil, ‘Laclau and Mouffe’s relevance for organization and management studies'

PhD Supervision

Current students:

  • Josep Pinyol: The circular economy policy of the European Union (Marie Curie PhD scholarship)
  • Christoffer Söderlund Kanarp (SLU, Sweden): Climate Adaptation in Sweden (Formas scholarship)
  • Siddhartha Dabhi: Renewable Energy development in India (Exeter; University of Exeter International Excellence Scholarship for Postgraduate Research)
  • Ho, Chia-Hao: Circular Economy internal activists: A social network analysis (Exeter)

Completed PhD projects:

  • Celal Cahit Agar: Turkey’s great leap forward: social and environmental implications (Exeter)
  • Jasper Finkeldey: The social and environmental realities of mining in South Africa (Essex, ESRC PhD scholarship award)
  • Ruth Melville: Measuring the Unmeasurable: Exploring the Impact of Measurement on Value in the Arts (Essex, ESRC PhD scholarship award)
  • Tamás Lestar: Managing for food sustainability: Vegans and the vegan food society (Essex)
  • Francisco Valenzuela: Driving (e)quality: Exploring subjectivity in the implementation of emergent public sector reforms in Chilean higher education (Essex, Chilean Government scholarship)
  • Will Lewis: The political organisation of GM food: A discourse analysis (Essex)
  • David Watson: Assessing the contribution of a more localised food system to wellbeing (Essex, ESRC PhD scholarship award)
  • Lauren Crabb: Carbon markets: A crucial mechanism in our fight against climate change or another example of imperialism? (Essex)
  • Matthew Hancocks: Disclosing Disclosing: An immanent critique of Disclosing New Worlds as a key text in the Processual School of Entrepreneurship Studies (Essex)
  • Sanjay Lanka: The Araku Way: Sustainability Accounting for Fair Trade Coffee (Essex, Essex University scholarship award)
  • Bo Le: Governance and supply chain management in the electric car industry in China (Essex)
  • Neil Sutherland: Social Movement Organisations: Democracy, Participation and Leadership (Essex)
  • Samuel Mansell: A Critique of Stakeholder Theory (Essex)
  • Birke Otto: Politics and Management in Water Governance: Networks, Knowledge and Capacities (Essex)
  • Aanka Batta: Becoming Selves: Psychoanalysis and Consumer Identity (Essex)

Visiting students:

  • Yuna Fontoura, Brazil, The governance of food security: a discourse analysis
  • Rafael Kruter Flores, Brazil, The appropriation of water: A critique


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Skoglund A, Böhm S (2022). Climate Activism How Communities Take Renewable Energy Actions Across Business and Society., Cambridge University Press. Abstract.
Böhm S, Sullivan S (2021). Negotiating Climate Change in Crisis., Open Book Publishers. Abstract.
(eds)(2014). Ecocultures., Routledge.
Böhm S, Bharucha ZP, Pretty JN (2014). Ecocultures Blueprints for Sustainable Communities., Routledge. Abstract.
Böhm S, Murtola A-M, Spoelstra S (2012). The Atmosphere Business.
Boehm S, Dabhi S (eds)(2009). Upsetting the Offset: the Political Economy of Carbon Markets. London, Mayflybooks.
Böhm S, Jones C, Land C, Paterson M (2006). Against Automobility., Wiley-Blackwell. Abstract.
Böhm S (2006). Repositioning Organization Theory Impossibilities and Strategies., Palgrave Macmillan. Abstract.

