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Department of Economics

Dr Edwin Ip

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Open door policy for prospective and current MSc Economics, Behavioural Insights and Development Economics students. Please visit my office or email me for a chat.

Dr Edwin Ip

Senior Lecturer

University of Exeter
Streatham Court
Rennes Drive
Exeter EX4 4PU

Programme Director for MSc Economics, MSc Economics: Behavioural Insights, MSc Economics: Development Economics



About me:


Prior to joining the University of Exeter Business School, Dr Edwin Ip worked at BehaviourWorks Australia, Monash Sustainable Development Institute, Monash University, where he conducted a series of highly impactful behavioural economics research for industry and government.

He completed his PhD in Economics at the University of Melbourne and his undergraduate studies at McGill University. He is a behavioural economist whose research interest lies in applied behavioural insights and the economics of decision making, fairness and diversity and inclusion. He employs a wide range of methodologies in his research, including experimental economics, applied microeconometrics, microeconomic theory and surveys.


Dr Ip has given expert commentary on panels, national radio, television and newspapers. He has provided advice for government and private organisations around the world. He is currently serving as a board member of the Society for Advancement of Behavioral Economics.


Dr Ip is a recipient of Google's Award for Inclusion Research.


Nationality: British




Behavioural Economics
I study individual decision making as well as the economics of fairness. In addition, I specialise in the application of Behavioural Economics in industry and government.

Labour Economics
I specialise in the perception and behavioural economics of gender and discrimination among other topics surrounding Diversity and Inclusion, including the behavioural response to the use of Artificial Intelligence in the labour market.

Applied Behavioural Insights
I am an expert in systematically applying behavioural insights to real world problems. I have worked on a range of topics with government and industry, including, retirement and pension, minimum wage, financial wellbeing and internal compliance.





Selected Working Papers:


Trade-off Aversion and Indecisive Behaviours

(with Stephen Nei) 
- R&R Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization


Time-stability of risk preferences in developed and developing countries: A new approach
(with Buly Cardak, Nicolas Salamanca, Joseph Vecci)


The Scope of Statistical Discrimination: A Field Experiment on Gender Barriers in Tech
(with Jan Feld, Andreas Leibbrandt, Joseph Vecci)
- R&R Journal of the European Economic Association


Artificial Intelligence and Debiasing in Hiring: Impact on Applicant Quality and Gender Diversity
(with Edmond Awad, Loukas Balafoutas, Li Chen, Joseph Vecci)







Ip, E. (forthcoming). Inclusive AI in hiring: How should employers debias hiring algorithms? Experimental evidence on behavioral responses to different debiasing methods. Behavioral Science & Policy


Feld, J., Ip, E., Leibbrandt, A., & Vecci, J. (2023, May). Do Financial Incentives Encourage Women to Apply for a Tech Job? Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment. AEA Papers and Proceedings (Vol. 113, pp. 432-435). 


Ghafoori, E., Ip, E., & Kabátek, J. (2021). The impacts of a large-scale financial education intervention on retirement saving behaviors and portfolio allocation: Evidence from pension fund data. Journal of Banking & Finance130, 106195.


Ip, E., Leibbrandt, A., & Vecci, J. (2020). How do gender quotas affect workplace relationships? Complementary evidence from a representative survey and labor market experiments. Management Science66(2), 805-822.

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