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University of Exeter Business School

Professor Gareth Shaw

Professor Gareth Shaw

Professor of Retail and Tourism Management


 +44 (0) 1392 723332

 Streatham Court 1.42


Streatham Court, University of Exeter, Rennes Drive, Exeter, EX4 4PU, UK


Gareth Shaw is Professor of Retail and Tourism Management at the University of Exeter Business School. In the past 10 years has completed an ESRC project on innovation in the hotel industry and an ESRC follow-on project on Sustainable Travel and Social Marketing. He was formerly Professor of Human Geography at Exeter and has a BA and PhD in Human Geography.  Professor Shaw has worked on numerous research projects related to retail and tourism development all of which have been funded by major grant awarding bodies.  In addition, he has written widely within tourism and produced key texts on tourism studies.  Professor Shaw has acted as a consultant for many local, national and international organisations; these include UNESCO, American Express, Coca Cola and Amoco Oil, Visit England and South West Tourism. He is an elected member of the Tourism Research Centre at Modul University, Vienna and the International Academy of Tourism.  In addition, he was also an Innovation Fellow at the Advanced Institute of Management and a currently a member of the Innovation Caucus which is an initiative funded jointly by Innovate UK and the ESRC.  He was the Chair of the EU COST Action on Tourism, Wellbeing and Ecosystem services (2012-2017) and also Leader of Theme 5 on the EU Smartline project which involves the development of SMEs and e-Health in the Cornish economy (2017-2020).

Nationality: British


Bachelor of Arts, First Class Hons - Geography - University of Hull

PhD in Geography - University of Hull


  •  Professor of Retail and Tourism Management, University of Exeter (2005- current )
  •  Associate Dean of Research in the Business School, (2011-2014)
  •  Director of Research, Department of Management, (2009-2011)
  •  Professor of Human Geography, University of Exeter (1999-2005)
  •  Reader in Human Geography, University of Exeter
  •  Senior Lecturer in Geography, University of Exeter
  •  Lecturer in Geography, University of Exeter
  •  Tutor in Geography, University College of Wales, Swansea

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Research interests

Professor Shaw has a number of research interests centred around both retailing and tourism. These include the study of retail innovation and the process of knowledge transfer. In particular, his work has been based on recent, large-scale research grants from the AHRC, ESRC and Leverhulme.

These grants have focused specifically on a project called ‘The Coming of the Supermarket’, which has explored the nature of this retail innovation and its impact on consumer behaviour. The first part of the project, funded by Leverhulme and the British Academy, focused on the spread of the innovation of self-service and its consequences for retail management, including store location. A second major phase of the research, funded by AHRC, has involved a major national survey of changes in the patterns of shopping behaviour between 1945-1975, based on biographical questionnaires and oral histories. The results of this research are currently being written up as a book entitled The Coming of the Supermarket.

In addition, Professor Shaw’s research in tourism has detailed the changing nature of British coastal resorts and their economic structures. Recent research within tourism, also funded by the British Academy, includes a project examining the consumer perception of low cost airlines and their environmental impacts. This work extended a previous study, funded by Defra, examining consumer lifestyles and sustainable behaviours.

Research projects

Two funded projects of Professor Shaw focus on the attitudes of consumers to low cost airlines and climate change. This has led to developing work on social marketing as a means of changing behaviour patterns, via an ESRC CASE award with the National Consumer Council.

Professor Shaw also worked on a project, funded by the ESRC and the Advanced Institute of Management, looking at innovation in the hotel sector and the study of internationalisation processes. This involved two major surveys. The first, of larger national and international hotels, was concerned with innovations and related process, whilst the second examined SMEs in London’s hotel industry. Again the focus is on innovation pathways but with particular reference to the impact of migrant labour. Early results of this research have been published in the recent ESRC-AIM report, ‘At the Edge of Innovation: why shifts in the boundaries of innovation matter’. A further review project has been completed on the changing patterns of tourism and leisure demands for the Foresight Project, funded by the Government Office for Science. 

More recently he has worked on projects funded by the EU, Coca-Cola Ltd: ESRC; ESRC/Innovate UK and ERDF.  These projects included the EU COST Action (IS1204) TObeWELL (2012-2017) on Tourism, Wellbeing and Ecosystem services and invoved over 100 academics from 31 EU countries.  Sustainable households was funded by Coco-Cola Ltd looking at recycling habits of families in South-East England compared with France.  The Rowntree Business Lectures and the Interwar British Management Movement (2016-2019): The aims of the research was first to help preserve and make more widely available the Rowntree Business Lectures and second to explore the material in the impact of these ideas in the development of a British Management Movement. The material is now widely available via the project website and database and can be accessed here.  ESRC/Innovate UK funded 'A comparative study of the innovation capabilities of SMEs by place and economic sector and was the Theme 5 lead for the ERDF funded SMARTLINE project: Smart techholoody, linking innovation and needs for eWellbeing in communities.

