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Department of Management

Dr Katerina Karanika

Dr Katerina Karanika

Senior Lecturer in Marketing


 +44 (0) 1392 726260

 Streatham Court 1.72


Streatham Court, University of Exeter, Rennes Drive, Exeter, EX4 4PU, UK


Katerina Karanika is a Lecturer in Marketing at the University of Exeter Business School. She has a PhD in Marketing (Lancaster University). She studied Business Administration at University of Macedonia (Thessaloniki, Greece), followed by a MSc in Marketing Management at Aston University. She then worked as a qualitative marketing researcher in Synovate – Censydiam (International Consultant Marketing Research Company; Athens branch).

Her research interests are around consumer desires, distastes, consumer ambivalence, family, downward mobility, consumer coping and self-compassion. She is also interested in cultural aspects of identity and consumption. She has presented papers at a number of international conferences including the Consumer Culture Theory Conference (CCT), European Marketing Academy (EMAC) and European Advances in Consumer Research (EACR).

Nationality: Greek - British

Administrative responsibilities

  • Programme Director of BA Management with Marketing


PhD (Lancaster University), MSc Marketing Management (Aston University), BA Business Administration (University of Macedonia, Greece)

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Research interests

Katerina’s research interests lie in the field of consumer behaviour and more specifically the relationship between self-identity and consumption (avoidance). She is particularly interested in consumer desires and distastes, consumer ambivalence, consumers’ self-coherence issues, family, coping with downward mobility and cultural aspects of identity and consumption in order to gain insight into consumers’ identity projects and symbolic (anti-) consumption. She draws on key social science literature and methodologies from social psychology, psychology and sociology for her research.

Her doctoral research examined consumers’ desired and undesired selves and their interrelationships in consumers’ experiences with their important possessions, products and consumption activities. Her research also focused on the self-possession relationship over time and on the self-expressive and self-transformative character of consumers’ cherished possessions and products. Her more recent research examines the changing family forms, practices and living arrangements in economically turbulent times and their impact on consumption experiences and consumer ambivalence as well as consumers’ self-compassion in coping with downward mobility.

Research projects

Her current projects examine the relationship between self-identity, subjective well-being and consumption (avoidance).

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Journal articles

Liu C, Karanika K, Hogg MK (2024). Self‐gifting and temporal selves: Insights from first‐time older motherhood. Psychology and Marketing
Karanika K, Hogg M (2019). Self-object relationships in consumers' spontaneous metaphors of anthropomorphism, zoomorphism and dehumanization. Journal of Business Research
Karanika K, Hogg MK (2016). Being kind to ourselves: Self-compassion, coping, and consumption. Journal of Business Research, 69(2), 760-769. Abstract.
Karanika K, Hogg MK (2016). Consumption through the ambivalent prism of intergenerational support. European Journal of Marketing, 50(3/4), 575-601. Abstract.
Karanika K, Hogg MK (2013). Living (apart but) together with the extended family in economically challenging times: the case of Greek consumers' experiences. European Advances in Consumer Research, 10, 142-143.
Karanika K, Hogg MK (2013). Trajectories across the lifespan of possession-self relationships. Journal of Business Research, 66(7), 910-916.
Karanika K, Hogg MK (2010). The interrelationship between desired and undesired selves and consumption: the case of Greek female consumers' experiences. Journal of Marketing Management, 26(11-12), 1091-1111. Abstract.


Karanika K (2013). Case study: Greek womens' desired and undesired selves, identity conflicts and consumption. In Solomon M, Bamossy G, Askegaard S, Hogg MK (Eds.) Consumer Behaviour: a European Perspective, FT Prentice Hall.
Karanika K, Hogg MK (2013). The interrelationship between desired and undesired selves and consumption: the case of Greek female consumers’ experiences. In Piacentini MG, Cui CC (Eds.) Multicultural Perspectives in Customer Behaviour, Routledge, 99-118. Abstract.

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