Journal articles

Hiraldo R, Böhm S (2023). Conservation, peasants and class: critical reflections on the political economy of climate change strategies in West Senegal. Review of African Political Economy, 50(177-178). Abstract.
Crabb L, Agar CC, Böhm S (2023). Internal Colonialism as <scp>Socio‐Ecological</scp> Fix: the Case of New Clark City in the Philippines. Antipode Abstract.
Böhm S (2023). Tree flexing: Forest politics and land struggles in the green economy. Journal of Tropical Futures: Sustainable Business, Governance &amp; Development Abstract.
Valenzuela F, Manolchev C, Böhm S, Agar CC (2023). Working through (mis)recognition: Understanding vulnerability as ambivalence in precarious worker subjectivity. Human Relations Abstract.
Böhm S, Carrington M, Cornelius N, de Bruin B, Greenwood M, Hassan L, Jain T, Karam C, Kourula A, Romani L, et al (2022). Ethics at the Centre of Global and Local Challenges: Thoughts on the Future of Business Ethics. J Bus Ethics, 180(3), 835-861. Abstract.  Author URL.
Howard M, Yan X, Mustafee N, Charnley F, Böhm S, Pascucci S (2022). Going beyond waste reduction: Exploring tools and methods for circular economy adoption in small-medium enterprises. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 182, 106345-106345.
Howard M, Boehm S, Eatherley D (2022). Systems resilience and SME multilevel challenges:. A place-based conceptualization of the circular economy. Journal of Business Research, 145, 757-768.
Ehrnström-Fuentes M, Böhm S (2022). The Political Ontology of Corporate Social Responsibility: Obscuring the Pluriverse in Place. Journal of Business Ethics, 185(2), 245-261. Abstract.
Ho C, Böhm S, Monciardini D (2022). The collaborative and contested interplay between business and civil society in circular economy transitions. Business Strategy and the Environment, 31(6), 2714-2727.
Henriques I, Böhm S (2022). The perils of ecologically unequal exchange: Contesting rare-earth mining in Greenland. Journal of Cleaner Production, 349, 131378-131378.
Ramirez J, Böhm S (2021). For more pluralistic critiques of colonialism: a response to Dunlap. Energy Research & Social Science, 82, 102303-102303.
Ramirez J, Böhm S (2021). Transactional colonialism in wind energy investments: Energy injustices against vulnerable people in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. Energy Research & Social Science, 78, 102135-102135.
Flores RK, Bōhm S, Misoczky MC (2020). Contesting extractivism: international business and people’s struggles against extractive industries. critical perspectives on international business, 18(1), 1-14. Abstract.
Joosse S, Powell S, Bergeå H, Böhm S, Calderón C, Caselunghe E, Fischer A, Grubbström A, Hallgren L, Holmgren S, et al (2020). Critical, Engaged and Change-oriented Scholarship in Environmental Communication. Six Methodological Dilemmas to Think With. Environmental Communication, 14(6), 758-771.
Lestar T, Böhm S (2020). Ecospirituality and sustainability transitions: agency towards degrowth. Religion, State and Society, 48(1), 56-73.
Corvellec H, Böhm S, Stowell A, Valenzuela F (2020). Introduction to the special issue on the contested realities of the circular economy. Culture and Organization, 26(2), 97-102.
Boehm S, Pascucci S (2020). It’s not just about the Mafia! Conceptualizing business-society relations of organized violence. The Academy of Management Perspectives
Maher R, Monciardini D, Boehm S (2020). Torn between Legal Claiming and Privatized Remedy: Rights Mobilization against Gold Mining in Chile. Business Ethics Quarterly, 31(1), 37-74.
Böhm S, Spierenburg M, Lang T (2019). Fruits of our labour: Work and organisation in the global food system. Organization, 27(2), 195-212. Abstract.
Boehm S, Spierenburg M, Lang T (2019). Fruits of our labour: Work and organisation in the global food system. Organization
