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University of Exeter Business School

Exploring summer schools and short-term opportunities for undergraduates

Studying abroad for a year is not the only way to experience an international university environment – you could choose to spend a few weeks at a summer school in Europe or further afield. Enhance your knowledge of your subject area whilst meeting other participants from around the world. The work you do might even be able to count towards your degree.

How does it work?

Each year we advertise over 50 short-term study opportunities, allowing students from all degree programmes to spend 2-6 weeks abroad at one of our partner universities. These short-term study abroad opportunities can include a variety of business-related courses, local company visits, as well as cultural and language elements. Students are able to benefit from these programmes whether they are on a 3 or 4 year degree.

There are a diverse range of options - you could choose to study an intensive set of modules on marketing in northern Europe, study fashion management in Milan, or submerse yourself in the culture and language of South East Asia. On some of the programmes there is also the possibility to transfer credits earned towards your Exeter degree. 

How much does it cost?

All summer schools charge a fee. However the great links that Exeter has with other universities means that for lots of these courses the fee is waived or discounted for Exeter students. You can also apply for the University of Exeter Summer School Scholarship to help fund it.

More information about applying

Different summer schools are aimed at different year groups, but there is something for everyone. For more information about the nomination and application process contact the Outbound Team: