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University of Exeter Business School

Dr Adrian Bailey

Dr Adrian Bailey

Senior Lecturer in Management


 +44 (0) 1392 722523

 Streatham Court 0.59


Streatham Court, University of Exeter, Rennes Drive, Exeter, EX4 4PU, UK


Adrian Bailey is Senior Lecturer in Management at the University of Exeter Business School.  He is the co-founder of the ‘Business, Nature and Value Research Centre, an international network researching issues of sustainable supply chain management.  Adrian brings a wide range of knowledge from human geography and management studies to explore the how the co-operative identity (i.e. organisations where members are also owners) can contribute to sustainable business practices and business models.

Adrian gained his doctoral thesis in 2002, entitled ‘Developing a model community: Institutions, paternalism and social identities in Bournville, 1879-1939‘.  His doctoral work adopts a mixed methods approach to research the interaction of Quaker business philanthropy, the Cadbury organisation and the local communities within the Bournville Village Trust.  In 2003, he joined the School of Geography at the University of Exeter to work on the Leverhulme funded project ‘The Role of Methodism in Cornish Cultures, c.1830-1930‘.  Joining the Business School in 2006, Adrian worked on the AHRC project ‘Reconstructing consumer landscapes c.1947-1975: Shopper reactions to the supermarket in early post-war England‘.  In 2007, he began working on the AIM/ESRC-funded project ‘Internationalisation and innovation in the service sector:  The role of international migration and UK (London) hotels‘.  His research uncovers ‘hidden innovation‘ in front and back office functions, highlighting the impacts of new information communication technologies on marketing, service quality and the outsourcing of services.

Adrian was appointed as Lecturer in Tourism Management in 2009 and was the Director of tourism programmes from 2009-2013.  He remains active in researching visitor experiences in arts and cultural institutions. Since 2010 he has been working with the Co-operative Group (UK) to deliver undergraduate modules that highlight the role of co-operative values and principles to business practice.  His research now combines his enthusiasm for co-operatives, with his research exploring issues of food security and rural development in a range of international contexts.

Away from his desk, Adrian is a leader at Belmont Chapel and Chair of the community sponsorhip group for refugee resettlement CHARIS Exeter. His activism is informed by political theologies that incorporate an ecological focus.

Nationality: British

Administrative responsibilities

  • Director of Research Ethics & Chair of Business School Research Ethics Committee


BSc Geography (University of Birmingham), MSc World Space Economy (University of Birmingham), PhD (University of Birmingham).

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Research interests

  • Co-operative governance and management
  • Sustainable supply chain management
  • Social enterprise and innovation
  • Retail history (twentieth century)
  • Leisure studies (arts, culture and creative industries)
  • Business and religion

My current research is focusing on issues of collaboration and governance within the context of co-operatives and social enterprises. These hybrid organisations combine social and economic missions, which provide a range of challenges for managers. My recent research has been focused on producer co-operatives in relation to issues of food security and rural development. My current work brings together my previous research on religion and spatiality, which explores the institutional reproduction of values and beliefs, with my interest in the consumer adoption of innovations in retailing and hospitality organisations. I am seeking to understand how co-operatives and social enterprises can embrace environmental sustainability within their business models and how effective market demand for their products and services can be created (e.g. through certifications and social movements). This is part of an effort to understand how sustainable innovations can be scaled up (i.e. institutionally), scaled out (i.e. extended to more people) and scaled deep (i.e. culturally embedded).

Research projects

Adrian is currently the recipient of Newton mobility grants with partners in South Africa (Sustainability Institute), Brazil, China and a Newton Caldas grant (ReDES: University of Los Andes).

Research networks

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Brace C, Bailey AR, Harvey DC, Thomas N, Carter S (eds)(2011). Emerging Geographies of Belief. UK, Cambridge Scholars.