To date, Professor Shaw has supervised almost 100 PhD students to completion and is currently supervising or jointly supervising the following students:

  • Ali Akkak - A Study of the Influence of the Inerrelationship and Interdependence Effects between Tourism Development and Destination Managment on Economic Development in Developing Countries: The Case of the Sultanate of Oman
  • Said Al Kindy - Workforce Education and Development (WED): Are the United Kindom's International Postgraduate Students Entrepreneurial?
  • Omar Abdulaziz S Alkhudhayr - Investigating the implications of Motivation and Reward in Developing a Creative and Innovative Workforce in Saudi Arabia Tourism Industry
  • Solaiman Almositeer - Marketing Strategies for Better Tourism Economy in Suadi Arabia During the Era of Epidemy: The Cases of E-Marketing for the Vision of 2030
  • Latifah Almughayribi - Marketing Strtategies for Local Festivals: The Case of Saudi Arabia
  • Majid Ali A Alnamlah - The Effect of Festival Events on Subjective Well-Being in Saudi Arabia: A Case Study of the Riyadh Festival Season
  • Areej Alosaimi - Tourist engagement with social media in the travel cycle: the case of Saudi Arabia.
  • Rahul Mittal - Enabling improvement in patient care through use of both qualitative and quantitative approaches to problem solving
  • Alexandra Smith - Wellbeing and Therapeutic Landscapes
  • Elif Vozar - Mindfulness as an Approach to Understanding Visitor-Environment Relationships: The Case of Dartmoor National Park
  • Huan Zhu - Service quality in hotel management


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Shaw G (2019). General editor's preface.
Shaw G (2018). General editor's preface.
Stewart B, Jan P, Tim R, Gareth S (2017). Geographies of Transport and Mobility., Taylor & Francis.
Agarwal S, Shaw G (2017). Heritage, screen and literary tourism. Abstract.
Shaw G (2017). The history of retailing and consumption general editor's preface.
Shaw G (2017). The history of retailing and consumption general editor's preface.
Shaw G (2017). The history of retailing and consumption general editor's preface.
Shaw G (2016). Series editor’s preface.
Shaw G (2016). The history of retailing and consumption General editor’s preface. Abstract.
Shaw G (2016). The history of retailing and consumption general editor's preface.
Shaw G (2016). The history of retailing and consumption general editor's preface.
Shaw G (2016). The history of retailing and consumption: General editor's preface.
Wheeler D, Shaw G, Barr S (2013). Statistical techniques in geographical analysis, Third edition. Abstract.
Duval DT, Shaw G (2013). Student's Guide to Writing Dissertations and Theses in Tourism Studies and Related Disciplines. Abstract.
Denecke D, Shaw G (2011). Urban Historical Geography Recent Progress in Britain and Germany., Cambridge University Press. Abstract.
Shaw G, Multiple (2009). At the Edge of Innovation: why shifts in the boundaries of innovation matter.  London, Advanced Institute of Managemen EPSRC and ESRC.
Agarwal S, Shaw G (2007). Managing Coastal Tourism Resorts: a Global Perspective., Channel View Publications.
Agarwal S, Shaw G (2007). Preface and acknowledgements.
Wheeler D, Shaw G, Barr S (2004). Statistical Techniques in Geographical Analysis., Fulton.
Shaw G, Williams A (2004). Tourism and Tourism Spaces., Sage Publications.
Shaw G, Williams A (2002). Critical Issues in Tourism., Blackwells.