Bharucha Pervez Z, Weinstein N, Watson D, Boehm SG (2019). Participation in local food projects is associated with better psychological well-being: Evidence from the East of England. Journal of Public Health
Skoglund A, Böhm S (2019). Prefigurative Partaking: Employees’ Environmental Activism in an Energy Utility. Organization Studies, 41(9), 1257-1283. Abstract.
Maher R, Valenzuela F, Boehm SG (2019). The Enduring State: an analysis of governance making in three mining conflicts. Organization Studies, 40, 1169-1191.
Bo L, Boehm SG, Reynolds N-S (2018). Organizing the environmental governance of the rare-earth industry: China's passive revolution. Organization Studies
Agar CC, Boehm SG (2018). Towards a pluralist labor geography: Constrained grassroots agency and the socio-spatial fix in Dȇrsim, Turkey. Environment and Planning A, 50, 1228-1249.
Böhm S, Valenzuela F (2017). Against wasted politics: a critique of the circular economy. Ephemera : Theory and Politics in Organization, 17(1), 23-60.
Lanka SV, Khadaroo I, Böhm S (2017). Agroecology accounting: biodiversity and sustainable livelihoods from the margins. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 30(7), 1592-1613. Abstract.
Misoczky MC, Dornelas Camara G, Böhm S (2017). Organizational practices of social movements and popular struggles: understanding the power of organizing from below. Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management: an International Journal, 12(4), 250-261.
Fontoura Y, Bharucha Z, Böhm S (2016). A Transnational Agri-Food System for Whom? the Struggle for Hegemony at Rio+20. Revista de Administração de Empresas, 56(4), 424-437.
Russi L (2015). Book review: Steffen Böhm, Zareen Pervez Bharucha and Jules Pretty (eds), Ecocultures: Blueprints for Sustainable Communities (Routledge, Abingdon 2014) 312 pp. Journal of Human Rights and the Environment, 6(2), 226-234.
Böhm S, Brei V, Dabhi S (2015). EDF Energy's green CSR claims examined: the follies of global carbon commodity chains. Global Networks, 15(1), 87-107.
Beverungen A, Böhm S, Land C (2015). Free Labour, Social Media, Management: Challenging Marxist Organization Studies. Organization Studies, 36(4), 473-489. Abstract.
Pearse R, Böhm S (2015). Ten reasons why carbon markets will not bring about radical emissions reduction. Carbon Management, 5(4), 325-337.
Moog S, Spicer A, Böhm S (2015). The Politics of Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives: the Crisis of the Forest Stewardship Council. Journal of Business Ethics, 128(3), 469-493.
Bryant G, Dabhi S, Böhm S (2015). ‘Fixing’ the climate crisis: capital, states, and carbon offsetting in India. Environment and Planning A, 47(10), 2047-2063.
Sutherland N, Land C, Böhm S (2014). Anti-leaders(hip) in Social Movement Organizations: the case of autonomous grassroots groups. Organization, 21(6), 759-781.
Böhm S (2014). Book Review: JK Gibson-Graham, Jenny Cameron and Stephen Healy, Take Back the Economy: an Ethical Guide for Transforming Our Communities. Sociology, 48(5)(5), 1055-1057.
Dellagnelo EHL, Böhm S, Mendonça PMED (2014). Organizing resistance movements: contribution of the political discourse theory. Revista de Administração de Empresas, 54(2), 141-153. Abstract.
Brei V, Böhm S (2014). ‘1L=10L for Africa’: Corporate social responsibility and the transformation of bottled water into a ‘consumer activist’ commodity. Discourse & Society, 25(1), 3-31.
Beverungen A, Böhm S, Land C (2013). From the open road to the high seas? Piracy, damnation and resistance in academic consumption of publishing. Prometheus, 31(3). Abstract.
Misoczky MC, Böhm S (2013). Resistindo ao desenvolvimento neocolonial: a luta do povo de Andalgalá contra projetos megamineiros. Cadernos EBAPE.BR, 11(2), 311-339. Abstract.
Misoczky MC, Böhm S (2012). Do desenvolvimento sustentável à economia verde: a constante e acelerada investida do capital sobre a natureza. Cadernos EBAPE.BR, 10(3), 546-568. Abstract.
