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The Exeter MBA

Careers Programme

Achieve your career aspirations with The Exeter MBA 

Inspiring leaders for a better world

Your careers & employability programme is designed to parallel and enhance your MBA learning journey. Whether you are studying for an MBA to improve your leadership and business skills, to fill some gaps, for a promotion, a career pivot, making a step into entrepreneurship or still deciding, the careers programme will help you to:

  • Capture personal and professional insights
  • Seek out opportunities for further professional growth and development
  • Fully explore your options, enabling you to take decisions where you want to take your career
  • Practice and refine important workplace skills to achieve ongoing career success. 

The careers programme offers you timetabled in-class sessions, group exploration and learning, time for reflection and deeper understanding, and workshops with expert practitioners. Our Meet the Alumni Sessions, panel events and our wider university offering provide opportunities to engage and connect with like-minded industry professionals in person and online.

Become the leader you want to be

Through our active support we will:

  • Provide personalised 1:1 Careers Coaching with our experienced, fully qualified Career Consultant
  • Run classes and 1:1 sessions to increase self-awareness around career ‘hot buttons’, personal values and strengths
  • Match you up with an experienced professional to gain 1:1 careers advice through our Careers Mentor scheme
  • Provide access to careers fairs and events
  • Connect you with successful alumni working in a sector of your choice to further develop your contacts, network and professional impact