Dr Surajeet Chakravarty
Associate Professor
University of Exeter
Streatham Court
Rennes Drive
Exeter EX4 4PU
About me:
Administrative responsibilities
Business Economics Programme Director
Surajeet's interests include contract theory, allocation mechanisms and banking. His interest in contract theory is specifically in cases when contracting parties are unable to verify the outcome. His interest in contract theory extends to contract law, tort law and corporate law analysis.
Surajeet is also interesed in the analysis of allocation of goods specifically where price cannot be used to allocate goods. While most goods can be allocated using prices and most economics has focussed on this aspect of allocation in for number of goods prices can not be used.
Research interests
Current research activity
Surajeet's present research is focussed on a few topics. Firtsly, on allocation of goods using non-price mechanisms. He is also working on analysis of mechanisms to resolve disputes when contract outcomes are not verifiable. His work in law and economics at present includes analysis of tort law under ambiguity. Finally, his present research includes informational problems in banking and bank fragility.
PhD (University of Southern California)