Böhm S, Misoczky MC, Moog S (2012). Greening Capitalism? a Marxist Critique of Carbon Markets. Organization Studies, 33(11), 1617-1638. Abstract.
Böhm S, Land C (2012). The New ‘Hidden Abode’: Reflections on Value and Labour in the New Economy. The Sociological Review, 60(2), 217-240. Abstract.
Beverungen A, Böhm S, Land C (2012). The poverty of journal publishing. Organization, 19(6), 929-938. Abstract.
Sullivan S, Spicer A, Böhm S (2011). Becoming Global (Un)Civil Society: Counter-Hegemonic Struggle and the Indymedia Network. Globalizations, 8(5), 703-717.
Böhm S, Dhabi S (2011). Commentary: Fault lines in climate policy: what role for carbon markets?. Climate Policy, 11(6), 1389-1392.
Frenzel F, Böhm S, Quinton P, Spicer A, Sullivan S, Young Z (2011). Comparing Alternative Media in North and South: the Cases of IFIWatchnet and Indymedia in Africa. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 43(5), 1173-1189. Abstract.
Brei V, Böhm S (2011). Corporate social responsibility as cultural meaning management: a critique of the marketing of ‘ethical’ bottled water. Business Ethics: a European Review, 20(3), 233-252. Abstract.
Boehm S (2011). Discourse and Economy: Discourse-analytical perspectives of markets and organizations. ORGANIZATION, 18(3), 410-415.  Author URL.
Böhm S, Dinerstein AC, Spicer A (2010). (Im)possibilities of Autonomy: Social Movements in and beyond Capital, the State and Development. Social Movement Studies, 9(1), 17-32.
Böhm S, Batta A (2010). Just doing it: enjoying commodity fetishism with Lacan. Organization, 17(3), 345-361. Abstract.
Fotaki M, Böhm S, Hassard J (2010). The failure of transition. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 23(6), 637-650. Abstract.
Essers J, Böhm S, Contu A (2009). Corporate Robespierres, ideologies of management and change. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 22(2), 129-140. Abstract.
Böhm S, Land C (2009). No measure for culture? Value in the new economy. Capital & Class, 33(1), 75-98. Abstract.
Misoczky MC, Flores RK, Böhm S (2008). A práxis da resistência e a hegemonia da organização. Organizações & Sociedade, 15(45), 181-193.
Böhm S, Spicer A, Fleming P (2008). Infra-political dimensions of resistance to international business: a Neo-Gramscian approach. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 24(3), 169-182.
Böhm S, Brei V (2008). Marketing the hegemony of development: of pulp fictions and green deserts. Marketing Theory, 8(4), 339-366.
De Cock C, Böhm S (2007). Liberalist Fantasies: Žižek and the Impossibility of the Open Society. Organization, 14(6), 815-836.
Spicer A, Böhm S (2007). Moving Management: Theorizing Struggles against the Hegemony of Management. Organization Studies, 28(11), 1667-1698.
Paterson M, Böhm S, Jones C, Land C (2006). Acknowledgements. The Sociological Review, 54(1_suppl), vii-vii.
Böhm S, De Cock C (2006). Everything you Wanted to Know about Organization Theory … but were Afraid to Ask Slavoj Žižek. The Sociological Review, 53(1_suppl), 279-291.
Böhm S, Jones C, Land C, Paterson M (2006). Introduction: Impossibilities of Automobility. The Sociological Review, 54(1_suppl), 3-16.
Bohm S, Jones C, Land C, Paterson M (2006). Introduction:: Impossibilities of automobility. SOCIOLOGICAL REVIEW, 54, 3-16.  Author URL.
Otto B, Böhm S (2006). “The people” and resistance against international business. Critical perspectives on international business, 2(4), 299-320. Abstract.
Böhm S, Cairns G (2005). Academia, the G8 and other misfortunes: notes on two journeys. Critical perspectives on international business, 1(4), 277-284. Abstract.
De Cock C, Böhm S (2005). An Encounter with Zizek. SSRN Electronic Journal
Böhm S (2003). Introduction to the special book review section. Information Technology & People, 16(2).


