Journal articles
Day B, Mancini M, Bateman I, Binner A, Cho F, Lee C, Fezzi C, Liuzzo L, Owen N, Smith G, et al (In Press). Natural capital approaches for the optimal design of policies for nature recovery.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences Abstract.
Faccioli M, Tingley DM, Mancini MC, Bateman IJ (2024). Who should benefit from environmental policies? Social preferences and nonmarket values for the distribution of environmental improvements. American Journal of Agricultural Economics
Bateman IJ, Anderson K, Argles A, Belcher C, Betts RA, Binner A, Brazier RE, Cho FHT, Collins RM, Day BH, et al (2023). A review of planting principles to identify the right place for the right tree for ‘net zero plus’ woodlands: Applying a place-based natural capital framework for sustainable, efficient and equitable (SEE) decisions.
People and Nature,
5(2), 271-301.
Bateman I, Balmford A (2023). Current conservation policies risk accelerating biodiversity loss. Nature, 618(7966), 671-674.
Argles APK, Robertson E, Harper AB, Morison JIL, Xenakis G, Hastings A, Mccalmont J, Moore JR, Bateman IJ, Gannon K, et al (2023). Modelling the impact of forest management and CO2-fertilisation on growth and demography in a Sitka spruce plantation.
Sci Rep,
Author URL.
Bateman IJ, Keeler B, Olmstead SM, Whitehead J (2023). Perspectives on valuing water quality improvements using stated preference methods.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A,
Author URL.
Brouwer R, Powe N, Turner RK, Bateman IJ, Langford IH (2023). Public Attitudes to Contingent Valuation and Public Consultation1. Environmental Values, 8(3), 325-347.
Faccioli M, Law C, Caine C, Berger N, Yan X, Weninger F, Guell C, Day B, Smith R, Bateman I, et al (2022). Combined carbon and health taxes outperform single-purpose information or fiscal measures in designing sustainable food policies.
Nature Food,
3, 331-340.
Law C, Berger N, Faccioli M, Caine C, Bateman I, Smith R (2022). Improving nutrition through carbon reduction policies: an online randomized experiment. European Journal of Public Health, 32(Supplement_3).
Liang B, Quine TA, Liu H, Cressey EL, Bateman I (2021). How can We Realize Sustainable Development Goals in Rocky Desertified Regions by Enhancing Crop Yield with Reduction of Environmental Risks?.
Author URL.
Stuart SN, Bateman I (2021). Professor Dame Georgina Mace (1953-2020).
Trends Ecol Evol,
36(1), 2-4.
Author URL.
Bateman I, Gollier C, Koundouri P, Schumacher I (2021). Professor Sir Partha Dasgupta Awarded Kew International Medal for Contributions to Science, Conservation and the Critical Challenges Facing Humanity.
80(2), 197-198.
Author URL.
Tratalos JA, Jones AP, Showler DA, Gill JA, Bateman IJ, Sugden R, Watkinson AR, Sutherland WJ (2021). Regional models of the influence of human disturbance and habitat quality on the distribution of breeding territories of common ringed plover Charadrius hiaticula and Eurasian oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus.
Global Ecology and Conservation,
28 Abstract.
Stewart-Sinclair PJ, Klein CJ, Bateman IJ, Lovelock CE (2021). Spatial cost-benefit analysis of blue restoration and factors driving net benefits globally.
Conserv Biol,
35(6), 1850-1860.
Author URL.
Balmford B, Annan JD, Hargreaves JC, Altoè M, Bateman IJ (2020). Cross-Country Comparisons of Covid-19: Policy, Politics and the Price of Life.
Environmental and Resource Economics,
76(4), 525-551.
Koundouri P, Dannenberg A, Bateman IJ (2020). EAERE Award for the Best Paper Published in Environmental and Resource Economics During 2019.
Environmental and Resource Economics,
76(1), 17-19.
Bateman IJ, Neetzow P, Eisenack K, Meran G (2020). Editorial: EAERE, ERE and the Research Challenges of the Coronavirus Pandemic. Environmental and Resource Economics, 76(1).
Bateman IJ, Dannenberg A, Elliott R, Finus M, Koundouri P, Millock K, Munro A, Robinson EJZ, Rondeau D, Schumacher I, et al (2020). Editorial: Economics of the Environment in the Shadow of Coronavirus. Environmental and Resource Economics, 76(4), 519-523.
Lovett A, Day B, Smith G, Delafield G, Owen N, Agnolucci P, Bateman I, Beaumont N, Carver S, Dockerty T, et al (2020). Incorporating the value of nature into assessments of future energy pathways.
Bateman I, Kling CL (2020). Revealed preference approaches for nonmarket valuation methods that inform environmental policy: Introducing best practices. Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, 14, 240-259.
Ritchie P, Smith G, Davis K, Fezzi C, Halleck-Vega S, Harper A, Boulton C, Binner A, Day B, Gallego-Sala A, et al (2020). Shifts in national land use and food production in Great Britain after a climate tipping point. Nature Food, 1, 76-83.
Brown AR, Webber J, Zonneveld S, Carless D, Jackson B, Artioli Y, Miller PI, Holmyard J, Baker-Austin C, Kershaw S, et al (2020). Stakeholder perspectives on the importance of water quality and other constraints for sustainable mariculture. Environmental Science & Policy, 114, 506-518.
Stentiford GD, Bateman IJ, Hinchliffe S, Bass D, Hartnell R, Santos EM, Delvin M, Taylor N, Verner-Jeffreys D, Van Aerle R, et al (2020). Sustainable aquaculture through the One Health lens. Nature Food
Bateman I, Mace GM (2020). The natural capital framework for sustainably efficient and equitable decision making. Nature Sustainability
Ouyang Z, Song C, Zheng H, Polasky S, Xiao Y, Bateman IJ, Liu J, Ruckelshaus M, Shi F, Xiao Y, et al (2020). Using gross ecosystem product (GEP) to value nature in decision making.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A,
117(25), 14593-14601.
Author URL.
Morello T, Martino S, Duarte AF, Anderson L, Davis KJ, Silva S, Bateman IJ (2019). Fire, Tractors, and Health in the Amazon: a Cost-Benefit Analysis of Fire Policy. Land Economics: a quarterly journal devoted to the study of economic and social institutions, 95(3), 409-434.
Ritchie PDL, Harper AB, Smith GS, Kahana R, Kendon EJ, Lewis H, Fezzi C, Halleck-Vega S, Boulton CA, Bateman IJ, et al (2019). Large changes in Great Britain’s vegetation and agricultural land-use predicted under unmitigated climate change.
Environmental Research Letters,
14(11), 114012-114012.
Bateman IJ, Sterner T, Barbier E, van den Bijgaart I, Crepin A-S, Edenhofer O, Fischer C, Habla W, Hassler J, Johansson-Stenman O, et al (2019). Policy design for the Anthropocene. Nature Sustainability, 2, 14-21.
Smith G, Day B, Bateman IJ (2019). Preference Uncertainty as an Explanation of Anomalies in Contingent Valuation: Coastal Management in the UK. Regional Environmental Change
Day BH, Bateman I, Binner A, Ferrini S, Fezzi C (2019). Structurally-consistent estimation of use and nonuse values for landscape-wide environmental change. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 98
Bateman IJ, Balmford B, Bolt K, Day B, Ferrini S (2019). The value of statistical life for adults and children:. Comparisons of the contingent valuation and chained approaches. Resource and Energy Economics, 57, 68-84.
Badura T, Ferrini S, Burton M, Binner A, Bateman IJ (2019). Using Individualised Choice Maps to Capture the Spatial Dimensions of Value Within Choice Experiments. Environmental and Resource Economics, 75(2), 297-322.
Davis KJ, Binner A, Bell A, Day B, Poate T, Rees S, Smith G, Wilson K, Bateman I (2018). A generalizable integrated natural capital methodology for targeting investment in coastal defence. Journal of Environmental Economics & Policy
Bateman IJ, Balmford B (2018). Public funding for public goods: a post-Brexit perspective on principles for agricultural policy.
Land Use Policy,
79, 293-300.
