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Department of Management

Dr Julie Pepper

Dr Julie Pepper

Programme Director Operations/ Departmental Manager Apprenticeship & Senior Lecturer


 Streatham Court 


Streatham Court, University of Exeter, Rennes Drive, Exeter, EX4 4PU, UK


Julie’s background is in mathematics and psychology. She moved to the Business School in Feb 2022 from Psychology.  Julie is Programme Director of the Operations/ Departmental Manager Apprenticeship. Also, she currently convenes a module on self-awareness, where she brings psychology research and @lego serious into her teaching.

A common thread through Julie’s work is her interest in workplace psychology – women in risky leadership positions, rule breaking, healthy workplaces and the careers that young people aspire to, Julie has published research on these topics. She co-supervises 2 MbyRes students on ethical leadership and learning from experience.

While her current role is as an educational and scholarship senior lecturer, she has side projects relating to maths anxiety, mature students and apprenticeships. She also has an interest in health and wellbeing in the natural environment and communicating science using art – please let her know if you would like to be involved in any of her projects.

Julie has a ATP role in collaboration and innovation where she is carrying out projects on neurodiversity, maths anxiety and mature students. She is a member of the ESE Better Assessment Working Group.  

Julie completed the Aurora leadership course for women and is currently completing her APP, where her assignments will focus on maths anxiety. She is taking part in the Notion Star coaching programme. She is a member of an informal qualitative research group in psychology and mentors a clinical postdoctoral fellow. As part of her lectureship role, she would love to promote the inclusion of qualitative research and training as part of the teaching content. This would reflect the importance placed on the lived experience of participants. Non-judgemental listening, reflecting to ensure understanding and allowing time for productive silences are key skills gained during qualitative training which have so much applicability to workplace situations. 

She did her degree, masters, PhD and a number of fellowships at Exeter.  Outside of academia, Julie loves swimming in the sea and spending time with her family. 

Julie is a member of the Centre for Social Mobility and is passionate about widening particpation. 


PhD in Social and Economic Psychology

MSc in Economic and Consumer Psychology (distinction)

BSc in Mathematics (first class - with Dean’s commendations at stages 1 and 2 of assessment)


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Research interests

  • Women & Leadership
  • Rule Breaking – particularly tax compliance
  • Healthy workplaces 
  • Career Aspirations
  • Educational Pedagogy and helping all students achieve
  • Maths Anxiety

Julie has a very multi-disciplinary background (a first-class degree in maths, an MSc with distinction in Economic and Consumer psychology, an ESRC funded PhD in Social and Economic Psychology and fellowships in the Business School and the Medical School at Exeter and at the Institute of Education in London. She has a strong track record in quantitative and qualitative research and a broad range of research-related skills, which bring her teaching to life. Julie has 8 first author peer reviewed journal articles, an article in a professional journal and an edited book chapter. She also has 2 co-author publications in peer reviewed journals.


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Journal articles

Ashby JS, Schoon I (2012). Living the dream? a qualitative retrospective study exploring the role of adolescent aspirations across the life span. Dev Psychol, 48(6), 1694-1706. Abstract.  Author URL.
Ashby JS, Schoon I, Webley P (2011). Save now, save later?: Linkages between saving behavior in adolescence and adulthood. European Psychologist, 16(3), 227-237. Abstract.
Ashby JS, Haslam SA, Webley P (2009). The distinct role of group-central and group-peripheral norms in taxpaying behaviour. Journal of Socio-Economics, 38(2), 230-237. Abstract.
Ashby JS, Webley P, Haslam AS (2009). The role of occupational taxpaying cultures in taxpaying behaviour and attitudes. Journal of Economic Psychology, 30(2), 216-227. Abstract.
Ashby JS, Webley P (2008). 'But everyone else is doing it': a closer look at the occupational taxpaying culture of one business sector. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 18(3), 194-210. Abstract.

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External Engagement and Impact

Julie is an associate member of MARG (

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Julie is passionate about research inspired teaching and providing a supportive learning environment for students.She particularly likes using problem-based learning and @lego serious play in her teaching. Julie is a mental health first aider and is very interested in embedding wellbeing into modules from the outset.



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