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Department of Management

Professor Mike Yearworth

Professor Mike Yearworth

Emeritus Professor of Management Science




Professor Yearworth's research addresses the complex strategic decision making challenges faced by organisations dealing with messy problems and is based on the use of Problem Structuring Methods (PSMs). Professor Yearworth has worked with a wide range of organisations in developing and applying systems modelling and problem structuring approaches to strategic decision making. These include Guardian News and Media (GNM), Defra, Rolls-Royce Defence Aerospace, Thales UK, Dstl, Toshiba Telecoms Research Laboratory, Frazer Nash Consulting and Bristol City Council. His work is published in the European Journal of Operational Research, Energy Research & Social Science, Journal of the Operational Research Society, Energy Policy, Journal of Industrial Ecology, Systems Research and Behavioral Science and Systems Engineering. Mike has participated in 15 research projects with £25M funding from EPSRC, NERC, EU (H2020, FP7, FP6, FP5) and UK Gov (BIS, Defra, Highways Agency, DTI); 7 of these projects as PI and the remainder as named CoI.

Mike joined the Business School in 2016 and was previously Professor of Engineering Systems at the University of Bristol where he worked on the development of problem structuring methods to support systems practice in engineering organisations. This built on his previous work whilst Senior Research Manager at Hewlett-Packard’s European Research Laboratory (HP Labs) where he managed a number of projects researching the development and application of system modelling techniques to understanding the performance of very large complex managed services with focus areas in data centre operations, information security and automation. Before joining Hewlett-Packard, Mike was Director of the Intelligent Computer Systems Centre at the University of the West of England.

Mike is a Chartered Engineer (MBCS CITP CEng), originally a physicist (BSc, PhD University of Southampton), and also holds an MBA from the University of Bath.


  • BSc(Soton), PhD(Soton), MBA(Bath), MBCS, CITP, CEng


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Research interests

My research is focussed on the way in which managers make decisions when faced with messy problem contexts. These are characterised by contested stakeholder viewpoints, difficulties agreeing objectives, lack of reliable data and uncertain outcomes from interventions. My work is mostly concerned with the methodology of decision making and the development and use of Problem Structuring Methods (PSMs) to support decision making and is ordered in the following themes:

  • Methodology: Implications of the Generic Constitutive Definition (GCD) of Problem Structuring Methods - studying non-codified problem structuring in organisations, methodological learning and improving PSMs/Soft OR
  • Practice: Problem formulation, stakeholder engagement, working across multiple organisations, facilitation, use of Group Support Systems for online workshops, integrating functional systems modelling techniques (e.g. Discrete Event Modelling, Agent Based Modelling, System Dynamics) into problem structuring approaches, integrating analytics/big data (Smart OR)
  • Theory: Problem structuring and practice theory

These themes are investigated in the following contexts:

  • Problem structuring workshops for multi-organisational collaboration
  • Group decision making through conventional workshops and online Group Support Systems (GSS)

Keywords: Problem Structuring Methods (PSMs), Soft Operational Research (Soft OR), Group Support Systems (GSS)

Research projects

  • REPLICATE (REnaissance of PLaces with Innovative Citizenship And TEchnology)
  • STEEP (Systems Thinking for Efficient Energy Planning)
  • RESIST (Resilient Economy and Society by Integrated SysTems modelling)

Research grants

  • 2016 Horizon 2020
    EU H2020-SCC-2015 (691735) REPLICATE (REnaissance of Places with Innovative Citizenship and TEchnology).