Journal articles

Hutchison F, Bailey AR, Coles T (In Press). An Evidence Based Methodology for Cultural Institutions Seeking to Identify and Profile their Local Populations. Museum Management and Curatorship (RMMC)
Bailey AR, Alexander A (In Press). Cadbury and the rise of the supermarket: innovation in marketing 1953-1975. Business History
Bailey AR, Shaw G, Alexander A, Nell D (In Press). Consumer behaviour and the life-course: shopper reactions to self service grocery shops and supermarkets in England c.1947-1975. Environment and Planning A: Society and Space Abstract.
Shaw G, Bailey AR, Nell D, Alexander A (In Press). Queuing as a Changing Shopper Experience: the case of grocery shopping in post-war Britain. Journal of Contemporary British History
Vainker S, Bailey AR (In Press). Students as human resources in the corporatised school. British Journal of Sociology of Education CBSE Abstract.
Jia F, Zuluaga L, Bailey AR, Rueda X (In Press). Sustainable supply chain management in developing countries: an analysis of the literature. Journal of Cleaner Production
Osten FLVD, Martins TS, Dong H, Bailey AR (2024). What does the 7th cooperative principle (concern for community) really mean?. Management Review Quarterly Abstract.
Colombo LA, Bailey AR, Gomes MVP (2023). Scaling in a post-growth era: Learning from Social Agricultural Cooperatives. Organization, 135050842211474-135050842211474. Abstract.
Liang Q, Dong H, Bailey AR, Hu W, Jia F (2022). Exploring multiple drivers of cooperative governance: a paired case comparison of vegetable growing cooperatives in the UK and China. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 25(4), 651-670.
Hood L, Bailey AR, Coles T, Pringle E (2022). Liminal spaces and the shaping of family museum visits: a spatial ethnography of a major international art museum. Museum Management and Curatorship, 37(5), 531-554.
Bailey AR, Fu J, Dong H, Martins TS (2021). Sustaining supply chain relationships for co-operative success: the case of South Devon Organic Producers Co-operative (UK). International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 24(1), 162-178. Abstract.
Bailey AR (2017). The Chicken and the Quetzal: Incommensurate Ontologies and Portable Values in Guatemala's Cloud Forest. TOURISM MANAGEMENT, 60, 65-66.  Author URL.
Bailey AR (2015). Nelson Lichtenstein, ed. Wal-Mart: the Face of Twenty-First Century Capitalism. London: the New Press, 2006. xv + 249 pp. ISBN 1-59558-021-2, $21.95 (paper). Enterprise & Society, 10(4), 866-868.
Bailey AR (2014). Environmentally, Resistance and Solidarity: the Politics of Friends of the Earth International. ENVIRONMENTAL VALUES, 23(6), 750-752.  Author URL.
Bailey AR (2013). Between God and Green: How Evangelicals Are Cultivating a Middle Ground on Climate Change. ENVIRONMENTAL VALUES, 22(1), 135-137.  Author URL.
Shaw G, Bailey A, Alexander A, Nell D, Hamlett J (2012). The coming of the supermarket: the processes and consequences of transplanting American know-how into Britain. , 35-53.
Shaw G, Bailey AR, Williams A (2011). Aspects of service-dominant logic and its implications for tourism management: Examples from the hotel industry. Tourism Management, 32(2), 207-214. Abstract.
Shaw G (2011). Aspects of service-dominant logic and its implications for tourism management: Examples from the hotel industry. Tourism Management, 32(2), 207-214.
Bailey AR (2011). Regulating the supermarket in 1960s Britain: exploring the changing relationship of food manufacturers and retailers through the Cadbury archive. Business Archives, 103(103), 1-23.
Alexander A, Nell D, Bailey AR, Shaw G (2010). The Co-Creation of a Retail Innovation: Shoppers and the Early Supermarket in Britain. Enterprise and Society, 10, 529-558. Abstract.
Alexander A, Nell D, Bailey AR, Shaw G (2009). The Co-Creation of a Retail Innovation: Shoppers and the Early Supermarket in Britain. Enterprise & Society, 10(3), 529-558. Abstract.
Bailey A, Brace C, Harvey DC (2009). Three Geographers in an Archive: positions, predilections and passing comment on transient lives. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 34(2), 254-269. Abstract.
Bailey AR, Brace C, Harvey DC (2009). Three geographers in an archive: positions, predilections and passing comment on transient lives. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 34(2).
Bailey AR (2009). Wal-Mart: the Face of Twenty-First Century Capitalism. ENTERPRISE & SOCIETY, 10(4), 866-868.  Author URL.
Nell D, Alexander A, Shaw G, Bailey AR (2009). ‘Investigating shopper narratives of the supermarket in early postwar England 1945-1975’. Oral History Journal, 61-73. Abstract.
Hamlett J, Bailey A, Alexander A, Shaw G (2008). Ethnicity and Consumption: South Asian food shopping Patterns in Britain 1947-75. Journal of Consumer Culture, 8(1), 91-116.
Hamlett J, Bailey AR, Alexander A, Shaw G (2008). Ethnicity and Consumption: South Asian food shopping patterns in Britain, 1947–75. Journal of Consumer Culture, 8(1), 91-116. Abstract.
Hamlett J, Alexander A, Bailey AR, Shaw G (2008). ‘Regulating UK supermarkets: an oral-history perspective’. History and Policy Abstract.
Bailey AR, Harvey DC, Brace C (2007). Disciplining Youthful Methodist Bodies in Nineteenth-Century Cornwall. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 97(1), 142-157.
Harvey DC, Bailey AR, Leyshon CS (2007). Parading the Cornish Subject: Methodist Sunday Schools in West Cornwall c. 1830-1930. Journal of Historical Geography, 33(1), 24-44.
Harvey DC, Bailey AR, Brace C (2007). Parading the Cornish subject: Methodist Sunday schools in west Cornwall, c.1830-1930. Journal of Historical Geography, 33(1), 24-44. Abstract.
Bailey AR, Bryson JR (2006). 'A Quaker experiment in town planning: George Cadbury and the construction of Bournville Model Village'. Quaker Studies, 11, 89-114.
Harvey DC, Bailey A, Brace C (2006). Religion, place and space: a framework for investigating historical geographies of religious identities and communities. Progress in Human Geography, 30(1), 28-43. Abstract.  Author URL.
Bailey AR (2006). Sacred space in early modern Europe. Journal of Historical Geography, 32(4), 876-878.
Bailey AR, Bryson JR (2006). Stories of suburbia (Bournville, UK): from planning to people tales. Social and Cultural Geography, 7(2), 179-198. Abstract.