Böhm S, Sullivan S (2021). Introduction: Climate crisis? What climate crisis?. In  (Ed) Negotiating Climate Change in Crisis, xxxiii-lxx.
Böhm S, Misoczky MC, Watson D, Lanka S (2016). Alternatives to green growth? Possibilities and contradictions of self-managed food production. In Dale G, Mathai MV, Puppim de Oliverira JA (Eds.) Green Growth: Political Ideology, Political Economy and Policy Alternatives, Zed Books.
Böhm S, Skoglund A (2016). Wind Power Activism: epistemic struggles in the formation of eco-ethical selves at Vattenfall. In Bulkeley H, Paterson M, Stripple J (Eds.) Towards a Cultural Politics of Climate Change: Devices Desires and Dissent, London: Routledge.
Böhm S, Misoczky MC (2015). Environment, extractivism and the delusions of nature as capital. In  (Ed) The Routledge Companion to Philosophy in Organization Studies, Routledge.
Böhm S, Misoczky MC (2015). The oppressed organize against mega-mining in Famatina, Argentina. In  (Ed) The Routledge Companion to Ethics, Politics and Organizations, Routledge.
Misoczky MC, Böhm S (2015). The oppressed organize against mega-mining in Famatina, Argentina: Enrique Dussel's ethics of liberation. In  (Ed) The Routledge Companion to Ethics, Politics and Organizations, 67-84.
Boehm S, Land C (2009). The 'Value' of Knowledge. In  (Ed) Handbook of Research on Knowledge-Intensive Organizations, IGI Global, 479-494. Abstract.
Böhm S, Land C (2009). The 'Value' of knowledge: Reappraising labour in the post-industrial economy. In  (Ed) Handbook of Research on Knowledge-Intensive Organizations, 479-494. Abstract.
Böhm S (2007). Reading critical theory. In  (Ed) Philosophy and Organization, 101-115.
Böhm SG (2005). Fetish failures: Interrupting the subject and the other. In  (Ed) Organization and Identity, 114-147.