Journal articles

Shaw G (In Press). Business as Service?. Human Relations and the British Interwar Management Movement. Human Relations Abstract.
Shaw G (In Press). Elite Solidarity, Social Responsibility, and the Contested Origins of Britain's First Business Schools. Academy of Management Learning and Education Abstract.
Shaw G, Bailey AR, Nell D, Alexander A (In Press). Queuing as a Changing Shopper Experience: the case of grocery shopping in post-war Britain. Journal of Contemporary British History
Ampountolas A, Menconi G, Shaw G (2024). Metaverse research propositions: Online intermediaries. Tourism Economics, 30(1), 255-261. Abstract.
Maclean M, Shaw G, Harvey C (2023). Demanding a Voice? Worker Participation in the British Interwar Management Movement. Work, Employment and Society Abstract.
Dutt CS, Harvey WS, Shaw G (2023). Exploring the relevance of Social Exchange Theory in the Middle East: a case study of tourism in Dubai, UAE. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TOURISM RESEARCH, 25(2), 198-220.  Author URL.
Li F, Owen R, Shaw G (2023). Framings of innovation, responsibility, and responsible innovation in China: insights from a case study undertaken with Chinese businesses. Journal of Responsible Innovation, 10(1).
Maclean M, Shaw G, Harvey C, Stringer G (2023). Methodological Openness in Business History Research: Looking Afresh at the British Interwar Management Movement. The Business History Review, 96(4), 805-832.
Ampountolas A, Legg M, Shaw G (2023). Real estate investment trusts during market shocks: Impact and resilience. Tourism Economics Abstract.
Pinos Navarrete A, Shaw G (2021). Spa tourism opportunities as strategic sector in aiding recovery from Covid-19: the Spanish model. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 21(2), 245-250. Abstract.
Ampountolas A, Shaw G, James S (2020). Examining the relationships between market indicators and hotel pricing approaches. Tourism Economics, 27(8), 1591-1614. Abstract.
Maclean M, Shaw G, Harvey C, Booth A (2020). Management Learning in Historical Perspective: Rediscovering Rowntree and the British Interwar Management Movement. Academy of Management Learning and Education
Azmi A, Abdullah A, Nurhidayati SE, Shaw G (2020). Shopping and tourism: a state-of-the-art review. Hamdard Islamicus, 43(2), 639-655. Abstract.
Pinos Navarrete A, Shaw G, Martos JCM (2020). Towards wellness? a case study of the profile of tourists visiting a Southern Spanish Spa. International Journal of Spa and Wellness, 3(1), 40-55. Abstract.
Ampountolas A, Shaw G, James S (2019). Active Learning to Improve Self-Confidence and Decision-Making Skills Through the Use of Hotel Simulation. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Education, 31(3), 125-138. Abstract.
Azmi A, Ahmad MA, Abdullah A, Shaw G (2019). Shopping in Malaysia: a study of international tourists' experience and expectation. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 8(4), 199-212. Abstract.
Ampountolas A, Shaw G, James S (2019). The role of social media as a distribution channel for promoting pricing strategies. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights, 2(1), 75-91. Abstract.
Cloquet I, Palomino M, Shaw G, Stephen G, Taylor T (2018). Disability, social inclusion and the marketing of tourist attractions. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 26(2), 221-237. Abstract.
Dutt CS, Harvey WS, Shaw G (2018). The missing voices in the perceptions of tourism: the neglect of expatriates. Tourism management perspectives, 26, 193-202.
Shaw G (2017). Allan M. Williams - a life course perspective. Anatolia, 28(4), 611-616.
Borden DS, Shaw G, Coles TE (2017). Consensus building in social marketing campaigns through the Delphi method. Social Marketing Quarterly, 1-14. Abstract.
Borden DS, Coles TE, Shaw G (2017). Social marketing, sustainable tourism, and small/medium size tourism enterprises: challenges and opportunities for changing guest behaviour. Journal of Sustainable Tourism
Papavasileiou E, Lyons S, Shaw G, Georgiou A (2017). Work values in tourismPast, present and future. Annals of Tourism Research, 64, 150-162. Abstract.
Markova E, Anna P, Williams AM, Shaw G (2013). Migrant workers in small London hotels: Employment, recruitment and distribution. European Urban and Regional Studies, 23(3), 406-421. Abstract.
Paraskevopoulou A, Markova E, Williams A, Shaw G (2012). Migration and Innovation at the Bottom End: Understanding the Role of Migrant Managers in Small Hotels in the Global City. Mobilities, 7(3), 389-414. Abstract.
