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University of Exeter Business School

Dr Cecile Emery

Dr Cecile Emery

Senior Lecturer in Leadership


 +44 (0) 1392 722525

 Streatham Court 1.52


Streatham Court, University of Exeter, Rennes Drive, Exeter, EX4 4PU, UK


Cécile Emery joined the Business School in May 2019 as a Senior Lecturer in Leadership. Previously, she has held posts at the University of Surrey, University of Greenwich and London School of Economics & Political Science. Her research uses advanced social network techniques - exponential random graphs and longitudinal network analysis - to study relationships in the workplace and, more precisely, the relationship that leaders develop with their followers. Cécile has published her work in outlets such as the Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Organization Science, Journal of Applied Psychology, and Social Networks.

Nationality: Swiss


  • PhD Management (University of Lugano, Switzerland)
  • MSc Decision Science (London School of Economics & Political Science)
  • MSc Management (University of Lausanne, Switzerland)

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Parker A, Gerbasi A, Emery C (2023). Introduction. Abstract.
Gerbasi A, Emery C, Parker A (2023). Understanding workplace relationships: an examination of the antecedents and outcomes. Abstract.

Journal articles

Huber C, Dreber A, Huber J, Johannesson M, Kirchler M, Weitzel U, Abellán M, Adayeva X, Ay FC, Barron K, et al (2023). Competition and moral behavior: a meta-analysis of forty-five crowd-sourced experimental designs. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 120(23). Abstract.
Emery CH, Booth JE, Michaelides G, Swaab AJ (2019). The importance of being psychologically empowered: buffering the negative effects of employee perceptions of leader-member exchange differentiation. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology
Carnabuci G, Emery C, Brinberg D (2018). Emergent leadership structures in informal groups: a dynamic, cognitively informed network model. Organization Science, 29(1), 118-133. Abstract.
Booth JE, Park TY, (Lei) Zhu L, Beauregard TA, Gu F, Emery C (2018). Prosocial response to client-instigated victimization: the roles of forgiveness and workgroup conflict. Journal of Applied Psychology, 103(5), 513-536. Abstract.
Emery C, German HC, Pinto J (2016). A follower perspective on the formation of shared leadership. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2016(1).
Booth JE, Emery C, Michaelides G (2015). Leader Member Exchange and Differentiation: Stress Remedy for Customer-Instigated Aggression?. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2015(1).
Swaab A, Emery C, Booth JE (2014). Dissecting Perceived LMX Differentiation: an Exploration of Antecedents and Moderator. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2014(1).
Rouchier J, Tubaro P, Emery C (2014). Opinion transmission in organizations: an agent-based modeling approach. Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory, 20(3), 252-277. Abstract.
Emery C, Booth JE, Swaab A (2013). A Multilevel Examination of the Empowerment and Leader-Member Exchange Differentiation Relationship. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2013(1).
Emery C, Calvard TS, Pierce ME (2013). Leadership as an emergent group process: a social network study of personality and leadership. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 16(1), 28-45. Abstract.
Emery C, D'Amato A (2012). Investigating the Multiple Facets of Narcissism on Leadership Emergence in a Large Informal Group. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2012(1).
Emery C (2012). Uncovering the role of emotional abilities in leadership emergence. A longitudinal analysis of leadership networks. Social Networks, 34(4), 429-437. Abstract.
Gubbins C, Kelly G, Dooley L, Emery C, Murphy E (2011). Individual level influencers on tacit knowledge sharing processes. Proceedings of the European Conference on Knowledge Management, ECKM, 372-380. Abstract.
Emery C, Carnabuci G, Brinberg D (2011). RELATIONAL SCHEMAS TO INVESTIGATE THE PROCESS OF LEADERSHIP EMERGENCE. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2011(1), 1-6.
Emery C, Daniloski K, Hamby A (2011). The reciprocal effects of self-view as a leader and leadership emergence. Small Group Research, 42(2), 199-224. Abstract.


Gerbasi A, Emery C, Parker A (2023). Correction to: Understanding workplace relationships. In  (Ed) Understanding Workplace Relationships: an Examination of the Antecedents and Outcomes, C1-C1.
Gerbasi A, Emery C, Cullen-Lester K, Mahdon M (2023). Satisfied in the outgroup: How co-worker relational energy compensates for low-quality relationships with managers. In  (Ed) Understanding Workplace Relationships: an Examination of the Antecedents and Outcomes, 137-165. Abstract.


Emery C, Carnabuci G, Brinberg D (2011). Relational schemas to investigate the process of leadership emergence. Abstract.

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