Shaw G, Bailey A, Alexander A, Nell D, Hamlett J (2016). The coming of the supermarket: the processes and consequences of transplanting American know-how into Britain. In  (Ed) Transformations of Retailing in Europe after 1945, 35-53.
Brace C, Bailey A, Harvey DC (2011). Investigating the spatialities of youthful spirituality: Methodist mutual improvement in Cornwall (UK), c. 1870-1930. In Brace C, Bailey A, Harvey DC, Thomas N, Carter S (Eds.) Emerging Geographies of Belief, Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars, 74-90.


Hawkings B, Harvey WS, Bailey AR, Tourky M, Water H (2018). Leadership Development in Public Service Mutuals: a Practical Guide. Abstract.
Bailey AR, Shaw G, Williams A (2012). Uncovering Innovation Processes in the Hotel Industry. Advanced Institute of Management.

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External Engagement and Impact

External positions

Member of EMES: International Research Network

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My teaching is focused on so called ‘alternative’ business models associated with co-operatives, mutuals or social enterprises.  These organisations have hybrid identities, as they seek to combine social and economic missions. I deal with issues arising from the governance of these alternative models and aim to prepare students to become social entrepreneurs and co-operative managers.  My teaching is supported by my research into agricultural producer co-operatives and social enterprises in a range of contexts (Brazil, China, Colombia, Italy, South Africa and UK). I am also a member of several social enterprises and co-operatives, which provides an insider perspective on the management of these organisations.

In 2010, I was sponsored by the Co-operative Group in a knowledge exchange to develop undergraduate modules that highlighted the importance of the International Co-operative Alliance (ICA) values and principles. The outcome of this partnership is BEM3038 Co-operative Enterprise, which simulates the startup of a co-operative social enterprise by considering a comprehensive set of choices that social entrepreneurs must take. The issues covered on the module include: the process of designing a business with social objectives; how to work together co-operatively; the choice of legal constitution; how to engage members in the ICA values and principles; how to market the co-operative difference to members and non-members; capitalisation; and accounting for economic, social and environmental performance.  The module is supported by local social entrepreneurs and the Co-operative Group contribute a Dragon’s Den examination of student work.

My other teaching interests are associated with qualitative methods and research ethics. I have expertise to share with students in the area of interviewing, oral history, ethnography, historical methods and research ethics. I also contribute guest lectures on modules associated with tourism, leisure and hospitality, where I am able to share my experiences of working with TATE, RAMM and a wide range of tourism organisations.

I supervise a wider range of dissertations covering areas of business history, collaboration, co-operation, innovation, religion, spirituality, retailing and sustainable supply chain management.



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Supervision / Group

Postgraduate researchers

  • Sarah Bailey - Thesis title: ‘Cross-sector Partnerships: The Value of Collaboration for Social Enterprises’(ESRC Doctoral Training College).
  • Laura Antonella Colombo - Thesis title:
  • Hao Dong - Thesis title: ‘Evaluating the social impact of the co-operative movement in China: A case study of regional agricultural co-operatives c1978-2015’.
  • Louisa Hood - Thesis title: ‘Engaging Family Audiences in Galleries’ (ESRC Doctoral Training College).
  • Kristine Ke 'The Package Holiday in Post-war Britain' (01/04/2010)
  • Meg Peterson - Thesis title: '‘Cultural Entrepreneurship, Mapping & Social Change: A Case for Creative Innovation in Urban Regeneration in Exeter’.
  • Donna Poade - Thesis title: ‘‘The dark tourist’: Towards a typology of ‘dark tourists’ and innovation around dark tourist sites’ (ESRC Doctoral Training College – Management Studentship Award).
  • Melinda Szocs - Thesis title: ‘Influences and achievements of social innovation within hybrid organisations’.


  • Betsy Campbell - Thesis title: Innovation in hi technology accelerator projects (10/2014).
  • Emily Fenclova - Thesis title: Corporate Social Responsibility in Airlines Flying to and from the UK (07/2013).
  • Fiona Hutchinson - The Socio-cultural Impacts of Museums in the Local Community: an Investigation of the Royal Albert Memorial Museum, Exeter (10/2013).
  • Cheng Man - Thesis title: Tourist-host encounter of Chinese tourists with a UK community: the applications of a social network theory perspective to understanding tourists from emerging economies (09/2015).
  • Yunfeng Shang - Thesis: Factors determining e-Tourism innovation in small and medium sized tourism enterprises: the case of China (09/2014).
  • Stephen Vainker - Thesis title: Experiences and Engagement: An Investigation of Young Persons' Visits to ARTIST ROOMS on Tour (03/2015).
  • Yan Wen-Thornton - Thesis: A longitudinal study of female entrepreneurs in developing economies: the case of China (05/2013).

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