Lowe MS, Williams AM, Shaw G, Cudworth K (2012). Self-organizing innovation networks, mobile knowledge carriers and diasporas: Insights from a pioneering boutique hotel chain. Journal of Economic Geography, 12(5), 1113-1138. Abstract.
Shaw G, Bailey A, Alexander A, Nell D, Hamlett J (2012). The coming of the supermarket: the processes and consequences of transplanting American know-how into Britain. , 35-53.
Barr S, Gilg A, Shaw G (2011). 'Helping People Make Better Choices': Exploring the behaviour change agenda for environmental sustainability. Applied Geography, 31(2), 712-720. Abstract.
Shaw G, Bailey AR, Williams A (2011). Aspects of service-dominant logic and its implications for tourism management: Examples from the hotel industry. Tourism Management, 32(2), 207-214. Abstract.
Shaw G (2011). Aspects of service-dominant logic and its implications for tourism management: Examples from the hotel industry. Tourism Management, 32(2), 207-214.
Barr S, Gilg A, Shaw G (2011). Citizens, consumers and sustainability: (Re)Framing environmental practice in an age of climate change. Global Environmental Change, 21(4), 1224-1233. Abstract.
Nell D, Phillips S, Alexander A, Shaw G (2011). Helping yourself: Self-service grocery retailing and shoplifting in Britain, c. 1950-75. Cultural and Social History, 8(3), 371-391. Abstract.
Williams AM, Shaw G (2011). Internationalization and innovation in tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 38(1), 27-51. Abstract.
Barr S, Shaw G, Coles T (2011). Sustainable lifestyles: Sites, practices, and policy. Environment and Planning A, 43(12), 3011-3029. Abstract.
Barr S, Shaw G, Gilg AW (2011). The policy and practice of 'sustainable lifestyles'. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 54(10), 1331-1350. Abstract.
Barr S, Shaw G, Coles T (2011). Times for (Un)sustainability? Challenges and opportunities for developing behaviour change policy. A case-study of consumers at home and away. Global Environmental Change, 21(4), 1234-1244. Abstract.
Thomas R, Shaw G, Page SJ (2011). Understanding small firms in tourism: a perspective on research trends and challenges. Tourism Management, 32(5), 963-976. Abstract.
Barr S, Shaw G, Coles T, Prillwitz J (2010). 'A holiday is a holiday': practicing sustainability, home and away. Journal of Transport Geography, 18(3), 474-481. Abstract.
Bailey AR, Shaw G, Alexander A, Nell D (2010). Consumer behaviour and the life course: Shopper reactions to self-service grocery shops and supermarkets in England c.1947-75. Environment and Planning A, 42(6), 1496-1512. Abstract.
Alexander A, Nell D, Bailey AR, Shaw G (2010). The Co-Creation of a Retail Innovation: Shoppers and the Early Supermarket in Britain. Enterprise and Society, 10, 529-558. Abstract.
Marcevova K, Coles TE, Shaw G (2010). Young Holidaymakers in Groups: Insights on Decision-making and Tourist Behaviour among University Students. Tourism Recreation Research, 35(3), 259-268. Abstract.
Shaw G, Coles T (2009). Conference report. Urban History, 23(1), 90-92.
Williams AM, Shaw G (2009). Future Play: tourism, recreation and landuse. Land Use and Policy, 26, 326-335. Abstract.
Nell D, Alexander A, Shaw G, Bailey A (2009). Investigating Shopper Narratives of the Supermarket in Post-War England 1945-75. Oral History, Spring 2009, 61-73.
Nell D, Alexander A, Shaw G, Bailey A (2009). Investigating Shopper Narratives of the Supermarket in Post-War England, 1945-75. Oral History, 61-73.
Shaw G, Williams AM (2009). Knowledge transfer and management in tourism: an emerging research agenda. Tourism Management, 30(3), 325-335.
Shaw G, Williams AM (2009). Knowledge transfer and management in tourism: an emerging research agenda. Tourism Management, 30(3), 325-335.
Alexander A, Nell D, Bailey AR, Shaw G (2009). The Co-Creation of a Retail Innovation: Shoppers and the Early Supermarket in Britain. Enterprise & Society, 10(3), 529-558. Abstract.
Shaw G, Alexander A (2008). British Co-operative Societies as retail innovators: interpreting the early stages of the self-service revolution. Business History, 50, 62-78.
Shaw G, Alexander A (2008). Erratum: British co-operative societies as retail innovators: Interpreting the early stages of the self-service revolution (Business History (2008) vol. 50 (1) 67 10.10/007679701785623). Business History, 50(2), 251-252.
Hamlett J, Bailey A, Alexander A, Shaw G (2008). Ethnicity and Consumption: South Asian food shopping Patterns in Britain 1947-75. Journal of Consumer Culture, 8(1), 91-116.
Hamlett J, Bailey A, Alexander A, Shaw G (2008). Ethnicity and Consumption: South Asian food shopping Patterns in Britain, 1947-75. Journal of Consumer Culture, 8(1), 91-116.
