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Department of Management

Dr Seyedmehdi (Mehdi) Hosseini

Dr Seyedmehdi (Mehdi) Hosseini

Senior Lecturer in Finance




I am Associate Professor in Finance and business professional with 10+ years of leadership centered on the finance, analytics, and accounting fields. Recognized for demonstrating a natural aptitude for delivering complex financial subject matter in engaging and understandable formats for undergraduate, graduate and post graduate students, as well as for mentoring students and serving as dissertation advisor, I have a verifiable history of contributing directly to student growth and throughout my career. Professional focal points include financial analysis, complex problem solving, economics, accounting, investment strategy, networking, ethics student development, cross-functional team leadership, goal setting, strategic planning, management development, technology solutions, and project management. Delivering superior administration on the latter areas of expertise requires utilization of effective communication skills, as well as business acumen, student needs analysis, academic management and resource management to support efficiency in teaching and mentoring.

Currently, I am Associate Professor in Finance at University of Exeter, joined 2022, and Associate Lecturer in Finance at UCL School of Management and Cardiff University. I worked as a Lecturer in Finance at Coventry University, University of Buckingham, University of Bedfordshire, Lecturer in Financial Accounting with the London School of Commerce, and Lecturer of Economics for International Students with the University of Sheffield. Under my leadership, deliver instruction on Business Finance, Financial Markets, Business Management, Institutional Finance, Dissertation Supervision, and International Corporate Finance.

Colleagues describe me as a progressive, driven, down-to-earth finance and accounting expert with global experience who can be relied on to offer superior solutions that deliver profitable results on time and under budget.

I am pursuing new opportunities and can be reached through this profile


PhD in Finance


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Research interests

  • Innovation and FinTech  
  • Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investing 
  • Sustainable Finance
  • Asset pricing and Risk Management
  • Financial Management
  • Machine Learning
  • Financial Management

In terms of research, my prior experience was during my MBA study, when I published three papers in international journals, two of them related to environment and business, and presented four papers at international conferences. I received the best graduate research award for one of these presentations. Over the last few years I have developed my research expertise by completing my PhD in Finance. For example, one of my working paper has been presented at the Academy of International Business (AIB) in 2021. I plan to continue this progress by working on other papers and incorporate them in my teaching. My research contributions have been featured in esteemed journals, including the Emerging Markets Review, The International Review of Financial Analysis (IRFA), and European Financial Management.

Research projects

At the moment, I am supervising Master students, finance and accounting, for both their dissertations and projects at Cardiff University the same as last six years.

Regarding research projects, I have one submitted paper and two more working papers in my pipeline (aimed for ABS3) that are co-authored with colleagues in other universities (in the UK, the Netherland and Lebanon). In addition to that, recently, I have started a new collaboration on a paper related to FinTech. Now we are in data collection stage and our aim is to publish this paper in an ABS4 paper.

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Journal articles

Ahmed R, Bouri E, Hosseini S, Hussain Shahzad SJ (2024). Spillover in higher‐order moments across carbon and energy markets: a portfolio view. European Financial Management Abstract.
Sifat I, Zarei A, Hosseini S, Bouri E (2022). Interbank liquidity risk transmission to large emerging markets in crisis periods. International Review of Financial Analysis, 82, 102200-102200.
Bouri E, Gupta R, Hosseini S, Lau CKM (2018). Does global fear predict fear in BRICS stock markets? Evidence from a Bayesian Graphical Structural VAR model. Emerging Markets Review, 34, 124-142.

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Teaching interests cover finance and accounting subjects. I taught a variety of subjects, mostly related to finance and accounting, as you can see below:


  • I am responsible to design, development and production of teaching and learning material related to Chartered Institute of Securities and Investments (CISI) and Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) suitable for use in Financial Services Professional Degree Apprenticeship and BSc (Hons) Applied Finance programmes.
  • For above programmes, students come from JPMorgan, the Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS), and Bloomberg as University of Exeter Business School (UEBS) is the sole partner for these MNC companies in the UK. In this role, I am module leader for the following courses:
  • Risks in Financial Services for Investment Operations Specialist- JPMorgan-CISI
  • Technology in Investment Management for Investment Operations Specialist- JPMorgan-CISI
  • Mergers and Acquisitions for Financial Services Professional Apprenticeship- JPMorgan-CFA-Investment Banking
  • Corporate Finance for Financial Services Professional Apprenticeship- UBS-CFA
  • Corporate Finance for Financial Services Professional Apprenticeship- JPMorgan-CFA- Applied Finance


  • Business Finance (BSc Accounting and Finance Y2)
  • Corporate Financial Management (BSc Accounting and Finance Y2)
  • International Corporate Finance (BSc Accounting and Finance Y3)
  • Finance and Investment (MSc Finance & Accounting)
  • International Corporate Finance (MSc Finance & Accounting)
  • Financial Derivatives (MSc Finance & Accounting)
  • Financial Technology and Behaviour (MSc Finance & Accounting)
  • Supervising students dissertation (MSc Finance & Accounting)
  • Professional Practice Supervision (MSc Finance & Accounting)


  • Module leader for International Finance (Y3)
  • Module leader for International Financial Management (Y3)
  • Module leader for International Risk Management (MSc Finance & Accounting)
  • Module leader for Employability Skills in Finance (Y2)
  • Module leader for Employability Skills in Finance (Y3)
  • Seminar leader for Principles of Financial Investment (Y2)
  • Supervising students dissertation (PG and UG)
  • Developing Curriculum in a HE Context and design the PG Dip course as part of PGCERTHE
  • Progress Coach for UG & PG students
  • Course leader in International Finance for Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) project with partner universities (mostly Erasmus ones) and/or professional


  • Module leader for Financial Analysis and Portfolio Modelling (I have designed this module based on CFA curriculum that offered for MSc in Finance and Investment, MSc in Accounting and Finance and MSc in Financial Service Management programmes)

  • Marking master dissertations


  • Module leader for Economics
  • Key Achievements: Delivered engaging and comprehensive sessions based on received feedback from the end of course student survey.


  • Module leader for Financial Accounting for Business Management (Y1)


  • Module leader for Financial Markets: Theory& Practice (Y2)
  • International Finance and Markets (Y3)
  • Supervising students dissertation (UG)


  • Module leader for Accounting for Decision Makers (MBA)
  • Module leader for International Corporate Finance (MSc in International Business)
  • Module leader for Management Research Methods and Ethical Management (BA)



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