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Journal articles

Ormerod R, Yearworth M, White L (In Press). Understanding participant actions in OR interventions using practice theories: a research agenda. European Journal of Operational Research Abstract.
Petropoulos F, Laporte G, Aktas E, Alumur SA, Archetti C, Ayhan H, Battarra M, Bennell JA, Bourjolly J-M, Boylan JE, et al (2023). Operational Research: methods and applications. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 75(3), 423-617.
Yearworth M (2021). D2.4 Report on the Replication Potential of City Business Models.
Lowe D, Espinosa A, Yearworth M (2020). Constitutive rules for guiding the use of the viable system model: Reflections on practice. European Journal of Operational Research, 287(3), 1014-1035. Abstract.
Harper A, Mustafee N, Yearworth M (2020). Facets of Trust in Simulation Studies. European Journal of Operational Research Abstract.
Yearworth M (2020). The Theoretical Foundation(s) for Systems Engineering?. Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 1-4.
Burger K, White L, Yearworth M (2019). Developing a Smart Operational Research with Hybrid Practice Theories. European Journal of Operational Research Abstract.
Lowe D, Yearworth M (2019). Response to viewpoint: Whither problem structuring methods (PSMs)?. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 70(8), 1393-1395.
Tully P, White L, Yearworth M (2019). The Value Paradox of Problem Structuring Methods. Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 36(4), 424-444. Abstract.
Burger K, White L, Yearworth M (2019). Understanding front-end project workshops with Social Practice Theory. International Journal of Project Management, 37(1), 161-175. Abstract.
Ackermann F, Yearworth M, White L (2018). Micro-processes in Group Decision and Negotiation: Practices and Routines for Supporting Decision Making. Group Decision and Negotiation, 27(5), 709-713.
Yearworth M, White L (2018). Spontaneous emergence of Community OR: Self-initiating, self-organising problem structuring mediated by social media. European Journal of Operational Research, 268(3), 809-824. Abstract.
Burger K, White L, Yearworth M (2018). Why so Serious? Theorising Playful Model-Driven Group Decision Support with Situated Affectivity. Group Decision and Negotiation, 27(5), 789-810. Abstract.
Freeman R, Yearworth M (2017). Climate change and cities: problem structuring methods and critical perspectives on low-carbon districts. Energy Research and Social Science, 25, 48-64. Abstract.
Lowe D, Martingale L, Yearworth M (2017). Guiding interventions in a multi-organisational context: combining the Viable System Model and Hierarchical Process Modelling for use as a Problem Structuring Method. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 67(12), 1481-1495.
Gilbert D, Yearworth M (2016). Complexity in a Systems Engineering Organization: an Empirical Case Study. Systems Engineering, 19(5), 422-435. Abstract.
Yearworth M, Cornell SE (2016). Contested Modelling: a Critical Examination of Expert Modelling in Sustainability. Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 33(1), 45-63. Abstract.
Walworth T, Yearworth M, Shrieves L, Sillitto H (2016). Estimating Project Performance through a System Dynamics Learning Model. Systems Engineering, 19(4), 334-350. Abstract.
Jones W, Sooriyabandara M, Yearworth M, Doufexi A, Wilson RE (2016). Planning for 5G: a Problem Structuring Approach for Survival in the Telecoms Industry. Systems Engineering, 19(4), 301-321. Abstract.
Freeman R, Yearworth M, Preist C (2016). Revisiting Jevons' Paradox with System Dynamics: Systemic Causes and Potential Cures. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 20(2), 341-353. Abstract.
Yearworth M (2016). Sustainability as a ‘super-wicked’ problem; opportunities and limits for engineering methodology. Intelligent Buildings International, 8(1), 37-47. Abstract.
White L, Burger K, Yearworth M (2016). Understanding behaviour in problem structuring methods interventions with activity theory. European Journal of Operational Research, 249(3), 983-1004. Abstract.
Yearworth M, Edwards G (2014). On the desirability of integrating research methods into overall systems approaches in the training of engineers: Analysis using SSM. Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 31(1), 47-66. Abstract.
Yearworth M, White L (2014). The Non-Codified Use of Problem Structuring Methods and the Need for a Generic Constitutive Definition.
Yearworth M, White L (2014). The non-codified use of problem structuring methods and the need for a generic constitutive definition. European Journal of Operational Research, 237(3), 932-945. Abstract.
Dunford CN, Yearworth M, York DM, Godfrey P (2013). A view of Systems Practice: Enabling quality in design. Systems Engineering, 16(2), 134-151. Abstract.
Schien D, Shabajee P, Yearworth M, Preist C (2013). Modeling and assessing variability in energy consumption during the use stage of online multimedia services. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 17(6), 800-813. Abstract.
Dave S, Sooriyabandara M, Yearworth M (2013). System behaviour modelling for demand response provision in a smart grid. Energy Policy, 61, 172-181. Abstract.
Yearworth M, White L (2013). The uses of qualitative data in multimethodology: Developing causal loop diagrams during the coding process. European Journal of Operational Research, 231(1), 151-161. Abstract.
Yearworth M, Battle S (1998). Workflow management for multimedia information in clinical laboratories. Comput Methods Programs Biomed, 55(1), 1-9. Abstract.  Author URL.
Yearworth M, Hermanson B, Grimson W, Wade V, Allahwerdi N, Mouritsen T, Grimson J (1996). Computational viewpoint of the OpenLabs architecture. Comput Methods Programs Biomed, 50(2), 111-122. Abstract.  Author URL.
Wade V, Grimson W, Hederman L, Yearworth M, Groth T (1996). Managing the operation of open distributed laboratory information systems. Comput Methods Programs Biomed, 50(2), 123-133. Abstract.  Author URL.
Grimson W, Brender J, Grimson J, Groth T, Hermanson B, Yearworth M, Wade V (1996). Specifying an open clinical laboratory information system. Comput Methods Programs Biomed, 50(2), 95-109. Abstract.  Author URL.
O'Moore RR, De Moor G, Boran G, Gaffney P, Grimson J, McNair P, Groth T, Nykänen P, Hasman A, Eller J, et al (1994). OpenLabs: the application of advanced informatics and telematics for optimization of clinical laboratory services. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 45(1-2), 137-140. Abstract.
Sharpe PK, Solberg HE, Rootwelt K, Yearworth M (1993). Artificial neural networks in diagnosis of thyroid function from in vitro laboratory tests. Clinical Chemistry, 39(11), 2248-2253. Abstract.
Sharpe PK, Solberg HE, Rootwelt K, Yearworth M (1993). Artificial neural networks in diagnosis of thyroid function from in vitro laboratory tests. Clin Chem, 39(11 Pt 1), 2248-2253. Abstract.  Author URL.
Nykänen P, Boran G, Pincé H, Clarke K, Yearworth M, Willems JL, O'Moore R (1993). Interpretative reporting and alarming based on laboratory data. Clin Chim Acta, 222(1-2), 37-48. Abstract.  Author URL.
Gorrod MJ, Coe MJ, Yearworth M (1989). Parallel processing of Monte Carlo simulations using a transputer array. Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A, 281(1), 156-161. Abstract.
Court AJ, Dean AJ, Yearworth M, Younis F, Butler RC, Caroli E, Di Cocco G, Stephen JB, Chiappetti L, Perotti F, et al (1988). A position sensitive detector using a NaI(Tl)/photomultiplier tube combination for the energy range 200 keV to 10 MeV. Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A, 273(2-3), 706-710. Abstract.