Hamlett J, Bailey AR, Alexander A, Shaw G (2008). Ethnicity and Consumption: South Asian food shopping patterns in Britain, 1947–75. Journal of Consumer Culture, 8(1), 91-116. Abstract.
Alexander A, Phillips S, Shaw G (2008). Retail Innovation and Shopping Practices: consumers' reaction to self-service retailing. Environment and Planning A, 40(9), 2204-2221.
Alexander A, Phillips S, Shaw G (2008). Retail innovation and shopping practices: Consumers' reactions to self-service retailing. Environment and Planning A, 40(9), 2204-2221. Abstract.
Shaw G, Alexander A (2006). Interlocking directorates and the knowledge transfer of supermarket retail techniques from North America to Britain. The International Review of Retail Distribution and Consumer Research, 16(3), 375-394.
Shaw G, Alexander A, Benson J, Jones J (2006). Structural and Spatial Trends in British Retailing: the Importance of Firm-Level Studies. Business History, 40(4), 79-93.
Shaw G, Veitch C, Coles T (2005). Access, Disability and Tourism: Changing responses in the UK. Tourism Review International, 8, 167-177.
Shaw G, Alexander A, Phillips S (2005). Consumer Misbehavior: the Rise of Self-Service Grocery Retailing and Shoplifting in the United Kingdom c. 1950-1970. Journal of Macromarketing, 25(1), 66-75.
Alexander A, Shaw G, Curth L (2005). Promoting retail Innovation: Knowledge flows during the emergence at self-service and supermarket retailing in Britain. Environment and Planning A, 37(5), 805-821.
Shaw G, Alexander A, Curth L (2005). Promoting retail innovation: knowledge flows during the emergence of self-service and supermarket retailing in Britain. Environment and Planning A, 37(5), 805-821.
Shaw G, Coles T (2005). Selling the City: Urban Tourism Within the UK. Stadtetourismus, 265-278.
Rodway-Dyer S, Shaw G (2005). The Effects of the Foot-and-Mouth Outbreak on Visitor Behaviour: the case of Dartmoor National Park, South-West England. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 13(1), 63-81.
Shaw G (2005). Transferring a Retail Innovation: the early stages of Supermarket Development in Post-War Britain. Economic History Yearbook 2005, 2005/2, 57-70.
Shaw G, Coles T (2004). Disability, Holidaymaking and the Tourism Industry in the UK. Tourism Management, 25, 397-403.
Shaw G, Alexander A, Curth L (2004). Selling Self-Service and the Supermarket: the Americanisation of Food Retailing in Britain, 1945-1960. Business History, 46(4), 568-582.
Shaw G, Curth L, Alexander A (2004). Selling Self-service and the Supermarket: the Americanisation of the Food Retailing in Britain 1945-1960. Business History, 46, 568-580.
Coles T, Shaw G (2003). Strategy and tactics at the tourist-resident interface: Lessons for sustainable tourism management from the World Heritage city of Bath. Tourism, 51(2), 165-176. Abstract.
Shaw G, Curth L, Alexander A (2002). A New Archive for the History of Retailing. Business Archives, Sources and History, 84, 29-38.
Shaw G, Hudson P (2002). Edge of Empire: transnationalism and identity in Wellington, New Zealand. Landscape Research, 27(1), 51-66.
Curth L, Shaw G, Alexander A (2002). Streamlining shopping. History Today, 52(11).
Curth L, Shaw G, Alexander A (2002). Streamlining shopping - How the British supermarket was born. History Today, 52(11), 34-35.
Shaw G, Alexander A, Benson J (2000). The Evolving Culture of Retailer Regulation and the Failure of the Balfour Bill. Environment and Planning A, 32, 1977-1989.
Agarwal S, Ball S, Shaw G, Williams A (2000). The geography of tourism production: uneven disciplinary development?. Tourism Geographies, 2(3), 241-263.
Shaw G, Agarwal S, Bull P (2000). Tourism consumption and tourist behaviour: a British perspective. Tourism Geographies, 2(3), 264-286.
Shaw G (2000). Victorian Dundee: Image and realities. Urban History, 27(3), 402-404.
Alexander A, Benson J, Shaw G (1999). Action and reaction: Competition and the multiple retailer in 1930s Britain. International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 9(3), 245-259. Abstract.
Alexander A, Shaw G (1999). Guest editorial. Contesting retail space. Competition in the retail trades, 1870-1960. International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 9(3), 223-224.
Coles T, Shaw G (1997). A sign of the times: Scandinavian town directories as sources for urban historical geography. Geografiska Annaler, Series B: Human Geography, 79(2), 65-81. Abstract.
Coles T, Alexander A, Shaw G (1997). Following the script: Optical Character Recognition Technology and the British Town and Trade Directory. History and Computing, 9(1-3), 1-16. Abstract.
Thornton PR, Williams AM, Shaw G (1997). Revisiting time-space diaries: an exploratory case study of tourist behaviour in Cornwall, England. Environment and Planning A, 29(10), 1847-1867. Abstract.
