Dr Hannah Collis
Lecturer in Leadership and Organisational Behaviour
Streatham Court 1.79
Streatham Court, University of Exeter, Rennes Drive, Exeter, EX4 4PU, UK
Hannah Collis is a Lecturer in Leadership and Organisational Behaviour, and is the Senior Personal Academic Tutor, within the Department of Management in University of Exeter Business School.
Hannah joined the University of Exeter in 2022. Previously, Hannah held a postdoctoral position as a Researcher in Organisational Psychology at Leeds University Business School. Within this role she worked on an ESRC/UKRI funded project (Adapting Offices) exploring the role of the physical workplace both during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. This project was a large scale, UK-wide investigation of current ways of working and assessing the ‘future workplace’, working with a range of stakeholders, policy makers and governmental groups to both inform and shape future ways of working. Hannah remains working with the group to conduct future research on this topic, more information can be found here: https://futureworkplace.leeds.ac.uk/
Hannah received her PhD in 2022 from Surrey Business School, University of Surrey. In her thesis, she explored personality dynamics within the workplace: how personality can vary and change over short and medium periods of time, in response to novel environmental pressures (COVID-19 lockdown) and work characteristics.
BSc Psychology (with placement year, University of Surrey)
MSc Occupational and Organisational Psychology (Surrey Business School, University of Surrey)
PhD Business and Management (Surrey Business School, University of Surrey)
Research interests
- Personality change and dynamics
- Work-related wellbeing and rumination
- Role of physical workspaces on psychological outcomes
Hannah’s research interests predominantly focus on the exploration of personality, and personality change, within the workplace. Within this topic she investigates how different aspects of work tasks, work-related attitudes and the physical work environment can influence different personality expressions in the short term, as well as how these patterns may be maintained to influence personality trait development over time.
Relatedly, Hannah is interested in employee wellbeing and physical health within the workplace. Her research has explored the impact of work-related affective rumination on wellbeing and psychological processing, focusing on how interventions can promote positive workplace wellbeing.
Finally, Hannah is also interested in the influence of the physical workplace and ways of working on social networks, autonomy, and perceptions of work.
Research projects
Hannah’s current research projects primarily focus on the impact of the physical workplace and work activities on a range of psychological employee outcomes. Continuing from the ESRC Project ‘Adapting Offices’, she is currently working on projects assessing the role of ‘task-space fit’ on outcomes such as work-life balance, focusing on how the workspace can designed to promote performance and improved wellbeing.
In addition to this, Hannah is also working on a project which is exploring the role of momentary work factors, such as job demands, types of tasks completed and where you work from, on personality state expressions.
Journal articles
Hannah enjoys teaching on a range of organisational behaviour topics, such as personality and individual differences, recruitment and selection and wellbeing at work. Hannah’s teaching style is one of collaboration and interaction: she loves speaking with students and allowing them to share their own experiences of work and the topics being discussed. Making the course content relevant and applicable to students’ own or future working experiences is a key outcome within her teaching.Modules
- BEM3087 - Managing Individual Differences in the Workplace
- BEMM812 - Managing Individual Differences in the Workplace