Yearworth M, White L (2021). Group Support Systems: Experiments with an Online System and Implications for Same-Time/Different-Places Working. In  (Ed) Handbook of Group Decision and Negotiation, Springer Nature, 681-706.
Yearworth M, White L (2019). Group Support Systems: experiments with an online system and implications for same-time/different places working. In Kilgour DM, Eden C (Eds.) Handbook of Group Decision and Negotiation, Springer. Abstract.
Yearworth M, White L (2017). Demystifying facilitation: a new approach to investigating the role of facilitation in group decision support processes. In Bajwa D, Koeszegi ST, Vetschera R (Eds.) Group Decision and Negotiation. Theory, Empirical Evidence, and Application: 16th International Conference, GDN 2016, Bellingham, WA, USA, June 20-24, 2016, Revised Selected Papers, Springer, 69-86. Abstract.
Lowe D, Oliver P, Midgley G, Yearworth M (2017). Evaluating How System Health Assessment can Trigger Anticipatory Action for Resilience. In Madni AM, Boehm B, Ghanem R, Erwin D, Wheaton MJ (Eds.) Disciplinary Convergence in Systems Engineering Research, Springer, 765-776. Abstract.
White L, Burger K, Yearworth M (2016). Big Data and Behavior in Operational Research: Towards a “Smart OR”. In Kunc M, Malpass J, White L (Eds.) Behavioral Operational Research Theory, Methodology and Practice, Palgrave Macmillan, 177-193. Abstract.
White L, Burger K, Yearworth M (2016). Smart cities:big data and behavioral operational research. In Kunc M, Malpass J, White L (Eds.) Behavioral Operational Research Theory, Methodology and Practice, Palgrave Macmillan, 303-318. Abstract.
Gilbert D, Shrieves L, Yearworth M (2015). A Case Study of Applying Complexity Leadership Theory in Thales UK. In Auvray G, Bocquet JC, Bonjour E, Krob D (Eds.) Complex Systems Design & Management, Cham: Springer, 199-211. Abstract.
White L, Yearworth M, Burger K (2015). Understanding PSM Interventions Through Sense-Making and the Mangle of Practice Lens. In Kaminski B, Kersten G, Szapiro T (Eds.) Outlooks and Insights on Group Decision and Negotiation 15th International Conference, GDN 2015, Warsaw, Poland, June 22-26, 2015, Proceedings, Springer, 13-27. Abstract.