Rödl MB, Åhlvik T, Bergeå H, Hallgren L, Böhm S (2022). Performing the Circular economy: How an ambiguous discourse is managed and maintained through meetings. Abstract.
Fitch-Roy O, Boehm S (2021). Climate change in organization and management studies: a critical review. 37th Colloquium of the European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS). 8th - 10th Jul 2021.
Alexander A, Boehm S, Pascucci S, Cherrington R (2020). Circular Innovations: Sustainable Innovations, Eco-Innovations and Circular Regeneration?. the ISPIM Innovation Conference – Innovating in Times of Crisis. 7th - 10th Jun 2020.
Howard M, Yan X, Mustafee N, Boehm S, Hopkinson P, Charnley F, Pascucci S (2020). Seven Tools for the Circular Economy: from Linear Flows to Systems Value Recapture. International Society for Circular Economy (IS4CE). 6th - 7th Jul 2020.
Howard MB, Boehm S, Eatherly D, Lobley M, Mustafee N, Vamvakeridou-Lyroudia L (2018). A Capability Maturity Model for the Circular Economy: an Agri-food Perspective. Circular Economy Disruption: Past, Present & Future – an academic symposium. 17th - 19th Jun 2018.

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External Engagement and Impact

Committee/panel activities

Member of several UKRI review panels:

  • Future Leaders Fellowships Panel
  • ESRC Review Panel
  • EPSRC Review Panel

Editorial responsibilities

  • Editor of the section Environment & Ethics at the Journal of Business Ethics
  • Member of the Editorial Review Board at Organization Studies
  • Member of the editorial board of Social Movement Studies
  • Special issue editor for Organization ‘Fruits of our labour: Work and organization in the global food system’ – with Tim Lang (City, London) and Marja Spierenburg (Radboud University Nijmegen) 
  • Special issue editor for Culture & Organization ‘Contested realities of the Circular Economy’ – with Hervé Corvellec (Lund), Alison Stowell (Lancaster) and Francisco Valenzuela (University of Chile)
  • Special issue editor for Qualitative Research Methods in Organization and Management ‘Organizational Practices of Social Movements and Popular Struggles: Understanding the Power of Organizing From Below’ – with Maria Ceci Misoczky and Guilherme Dornelas Camara (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)
  • Special issue editor for Critical Perspectives of International Business ‘Extractivism and the Links between International Business and People’s Struggles’ – with Maria Ceci Misoczky and Rafael Kruter Flores (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)

External Examiner Positions

  • Queen Mary, University of London

External doctoral examining nationally and internationally

Prof Boehm has examined the following PhD theses:

  • Anna Stegman, University of Edinburgh, UK
  • Lotta Aho, Aalto University, Finland
  • Isla Farley, University of Nottingham, UK
  • Umut Onder, University of Sussex, UK
  • Laura Gene McNally, University of Western Sydney, Australia
  • Leandros Savvides, University of Leicester, UK
  • Amal Nazzal, University of Exeter, UK
  • Cristian Alarcon Ferrari, Swedish Agricultural University, Sweden
  • Fahreen Alamgir, Australia
  • Gareth Bryant, University of Sydney, Australia
  • Maria Ehrnström-Fuentes, Hanken University, Finland
  • Michael Cook, University of Leicester, UK
  • Nouha Almahmoud, University of Essex, UK
  • Raquel Ajates Gonzalez, City, University of London, UK
  • Rocio Hiraldo Lopez-Alonso, University of East Anglia, UK
  • Robert Watt, University of Manchester, UK
  • Toni Ruuska, Aalto University, Finland

Workshops/Conferences organised

Recent Organization and convening of conferences, conference streams and other events:

  • 2020: ‘Inclusive Organizing in the Anthropocene: From Sustainability to Circularity to Degrowth’, sub-plenary at EGOS, Hamburg, 2-4 July.
  • 2019: ‘Critical Organizational Anthropocene Studies’, conference stream at EGOS, Edinburgh, 4-6 July.
  • 2018: ‘Renewable Energy Activism’, British Academy, 14 September.
  • 2014-2015: ESRC-funded seminar series on ‘The Future of Our Food’ with 4 seminars organised so far; for details see
  • 2015: ‘Towards a critical political economy of organization’, conference stream at Critical Management Studies Conference, University of Leicester, 8-10 July.
  • 2014: ‘The political economy of organization’, conference stream at Laemos, Havana, Cuba, 2-5 April.
  • 2013: ‘Critiques of International Development: Mining and the Extractive Industries’, conference stream at the 8th Critical Management Studies conference, July, Manchester.
  • 2012: ‘Ecocultures 2012: Transitions to Sustainability’, An international conference at the University of Essex, 17th – 18th of April.

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Professor Steffen Boehm takes an inter-disciplinary approach to teaching topics in organisation, sustainability, corporate governance, business ethics, corporate social responsibility, environment and political economy. His teaching is research-led, theoretically astute and practice oriented. He has been teaching at all levels, Undergraduate, Postgraduate, MBA and PhD.

His teaching is informed by his many years of working in the world of business as well as his involvement with policymakers, NGOs, community groups and social movements. His lectures and classes are hence practice-oriented, analysing the organisational realities on the ground. This bottom-up or grassroots perspective is driven by the political and ethical need for students to engage with real social, economic and environmental problems – not just in the privileged world but also in disadvantaged and marginalised communities and countries.



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Supervision / Group


  • Celal Cahit Agar: Neo-Corporativism: A Neoliberal Modus Vivendi between State, Capital and Civil Society in the Dispossession Era

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