Thornton PR, Shaw G, Williams AM (1997). Tourist group holiday decisionmaking and behaviour: the influence of children. Tourism Management, 18(5), 287-297. Abstract.
Shaw G, Coles T (1995). Directories as elements of town life - the case of National Socialist Germany. Geographical Journal, 161, 296-306. Abstract.
Shaw G, Coles T (1995). European directories: a universal source for urban historians. Urban History, 22(1), 85-102.
WILLIAMS AM, SHAW G (1995). TOURISM AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT: POLARIZATION AND NEW FORMS OF PRODUCTION IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie, 86(1), 50-63. Abstract.
Shaw G (1992). Culture and Tourism: the Economics of Nostalgia. World Futures, 33(1-3), 199-212. Abstract.
Shaw G (1992). Growth and Employment in the UK's Culture Industry. World Futures, 33(1-3), 165-180. Abstract.
Shaw G, Williams A (1992). Tourism and tourist cultures in Europe - a review of recent research. American Behavioral Scientist, 36(2), 155-171.
Williams AM, Shaw G (1991). Tourism and economic development: Western European experiences. 2nd edition. Tourism and economic development: Western European experiences. 2nd edition Abstract.
Greenwood J, Williams AM, Shaw G (1990). Policy implementation and tourism in the UK. Implications from recent tourism research in Cornwall. Tourism Management, 11(1), 53-62. Abstract.
Shaw G, Williams A, Greenwood J (1990). UK visitor survey. Tourism Management, 11(3), 247-251. Abstract.
Slater T, Shaw G (1988). Historical geography and conservation planning in British towns. Urban historical geography, 297-314. Abstract.
Shaw G (1988). Recent research on the commercial structure of nineteenth-century British cities. Urban historical geography, 236-249. Abstract.
Shaw G, Williams A, Greenwood J (1988). Tourism and economic development: Policy implications from a case study of cornwall. Planning Practice & Research, 3(5), 5-11.
Shaw G, Williams A, Greenwood J (1987). Comparative studies in local economies: the Cornish case ( tourism). Built Environment, 13(2), 73-84. Abstract.
Shaw G, Williams A (1987). Firm formation and operating characteristics in the Cornish tourist industry - the case of Looe. Tourism Management, 8(4), 344-348. Abstract.
Howcroft B, Lavis J, Shaw G (1986). A Strategic Perspective on Delivery Systems in UK Retail Banking. The Service Industries Journal, 6(2), 144-158. Abstract.
Chalkley B, Dunkerley D, Gripaios P, Shaw G, Williams A (1986). Recent economic, social and policy developments in the Plymouth travel-to-work-area. Global restructuring local response, 25-33. Abstract.
Shaw G (1986). Retail patterns. Atlas of industrializing Britain 1780-1914, 180-184. Abstract.
Shaw G (1986). Superstores as District Shopping Centres. The Service Industries Journal, 6(2), 159-171. Abstract.
Shaw G (1984). Directories as Sources in Urban History: a Review of British and Canadian Material. Urban History, 11(NA), 36-44.
Shaw G (1983). Trends in consumer behaviour and retailing ( West Germany). Urban and rural change in West Germany, 108-129. Abstract.
Shaw G (1982). British directories as sources in historical geography ( eighteenth and nineteenth centuries). Historical Geography Research Series, 8 Abstract.
Shaw G (1982). Planning for Retail Change: a Community Response. Service Industries Review, 2(3), 47-56. Abstract.
Shaw G (1982). Structure Plan Policies for Retail Provision in Rural Areas: a Case Study of South West England. Service Industries Review, 2(1), 38-50.
Shaw G, Kirby D (1982). Structure Plan Policies for Retail Provision in Rural Areas: a case study of South West England. International Small Business Journal, 1(1).
Shaw G, Williams A (1981). The Regional Structure of Structure Plans. Planning Outlook, 23(1), 2-7.
Shaw G, Williams A (1980). Structure plans and retail planning. Retail and Distribution Management, 8(1), 43-47. Abstract.
Kivell PT, Shaw G (1980). The study of retail location. Retail geography, 95-155. Abstract.
Shaw G, Wild MT (1979). Retail patterns in the Victorian city( Britain). Transactions Institute of British Geographers, 4(2), 278-291. Abstract.
Shaw G (1978). Retail developments and structural change in West Germany. Abstract.
Shaw G (1977). Retail planning: the West German experience. Town and Country Planning, 45(12), 533-537. Abstract.
Wild MT, Shaw G (1975). Population distribution and retail provision: the case of the Halifax-Calder Valley area of West Yorkshire during the second half of the nineteenth century. Journal of Historical Geography, 1(2), 193-210.


