Journal articles
Okorie OS, Turner C, Salonitis K, Charnley F, Tiwari A, Hutabarat W (In Press). A decision-making framework for the implementation of remanufacturing in rechargeable energy storage system in hybrid and electric vehicles. Procedia Manufacturing
Khedmati-Morasae E, Zils M, Hopkinson P, Nolan R, Charnley F, Okorie O, Abu-Bakar H (In Press). Advancing the discourse: a next-generation value chain-based taxonomy for circular economy key performance indicators.
Sustainable Production and Consumption Abstract.
Ke S, Esnaola I, Okorie O, Charnley F, Moreno M, Tiwari A (In Press). Data-Driven Modeling and Monitoring of Fuel Cell Performance. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Wihler A, Nolan RC, Zheng Y, Inceoglu I, Leroy H, Charnley F (In Press). Driving Sustainability in Organizations: Polymathic Responsible Leadership and Circular Economy. Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Organisationspsychologie (GIO)
Reynolds M, Salter N, Muranko Ż, Nolan R, Charnley F (2024). Product life extension behaviours for electrical appliances in UK households: can consumer education help extend product life amid the cost-of-living crisis?.
Resources, Conservation and Recycling,
205 Abstract.
Fisher OJ, Fearnshaw D, Watson NJ, Green P, Charnley F, McFarlane D, Sharples S (2024). Promoting equality, diversity and inclusion in research and funding: reflections from a digital manufacturing research network.
Res Integr Peer Rev,
Author URL.
Charnley F, Jain A, Mueller F, Nelson CA, Ventosa S, Wendland S, Cherrington R (2024). Retaining product value in post-consumer textiles: How to scale a closed-loop system.
Resources, Conservation and Recycling Abstract.
Abu-Bakar H, Charnley F, Hopkinson P, Morasae EK (2024). Towards a typological framework for circular economy roadmaps: a comprehensive analysis of global adoption strategies. Journal of Cleaner Production, 434
Okorie O, Russell J, Cherrington R, Fisher O, Charnley F (2023). Digital transformation and the circular economy: Creating a competitive
advantage from the transition towards Net Zero Manufacturing.
Resources, Conservation and Recycling,
189 Abstract.
Charnley F (2022). Can Digital Technologies Increase Consumer Acceptance of Circular Business Models? the Case of Second Hand Fashion.
14 Abstract.
Huang Y, Shafiee M, Charnley F, Encinas-Oropesa A (2022). Designing a Framework for Materials Flow by Integrating Circular Economy Principles with End-of-Life Management Strategies.
14(7), 4244-4244.
Howard M, Yan X, Mustafee N, Charnley F, Böhm S, Pascucci S (2022). Going beyond waste reduction: Exploring tools and methods for circular economy adoption in small-medium enterprises. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 182, 106345-106345.
Cseke A, Haines-Gadd M, Mativenga P, Charnley F, Thomas B, Downs R, Perry J (2022). Life cycle assessment of self-healing products.
CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology,
37, 489-498.
Cseke A, Haines-Gadd M, Mativenga P, Charnley F, Thomas B, Perry J (2022). Modelling of environmental impacts of printed self-healing products.
Sci Total Environ,
807(Pt 2).
Author URL.
Okorie O, Russell J, Jin Y, Turner C, Wang Y, Charnley F (2022). Removing Barriers to Blockchain use in Circular Food Supply Chains: Practitioner Views on Achieving Operational Effectiveness.
Journal of Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain Abstract.
Okorie O, Obi M, Russell J, Charnley F, Salonitis K (2021). A triple bottom line examination of product cannibalisation and remanufacturing: a review and research agenda. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 27, 958-974.
Okorie O, Charnley F, Russell J, Tiwari A, Moreno M (2021). Circular Business Models in High Value Manufacturing: Five Industry Cases to Bridge Theory and Practice. Business Strategy and the Environment
Haines-Gadd M, Charnley F, Encinas-Oropesa A (2021). Self-healing materials: a pathway to immortal products or a risk to circular economy systems?.
Journal of Cleaner Production,
315 Abstract.
Okorie O, Subramoniam R, Charnley F, Patsavellas J, Widdifield D, Salonitis K (2020). Manufacturing in the Time of COVID-19: an Assessment of Barriers and Enablers. IEEE Engineering Management Review, 48(3), 167-175.
Pollard S, Turney A, Charnley F, Webster K (2020). The circular economy – a reappraisal of the ‘stuff’ we love. Geography, 101(1), 17-27.
Park C, Charnley F, Longhurst P, Bolton S, Evans S (2020). Too fast to bother Integrity, instrumentality, and externality factors for early sustainable design implementation in the fast-moving-consumer-goods sector. J of Design Research, 1(1).
Park C, Charnley F, Longhurst P, Bolton S, Evans S (2020). Too fast to bother? Integrity, instrumentality, and externality factors for early sustainable design implementation in the fast-moving-consumer-goods sector.
Journal of Design Research,
18(1-2), 1-36.
Okorie O, Charnley F, Ehiagwina A, Tiwari D, Salonitis K (2020). Towards a simulation-based understanding of smart remanufacturing operations: a comparative analysis.
Journal of Remanufacturing,
14(1), 45-68.
Bessière D, Charnley F, Tiwari A, Moreno MA (2019). A vision of re-distributed manufacturing for the UK’s consumer goods industry.
Production Planning and Control,
30(7), 555-567.
Charnley F (2019). Evaluating the environmental performance of a circular business model for Merino wool next-to-skin garments. The case of Armadillo Merino. Sustainability, 11
Kuzmina K, Prendeville S, Walker D, Charnley F (2019). Future scenarios for fast-moving consumer goods in a circular economy.