Yearworth M (2022). From problem formulation to problem structuring and back. 32nd European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2022). 3rd - 6th Jul 2022. Abstract.
Yearworth M (2022). Problem structuring in OR practice. 64th Conference of the UK Operational Research Society (OR64). 13th - 15th Sep 2022. Abstract.
Harper A, Mustafee N, Yearworth M (2022). The Issue of Trust and Implementation of Results in Healthcare Modeling and Simulation Studies. 2022 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC). 11th - 14th Dec 2022.
Yearworth M, White L (2021). A Problem Structuring Method implemented using a Group Support System. 31st European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2021). 11th - 14th Jul 2021. Abstract.
Yearworth M (2021). Hierarchical Process Modelling (HPM) in Problem Structuring. 63rd Conference of the Operational Research Society (OR63). 14th - 16th Sep 2021. Abstract.
Yearworth M, White L (2021). The Construction of Wicked Problems. 22nd Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS 2021). 23rd - 27th Aug 2021. Abstract.
Yearworth M, Ormerod R, White L (2019). Problem structuring interventions in practice?. 30th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2019). 23rd - 26th Jun 2019. Abstract.
Yearworth M, Ormerod R, White L (2019). Problem structuring interventions in practice?. 30th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2019). 23rd - 26th Mar 2019. Abstract.
Yearworth M, Tully P, White L, Burger K (2018). Quantifying the value of problem structuring interventions?. 29th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2018). 8th - 11th Jul 2018. Abstract.
Yearworth M, Espinosa A, Lowe D (2017). Developing a set of constitutive rules for using the Viable System Model in real world applications. 21st Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS 2017). 17th - 21st Jul 2017. Abstract.
Yearworth M, Singer JW, Adcock R, Hybertson D, Singer M, Chroust G, Kijima KJ (2015). Systems engineering in a context of Systemic Cooperation (SCOOPs): Development and implications. Abstract.
Yearworth M, White L, Ormerod R (2015). The performative idiom and PSMs. 27th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2015). 12th - 15th Jul 2015. Abstract.
White L, Yearworth M, Burger K (2015). Understanding PSM interventions through sense-making and the mangle of practice lens. Abstract.
Walworth T, Yearworth M, Shrieves L (2014). Knowledge management for metrics: Enabling analysis and dissemination of metrics. Abstract.
Gilbert D, Yearworth M, Oliver L (2014). Systems approach to the development and application of technical metrics to Systems Engineering projects. Abstract.
Winter DJ, Ashton-Rickardt P, Ward C, Yearworth M, McMahon C, Potter K (2014). Systems thinking for rapid decision making in industrial contexts. Abstract.
Walworth T, Yearworth M, Davis J, Davies P (2013). Early estimation of project performance: the application of a system dynamics rework model. Abstract.
Yearworth M, Edwards G, Davis J, Burger K, Terry A (2013). Integrating problem solving and research methods teaching for systems practice in engineering. Abstract.
Parsley A, York D, Dunford C, Yearworth M (2013). The use of a systems engineering process guide to accelerate improvement in systems engineering application and expertise. Abstract.
Yearworth M, Cornell S (2012). Contested modelling. Abstract.
Schien D, Preist C, Yearworth M, Shabajee P (2012). Impact of location on the energy footprint of digital media. Abstract.
Schien D, Shabajee P, Wood SG, Yearworth M, Preist C (2012). LCA for green system design of digital media. Abstract.
Henning PB, Wilmshurst J, Yearworth M (2012). Understanding systems thinking: an agenda for applied research in industry. Abstract.
Dunford CN, Yearworth M, Godfrey P, York D, Parsley A (2012). Using Systems Practice to enable quality in design. Abstract.
Dave S, Sooriyabandara M, Yearworth M (2011). A Systems Approach to the Smart Grid.  Author URL.
Yearworth M (2011). Systems practice in engineering: Reflections on doctoral level systems supervision. Abstract.
Byde A, Yearworth M, Chen KY, Bartolini C (2003). AutONA: a system for automated multiple 1-1 negotiation. Abstract.
Byde A, Yearworth M, Chen KY, Bartolini C (2003). AutONA: a system for automated multiple 1-1 negotiation. Abstract.
Mont MC, Yearworth M (2002). Negotiated revealing of traders' credentials in e-marketplaces: Dealing with trust and privacy issues. Abstract.
Yearworth M, Hobbs A, Taylor NP, Tidmus JP, Still P (2002). Travel information highway. Abstract.
Yearworth M, Taylor N, Tidmus J, Fraser I, Still P (2000). A CORBA service for road traffic information on the Internet. Abstract.
Yearworth M, Hobbs A, Taylor NP, Tidmus JP, Still P (2000). Travel Information Highway. Abstract.
Hobbs A, Yearworth M, Still P (1999). Traffic information highway. Abstract.
Roberts A, Yearworth M (1992). A comparison of preprocessing transforms for neural network classification of character images.  Author URL.

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External Engagement and Impact

Advice to Government, Parliament, devolved and English regional administrations, other national, international, regional or local agencies; advice to non-government organisations and to private practice

  • 2017: External Review College (ERC) Analytics Capability, Dstl

Editorial responsibilities

External Examiner Positions

  • 2012 - 2016: External Examiner Hull University Business School (MRes Business and Management)
  • 2017 - 2022: External Examiner Loughborough University School of Business and Economics (MBA, Management Science stream)

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