Barr S, Shaw G (2022). "Getting the summer you deserve": locking-in flying to the tourist experience. In  (Ed) Low-Cost Aviation: Society, Culture and Environment, 213-231. Abstract.
Barr S, Shaw G (2022). 14 “Getting the summer you deserve” locking-in flying to the tourist experience. In  (Ed) Low-Cost Aviation, Elsevier, 213-231.
Li S, Shaw G (2022). Creative Tourism and Creative Tourists: a Review. In  (Ed) Creative Business Education, Springer Nature, 199-219.
Shaw G (2021). The role of retailing in the Urban Economy. In  (Ed) The Structure of Nineteenth Century Cities, 171-194.
Maclean M, Shaw G, Booth A, Pistol R, Witzel M (2020). Seebohm Rowntree and the British interwar management movement. In  (Ed) Handbook of Research on Management and Organizational History, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Shaw G, McCabe S, Wooler J (2020). Social tourism in the UK: the role of the voluntary sector as providers in a period of austerity. In  (Ed) Handbook of Social Tourism, 123-138. Abstract.
Borden DS, Coles T, Shaw G (2019). Social marketing, sustainable tourism, and small/medium size tourism enterprises: challenges and opportunities for changing guest behaviour. In  (Ed) Marketing for Sustainable Tourism, Taylor & Francis, 35-52.
Barr SW, Shaw G, Preston J (2017). Influencing travel behaviour. In Shaw J, Doherty I (Eds.) The Inside Track: why transport matters and how we can make it better, Routledge.
Shaw G (2017). The history of retailing and consumption general editor's preface. In  (Ed) From Physick to Pharmacology: Five Hundred Years of British Drug Retailing, vii-vii.
Shaw G (2017). The history of retailing and consumption general editor's preface. In  (Ed) Deconstructing Radical Orthodoxy: Postmodern Theology, Rhetoric and Truth, vii-vii.
Shaw G (2017). Trends in consumer behaviour and retailing. In  (Ed) Urban and Rural Change in West Germany, 108-129. Abstract.
Shaw G, Cloquet I, Cleave P, Tucki A, Custodio MJF, Theuma A (2016). A life-course analysis of older tourists and their changing patterns of holiday behaviour. In Smith MK, Puczko L (Eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Health Tourism, UK: Routledge, 113-124. Abstract.
Barr SW, Shaw G (2016). Knowledge co-production and behavioural change: collaborative approaches for promoting low-carbon mobility. In Higham J, Hopkins D (Eds.) Low Carbon Mobility Transitions, Goodhfellow Publishing. Abstract.
Shaw G, Bailey A, Alexander A, Nell D, Hamlett J (2016). The coming of the supermarket: the processes and consequences of transplanting American know-how into Britain. In  (Ed) Transformations of Retailing in Europe after 1945, 35-53.
Shaw G, Williams A (2015). The Geography of Tourism. In Wright JD (Ed) International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioural Sciences, Oxford: Elsevier, 469-473.
Shaw G (2015). Tourism Networks, Knowledge Dynamics and Co-creation. In McLeod M, Vaughan R (Eds.) Knowledge Networks and Tourism, London: Routledge, 45-79.
Williams AM, Shaw G (2015). Tourism, Geography of. In  (Ed) International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences: Second Edition, 469-473. Abstract.
Shaw G (2014). Entrepreneurial Cultures and Small Business Enterprises in Tourism. In Lew A, Hall MC, Williams AM (Eds.) The Willey Blackwell Companion to Tourism, London: Willey Blackwell, 120-131.
Shaw G, Barr S, Wooler J (2014). The Application of Social Marketing to Tourism. In McCabe S (Ed) The Routledge Handbook of Tourism Marketing, London: Routledge, 54-65.
Shaw G, Williams AM (2013). From Lifestyle Consumption to Lifestyle Production: Changing Patterns of Tourism Entrepreneurship. In  (Ed) Small Firms in Tourism: International Perspectives, 99-114.
Shaw G, Agarwal S (2012). CHANGING GEOGRAPHIES OF COASTAL RESORTS: Development processes and tourism spaces. In  (Ed) The Routledge Handbook of Tourism Geographies, 240-247. Abstract.
Shaw G (2012). Preface. In Jessen R (Ed) Transformations of Retailing in Europe after 1945, Routledge.
Shaw G (2012). Shopping centre developments in Toronto. In  (Ed) Shopping Centre Development: Policies and Prospects, 105-125.
Kivell PT, Shaw G (2012). The study of retail location. In  (Ed) Retail Geography, 95-155. Abstract.
Thornton PR, Shaw G, Williams AM (2012). Tourist group holiday decision-making and behaviour: the influence of children. In  (Ed) Tourism Management, 21-36. Abstract.
Shaw G (2011). Disability, representation and access to tourism. In  (Ed) Social Tourism in Europe: Theory and Practice, 145-165. Abstract.
Shaw G (2010). A Long and Winding Road: Developing tourism geographies. In Smith S (Ed) The Discovery of Tourism.
Shaw G, Veitch C (2010). Demographic drivers of change in tourism and the challenge of inclusive products. In  (Ed) Accessible Tourism: Concepts and Issues, 160-173.
Veitch C, Shaw G (2010). Disability legislation and empowerment of tourists with disability: the UK case. In  (Ed) Accessible Tourism: Concepts and Issues, 62-72.