107, 74-88.
Moreno M, Court R, Wright M, Charnley F (2019). Opportunities for redistributed manufacturing and digital intelligence as enablers of a circular economy.
International Journal of Sustainable Engineering,
12(2), 77-94.
Rowe ZO, Wilson HN, Dimitriu R, Charnley FJ, Lastrucci G (2019). Pride in my past: Influencing sustainable choices through behavioral recall.
Psychology and Marketing,
36(4), 276-286.
Charnley F, Tiwari D, Hutabarat W, Moreno M, Okorie OS, Tiwari A (2019). Simulation to Enable a Data-Driven Circular Economy. Sustainability, 11
Turner C, Moreno M, Mondini L, Salonitis K, Charnley F, Tiwari A, Hutabarat W (2019). Sustainable production in a circular economy: a business model for re-distributed manufacturing.
Sustainability (Switzerland),
Okorie OS, Salonitis K, Charnley F, Turner C (2018). A Systems Dynamics Enabled Real-Time Efficiency for Fuel Cell Data-Driven Remanufacturing. Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing, 2
Wastling T, Charnley F, Moreno M (2018). Design for circular behaviour: Considering users in a circular economy.
Sustainability (Switzerland),
Okorie OS, Salonitis K, Charnley F, Moreno MM, Turner C, Tiwari A (2018). Digitisation and the Circular Economy: a Review of Current Research and Future Trends. Energies, 11
Nunes BT, Pollard SJT, Burgess PJ, Ellis G, de los Rios IC, Charnley F (2018). University contributions to the circular economy: Professing the hidden curriculum.
Sustainability (Switzerland),
De los Rios IC, Charnley FJS (2017). Skills and capabilities for a sustainable and circular economy: the changing role of design.
Journal of Cleaner Production,
160, 109-122.
Rowe ZO, Wilson HN, Dimitriu RM, Breiter K, Charnley FJ (2017). The Best I can Be: How Self-Accountability Impacts Product Choice in Technology-Mediated Environments.
Psychology and Marketing,
34(5), 521-537.
Despeisse M, Baumers M, Brown P, Charnley F, Ford SJ, Garmulewicz A, Knowles S, Minshall THW, Mortara L, Reed-Tsochas FP, et al (2017). Unlocking value for a circular economy through 3D printing: a research agenda.
Technological Forecasting and Social Change,
115, 75-84.
Moreno M, De los Rios C, Rowe Z, Charnley F (2016). A conceptual framework for circular design.
Sustainability (Switzerland),
Srai JS, Kumar M, Graham G, Phillips W, Tooze J, Ford S, Beecher P, Raj B, Gregory M, Tiwari MK, et al (2016). Distributed manufacturing: scope, challenges and opportunities.
International Journal of Production Research,
54(23), 6917-6935.
Portillo-Barco C, Charnley F (2015). Data requirements and assessment of technologies enabling a product passport within products exposed to harsh environments: a case study of a high pressure nozzle guide vane.
International Journal of Product Lifecycle Management,
8(3), 253-282.
Charnley F, Fleming P, Dowsett T, Fleming M, Cook M, Mill G (2012). Engaging schools in the science of low-energy buildings.
Public Understanding of Science,
21(7), 875-890.
Charnley F, Lemon M, Evans S (2011). Exploring the process of whole system design.
Design Studies,
32(2), 156-179.
Li J, Davies GJ, Kendall G, Soane E, Charnley F, Pollard SJT (2010). Regulators as 'agents': Power and personality in risk regulation and a role for agent-based simulation.
Journal of Risk Research,
13(8), 961-982.
Haines-Gadd M, Bakker C, Charnley F (2023). 8 Circular design in practice: eight levers for change. In (Ed) Handbook of the Circular Economy, De Gruyter, 97-124.
Hanes-Gadd M, Bakker C, Charnley F (2023). Circular design in practice: Eight levers for change. In (Ed)
Handbook of the Circular Economy: Transitions and Transformation, 97-123.
Charnley F (2023). Introduction. In (Ed) Handbook of the Circular Economy: Transitions and Transformation, 371-376.
Charnley F (2023). Introduction. In (Ed) Handbook of the Circular Economy, De Gruyter, 371-376.
Pascucci S, Alexander A, Charnley F, Fishburn J (2023). The circular economy: landscape, dimensions and definitions. In (Ed) Handbook of the Circular Economy, De Gruyter, 1-16.
Okorie O, Salonitis K, Charnley F (2021). Chapter 4 Remanufacturing and refurbishment in the age of Industry 4.0: an integrated research agenda. In (Ed) Sustainable Manufacturing, Elsevier, 87-107.
Okorie O, Charnley F, Salonitis K (2021). Remanufacturing and refurbishment in the age of Industry 4.0: an integrated research agenda. In Gupta K, Salonitis K (Eds.)
Sustainable Manufacturing, Elsevier, 87-107.
Haines-Gadd M, Charnley F (2019). Creating a Taxonomy of Value for a Circular Economy. In Ball P, Huaccho Huatuco L, Howlett RJ, Setchi R (Eds.)
Sustainable Design and Manufacturing 2019 Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing (KES-SDM 19), Springer, 241-261.
Okorie OS, Salonitis K, Charnley F, Moreno M, Turner C, Tiwari A (2019). Manufacturing Data for the Implementation of Data-Driven Remanufacturing for the Rechargeable Energy Storage System in Electric Vehicles. In Dao D, Howlett RJ, Setchi R, Vlacis L (Eds.)
Sustainable Design and Manufacturing 2018, Springer International, 277-289.