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Department of Economics

Dr Ethan Addicott

Dr Ethan Addicott

Lecturer in Economics


 Xfi Building F08


Xfi Building, University of Exeter, Rennes Drive, Exeter, EX4 4ST, UK


Ethan Addicott joined the University of Exeter in 2022 after completing his doctoral work in environmental economics at the Yale School of the Environment.

Ethan’s research programme focuses on natural capital asset valuation, management, and accounting. He is particularly interested in evaluating nature-based solutions to global change in coastal areas.

His work combines theory with detailed biogeophysical and economic data to better understand changes in natural capital assets. Ethan frequently works with natural scientists and other economists to accelerate progress toward a sustainable future.


PhD in Environmental Economics (Yale University)

MA in Economics (Yale University)

MESc in Environmental Economics (Yale University)

AB in Environmental Science and Public Policy (Harvard University)

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Research interests

  • Non-market valuation
  • Natural Capital Accounting 
  • Ecosystem Services

Research projects

Understanding the Value of Outdoor Culture and Heritage Capital for Decision Makers - Ethan is a co-investigator on a new and exciting grant from AHRC and DCMS that aims to better incorporate the value of outdoor culture and heritage capital into decisionmaking. The project is led by Dr. Amy Binner and includes an interdisiplinary set of co-investigators from the National Trust and Forestry England, two of the UK’s largest landholders, as well as a range of project partners including the Association of Local Government Archaeological Officers, Chartered Institute for Archaeologists, Historic England, National Trails UK,The Heritage Alliance, Lake District National Park, Natural England and South Downs National Park.  

Future Fish Wars: Chasing Ocean Ecosystem Wealth -  Ethan is part of an interdisciplinary team aiming to develop new economic theory and approaches to measure the economic value of fisheries in the context of climate change and growing geopolitical ocean conflict. This £1.1m project is funded by the US Department of Defense's Minerva Research Initiative.

Mapping estimates of coastal beach natural capital values for the US east coast -  Ethan is currently working to create a repeatable pipeline for assessing ecosystem service flows from natural assets along the US east coast. 

Challenges and opportunities for urban stormwater infrastructure in the face of global change - Ethan and Dr. James Webber (Engineering) are developing a collaborative working group to find interdisciplinary solutions to manage storm overflows


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Journal articles

Addicott E, Fenichel EP, Bradford MA, Pinsky ML, Wood SA (In Press). Reply to Gilbert, Eyster, and Zipkin. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment
Addicott ET, Fenichel EP, Bradford MA, Pinsky ML, Wood SA (2022). Toward an improved understanding of causation in the ecological sciences. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 20(8), 474-480. Abstract.
Bradford MA, Wood SA, Addicott ET, Fenichel EP, Fields N, González-Rivero J, Jevon FV, Maynard DS, Oldfield EE, Polussa A, et al (2021). Quantifying microbial control of soil organic matter dynamics at macrosystem scales. Biogeochemistry, 156(1), 19-40. Abstract.
Addicott ET, Fenichel EP, Kotchen MJ (2020). Even the representative agent must die: Using demographics to inform long-term social discount rates. Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 7(2), 379-415. Abstract.
Fenichel EP, Addicott ET, Grimsrud KM, Lange GM, Porras I, Milligan B (2020). Modifying national accounts for sustainable ocean development. Nature Sustainability, 3(11), 889-895. Abstract.
Addicott ET, Kroetz K, Reimer MN, Sanchirico JN, Lew DK, Huetteman J (2019). Identifying the potential for cross-fishery spillovers: a network analysis of alaskan permitting patterns. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 76(1), 56-68. Abstract.
Addicott ET, Fenichel EP (2019). Spatial aggregation and the value of natural capital. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 95, 118-132. Abstract.
Zimmerman K, Levitis D, Addicott E, Pringle A (2016). Selection of pairings reaching evenly across the data (SPREAD): a simple algorithm to design maximally informative fully crossed mating experiments. Heredity (Edinb), 116(2), 182-189. Abstract.  Author URL.


Fenichel EP, Milligan B, Porras I, Addicott E, Arnasson R, Bordt M, Djavidnia S, Dvasrskas A, Goldman E, Grimsrud K, et al (2023). National Accounting for the Ocean and Ocean Economy. In Lubchenco J, Haugan PM (Eds.) The Blue Compendium from Knowledge to Action for a Sustainable Ocean Economy, Springer Nature, 279-307. Abstract.

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In the past, Ethan has taught courses in applied mathematics, microeconomics for environmental management, and sustainable development. He enjoys connecting foundational material with ongoing events and areas of active research.



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Office Hours:

Wednesday/Thursday 11-12pm

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