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Department of Management

Dr Enes Unal

Dr Enes Unal

Senior Lecturer

University of Exeter
Streatham Court
Rennes Drive
Exeter EX4 4PL

About me:

Enes is an interdisciplinary scientist interested in developing alternative understandings and solutions for the grand challenges (e.g., unsustainability, humanitarian crisis, disasters, etc.) given the insufficiency of the mainstream and dominant approaches. Prior studies include BA in Urban Planning (METU – Türkiye), MSc in Innovation Management (Strathclyde University – Hamburg Technology University), and PhD in Circular Business Model Innovation (Politecnico di Milano).

He was involved in several innovation and design projects such as the “Feasibility Analysis of Sustainable Hygiene Innovation: The Circular Toilet” funded by the Gates Foundation and the “Net Zero Transformation of Healthcare Ecosystems: The Case of NHS” funded by the Desing Museum London and Future Observatory (AHRC).

  • Unconventional innovation for the Grand Challenges (low resource high impact interventions)
  • Design Driven Innovation
  • Circular Business Model Innovation
  • Circular Ecosystem Transformation
  • Net Zero Transformation (in healthcare and critical sectors)
  • Pre-emptive Innovations for Disasters and Humanitarian Crisis (e.g., earthquake)

It is obvious that not enough has been done to address the unsustainability crisis and the following next few years are critical in terms of alleviating the irreversible impact of climate change. Therefore, there is an apparent need for levelling up the climate action with ingenious innovation attempts in theory and practice at different levels. Enes’s research focuses on reframing the current understanding of sustainable/circular innovation theory and practice to eventually help flip the script. He is open for collaboration and accepting self-motivated PhD students researching sustainable and circular innovation.

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