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Department of Management

Ms Jackie Bagnall

Ms Jackie Bagnall

Programme Director, The Exeter MBA (Senior Lecturer)
Business Strategy and Marketing

University of Exeter
Rennes Drive
Exeter EX4 4ST

About me:

As former MBA Director, Jackie has a commercial background coupled with 18 years of programme leadership. She is responsible for the design and delivery of both UG and PG programmes, working with colleagues and external partners to understand the role of management education in shaping responsible business leaders. Shewas part of the team that launched the One Planet MBA in 2010 and led on the design and launch of the degree apprenticeship portfolio in 2018.

With an academic background in social and organizational psychology and a consultancy background in action learning and leadership development, Jackie joined the Business School in 2003 as Programme Director of Leadership Southwest (LSW) a six-year professional development programme based within the Centre for Leadership Studies. This regional project focused on building leadership capacity in organizations and included bespoke programmes for the arts and cultural sector, the health and education sector. She led on the leadership skills strategy for the SW region and delivered commercial programmes aimed at business throughout the SW.

As part of LSW, she also developed a three-year, European funded Women in Leadership project entitled Inspire. Working in partnership with the Institute of Directors to support female business leaders to achieve Chartered Director status.

Bringing academic study alongside professional practice she designed and launched the initial portfolio of finance and leadership degree apprenticeship programmes in the business school.

Administrative responsibilities
  • Module Lead MBAM961, BEMM114DA and BEMM170

Nationality: British

  • Transformational learning in management education
  • Learning as an essential component of complex systems
  • Female entrepreneurship and resilience

As a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy her scholarship is centered on the transferability of critical enquiry in leading and managing self and others. Asking how management education takes up its role in ensuring responsible practice. Working with students on skills of reflection to better understand the interpretive frameworks that drive our decisions and behaviors.

  • MSc in Social and Organisational Psychology
  • Fellow RSA
  • Fellow FHEA
  • MBPsS

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