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Department of Management

Dr Constantine Manolchev

Dr Constantine Manolchev

Senior Lecturer in Sustainable Futures

 +44 (0) 1326 253613

 SERSF B038-016


Science and Engineering Research Support Facility (SERSF):, University of Exeter,  Penryn Campus, Penryn, Cornwall, TR10 9FE, UK


Dr Constantine Manolchev is a Senior Lecturer in SITE and Programme Director for BSc Business (Penryn). He studies ethical organisational infrastructures, specialising in precarious work, bullying and harassment and place-based, circular systems. In his pedagogic research, Constantine explores the use of generative AI in learning development. 

In 2022, Constantine led research on a clean growth report for Cornwall, commissioned by the Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. In 2023 he was part of a team, which produced a follow-up report for Innovate UK.

Constantine arrived in the UK on a scholarship from the prestigious George Soros Open Society Foundation. In 2016, he completed a PhD in Business and Management at Plymouth University, supervised by Professor Duncan Lewis and Professor Richard Saundry. Constantine has a BA (Hons) in Politics, Philosophy and Economics gained through part-time study with the Open University, a Postgraduate Certificate in Social Research Methods (The Open University), a Postgraduate Certificate in HRM, a Postgraduate Certificate in Research Methodology and a Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice (Plymouth University). He is a Senior Fellow of the HEA.

Prior to joining the University of Exeter, Constantine worked in hospital procurement, human resources and was a business advisor for local government.

Nationality: Bulgarian/British

Administrative responsibilities

  • Programme Director BSc Business (Penryn)
  • Widening Participation Lead (Penryn)
  • E&D Lead for the Business School (Penryn)


  • PhD
  • PG Cert
  • BA (Hons) PPE (Open)


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Research interests

Constantine studies organisational effectiveness in the context of:

  • Insecure and precarious work​
  • Bullying, harassment and negative behaviours 
  • Circular systems

Research projects

  • 2019-2023: Co-I on Smart Specialisation - Higher Level Skills:
  • 2019-2023: Co-I on Accelerating Circular Skills for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly (ARCA):
  • 2022: Co-I on Innovate UK: Thought Leadership for Clean Growth.
  • 2019-2020: PI on Top and Tailing Precarity:

Research networks

  • Steering group member: MEND - Management Educators Navigating Degrowth
  • Steering group member: ROUTES: Migration, mobility, displacement: 
  • Affiliate: Centre for Entrepreneurship:

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Journal articles

Manolchev C, Lewis D (In Press). A Tale of Two Trusts: Negative Behaviours in the UK Ambulance Service. Public Money and Management
Manolchev C (In Press). Learning through Games: Facilitating Meaning-Making in Online Exchanges. Management Learning Abstract.
Manolchev C, Agar C (In Press). Migrant Labour as Space: Rhythmanalysing the Agri-Food Industry. Organization: the interdisciplinary journal of organization, theory and society
Lewis D, Manolchev C, Pursell L, Hodgins M, Hogan V, Mannix-McNamara P (In Press). The SME Paradox? Investigating Ill-Treatment Behaviours in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Ireland. International Small Business Journal
Manolchev C, Einarsdottir A, Lewis D, Hoel H (In Press). Trapped in the Abject: Prison Officers’ Use of Avoidance, Compliance and Retaliation in Response to Ambiguous Humour. Culture and Organization Abstract.
Manolchev C, Nolan R, Hodgson E (In Press). Unlikely Allies: ChatGPT and Higher Education Assessment. Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education
Manolchev C (In Press). ‘Dances with Daffodils’: Life as a Flower-Picker in Southwest England. Work, Employment and Society
Keenan C, Manolchev C (In Press). ‘Hacking’ the pandemic: turning online work challenges into learning with IMPACT. Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education
Cherrington R, Manolchev C, Alexander A (2024). Enabling Circular Economy Practices in Regional Contexts: Insights from the UK Southwest. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management Abstract.
Valenzuela F, Manolchev C, Böhm S, Agar CC (2023). Working through (mis)recognition: Understanding vulnerability as ambivalence in precarious worker subjectivity. Human Relations Abstract.
Manolchev C, Cherrington R, Alexander A (2022). Towards ‘Employability 3.0’: from Practice to Praxis. Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education Abstract.
Pustelnikovaite T, Nyfoudi M, Williams H, Gomes MVP, Manolchev C (2022). “Despite the Lockdown, the University Has a Lot to Offer”: Exploring University Identity During Crisis. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2022(1).
Alexander A, Manolchev C (2020). The Future of University or Universities of the Future: a Paradox for Uncertain Times. International Journal of Educational Management
Manolchev CN (2019). Book-review:. Organizational space and Beyond: the Significance of Henri Lefebvre for Organization Studies. Organization
Manolchev CN (2019). Sensemaking as ‘Self’-defence: Investigating Spaces of Resistance in Precarious Work. Competition and Change
Manolchev CN (2018). Book Review: Gilberto Antonelli and Boike Rehbein (eds), Inequality in Economics and Sociology: New Perspectives. Work, Employment and Society
Manolchev C (2018). Book Review: Mapping Precariousness, Labour Insecurity and Uncertain Livelihoods: Subjectivities and Resistance. WORK EMPLOYMENT AND SOCIETY, 32(1), 231-233.
Manolchev CN (2018). Book Review: Marcus Taylor and Sébastien Rioux, Global Labour Studies. Work, Employment and Society
Manolchev CN, Saundry R, Lewis D (2018). Breaking-up the ‘Precariat’: Personalisation, Differentiation and Deindividuation in Precarious Work Groups. Economic and Industrial Democracy
Manolchev CN, Teigen KH (2018). Counterfactual Theory as an Under-Utilised Analytical Framework for Studying Precarious Work Experiences. Personnel Review
Alexander A, Martin DP, Manolchev C, Miller K (2018). University–industry collaboration: using meta-rules to overcome barriers to knowledge transfer. The Journal of Technology Transfer


Böhm S, Ho C-H, Holmes H, Manolchev C, Rödl M, Spekkink W (2023). 14 Circular society activism: prefigurative communities in everyday Circular Economy action. In  (Ed) Handbook of the Circular Economy, De Gruyter, 241-260.
Brown EG, Novak M, Manolchev C, Gil S, Munoz E (2023). 15 Circular economy jobs: risks and opportunities in the labour market. In  (Ed) Handbook of the Circular Economy, De Gruyter, 261-284.


Manolchev C, Stussi L, Ho C-H, Campenni M, Pascucci S, Lewis D (2023). Internal ‘chutes’ and legal ‘ladders’: negative behaviour anomalies in the NHS. EGOS. 6th - 8th Jul 2023. Abstract.
Cherrington R, Manolchev C, Alexander A (2023). Towards a Circular Economy: Insights from a UK Rural Community. XXXIV ISPIM Innovation Conference. 4th - 7th Jun 2023.
Cherrington R, Alexander A, Boehm S, Manolchev C, Monciardini D, Pascucci S (2021). The sociomateriality of plastic waste: a cross-case comparison. ISPIM Innovation Conference – Innovating Our Common Future. 20th - 23rd Jun 2021.

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External Engagement and Impact

External positions

  • Associate Editor: Journal of Organization: People and Performance 

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  • Work and Labour
  • Employee well-being
  • HRM
  • Systems thinking for organisational change



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Supervision / Group

Postgraduate researchers

  • Nuha Qonita

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