Shaw G, Coles T (2010). Selling the City: Changes in Urban Tourism within the UK. In  (Ed) Städtetourismus, R. Oldenbourg Verlag, 265-278.
Shaw G, Williams A (2010). Tourism SMEs: Changing research agendas and missed opportunities. In Pearce D, Butler D (Eds.) Tourism Research: a 20:20 vision, London: Goodfellow publishing.
Barr S, Gilg A, Shaw G (2008). Promoting Sustainable Lifestyle: a social marketing approach. In Krishna SJ (Ed) Social Marketing for Social Change: Perspectives and Experiences, Icfai University Press.
Barr S, Gilg A, Shaw G (2008). Promoting Sustainable Lifestyle: a social marketing approach. In Krishna SJ (Ed) Social Marketing for Social Change: perspectives and experiences, Icfai University Press, 65-77.
Barr S, Shaw G (2008). Understanding and Promoting Behaviour Change Using Lifestyle Groups. In Reddy S (Ed) Green Consumerism: approaches and Country experiences, Icfai University Press.
Agarwal S, Shaw G (2007). Conclusion: Future implications for the development and management of coastal resorts. In  (Ed) Managing Coastal Tourism Resorts: a Global Perspective, 270-284.
Shaw G, Agarwal S (2007). Introduction: the Development and Management of Coastal Resorts. In Agarwal S, Shaw G (Eds.) , Channel View, 1-21.
Shaw G, Agarwal S (2007). Introduction: the development and management of coastal resorts: a global perspective. In  (Ed) Managing Coastal Tourism Resorts: a Global Perspective, 1-18.
Agarwal S, Shaw G (2007). Re-engineering Coastal Resorts in Mexico: some management issues. In  (Ed) Managing Coastal Tourism Resorts, Channel View, 216-234.
Shaw G, Coles T (2007). The Resort Economy: Changing Structures and Management Issues in British Resorts. In Agarwal S, Shaw G (Eds.) Managing Coastal Tourism Resorts, Channel View, 40-56.
Shwa G, Curth L, Alexander A (2006). Creating New Spaces of Food Consumption: the Rise of Mass Catering and the Activities of the Aerated Bread Company. In Benson J, Ugolini L (Eds.) Cultures of selling, Ashgate Pub Co, 81-102.
Shaw G (2006). Disability legislation and the empowerment of tourists with disabilities in the United Kingdom. In  (Ed) Tourism, Power and Space, 83-100.
Shaw G (2005). Lifestyles and Changes in Consumption the British Experience. In Reuber P, Schnell P (Eds.) Postmoderne Freizeitstile und Freizeitraume, 21-46.
Shaw G (2004). Entrepreneurial Cultures and Small Business Enterprise in Tourism. In  (Ed) Blackwells Companion to Tourism, Blackwells, 122-134.
Shaw G, Williams A (2004). From Lifestyle Consumption to Lifestyle Production: new forms of tourism entrepreneurship. In Thomas R (Ed) Tourism Entrepreneurship, Cabi, 99-113.
Shaw G, Williams A, Dinan C (2004). Resort Europe: sustainable tourism, problems and prospects. In Mather A (Ed) Sustainable Issues in Europe, UNEP, 58-67.
Alexander A, Shaw G, Hodson D (2003). Regional Variations in the Development of Multiple Retailing in England. In Bensons J, Ugolini L (Eds.) A Nation of Shopkeepers, IB Tauris, 127-154.
Coles T, Shaw G (2002). Tourism, Tourists and Local Residents: Management Implications for the World Heritage City of Bath. In  (Ed) City Tourism 2002, Springer Nature, 230-240.
Williams AM, Shaw G (2001). Tourism, Geography of. In  (Ed) International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, Elsevier, 15800-15803.
Shaw G, Alexander A (2000). Retail Change in the late Twentieth Century. In Kain M, Ravenhill W (Eds.) Historical Atlas at South West England, University of Exeter Press.


Barr SW, Shaw G, Coles T, Prillwitz J (2008). 'A holiday is a holiday’: practicing sustainability, home and away. RGS-IBG.

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External Engagement and Impact

External positions

  • Series Editor, History of Retailing and Consumption, Ashgate
  • Series Editor, Tourism, Retailing and Consumption, IB Tauris
  • Review Editor and Editorial Board Member, Tourism Geographies
  • Elected member of the International Academy of Tourism
  • Innovation Research Fellow, Advanced Institute of Management
  • Member of the Innovation Caucus

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  • Tourist behaviour
  • Tourism marketing
  • Managing the tourism environment

Professor Shaw’s teaching at postgraduate level is closely informed by his research. 

His MSc teaching on tourist behaviour draws, in particular, on aspects of consumption patterns and tourism impacts, referring to his co-authored book Tourism and Tourism Spaces.

Professor Shaw co-authored a text book on dissertations in tourism: Student's guide to writing dissertations and theses in tourism studies and related disciplines. Routledge.



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Supervision / Group

Postdoctoral researchers

  • Said Al Kindy Workforce Education and Development (WED): Are the United Kingdom's International Postgraduate Students Entrepreneurial?

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Office Hours:

Monday and Fridays 9.30 - 10.30 

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