Andrews B, Ferrini S, Bateman I (2017). Good parks – bad parks: the influence of perceptions of location on WTP and preference motives for urban parks. Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy, 6(2), 204-224.
Hampson DI, Ferrini S, Rigby D, Bateman IJ (2017). River water quality: who cares, how much and why?.
Water (Switzerland),
Bateman IJ, Cairns R, Wilsdon J, O'Donovan C, Arora S, Charman D, Cranston G, Mehta L, Pharaoh J, Stirling A, et al (2017). Sustainability in Turbulent Times: Lessons from the Nexus Network for supporting transdisciplinary research.
Bateman I, Agarwala M, Binner A, Coombes E, Day B, Ferrini S, Fezzi C, Hutchins M, Lovett A, Posen P, et al (2016). Spatially explicit integrated modeling and economic valuation of climate driven land use change and its indirect effects.
J Environ Manage,
181, 172-184.
Author URL.
Burney J, Carey P, Chadwick D, Crane E, Field R, Lamb A, Green R, Bateman I, Broadmeadow M, Bruce T, et al (2016). The potential for land sparing to offset greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture. Nature Climate Change, 6(5), 488-492.
Bateman IJ, Coombes E, Fitzherbert E, Binner A, Bad’ura T, Carbone C, Fisher B, Naidoo R, Watkinson AR (2015). Conserving tropical biodiversity via market forces and spatial targeting.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,
112(24), 7408-7413.
Rigby D, Burton M, Balcombe K, Bateman I, Mulatu A (2015). Contract cheating & the market in essays. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 111, 23-37.
Bateman I, Benchekroun H, Vossler C (2015). EAERE Award for the Best Paper Published in Environmental and Resource Economics During 2013. Environmental and Resource Economics, 60(3), 325-326.
Bateman I, Benchekroun H, Vossler C (2015). EAERE Award for the Best Paper Published in Environmental and Resource Economics During 2014. Environmental and Resource Economics, 62(1).
Fezzi C, Harwood AR, Lovett AA, Bateman IJ (2015). Erratum: the environmental impact of climate change adaptation on land use and water quality (Nature Climate Change (2015) 5 (255-260)). Nature Climate Change, 5(4).
Guerry AD, Polasky S, Lubchenco J, Chaplin-Kramer R, Daily GC, Griffin R, Ruckelshaus M, Bateman IJ, Duraiappah A, Elmqvist T, et al (2015). Natural capital and ecosystem services informing decisions: from promise to practice.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,
112(24), 7348-7355.
Fezzi C, Bateman I (2015). The Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture: Nonlinear Effects and Aggregation Bias in Ricardian Models of Farmland Values. Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 2(1), 57-92.
Fezzi C, Harwood AR, Lovett AA, Bateman IJ (2015). The environmental impact of climate change adaptation on land use and water quality.
Nature Climate Change,
5(3), 255-260.
Bateman IJ, Harwood AR, Abson DJ, Andrews B, Crowe A, Dugdale S, Fezzi C, Foden J, Hadley D, Haines-Young R, et al (2014). Economic Analysis for the UK National Ecosystem Assessment: Synthesis and Scenario Valuation of Changes in Ecosystem Services.
Environmental and Resource Economics,
57(2), 273-297.
Bateman I, Agarwala M, Bad'Ura T (2014). Pollinator declines: Avoid pitfalls of consensus methods. Nature, 505(7482).
Ferrini S, Schaafsma M, Bateman I (2014). Revealed and stated preference valuation and transfer: a within‐sample comparison of water quality improvement values.
Water Resources Research,
50(6), 4746-4759.
Schaafsma M, Morse-Jones S, Posen P, Swetnam RD, Balmford A, Bateman IJ, Burgess ND, Chamshama SAO, Fisher B, Freeman T, et al (2014). The importance of local forest benefits: Economic valuation of Non-Timber Forest Products in the Eastern Arc Mountains in Tanzania. Global Environmental Change, 24, 295-305.
Fezzi C, Bateman IJ, Ferrini S (2014). Using revealed preferences to estimate the value of travel time to recreation sites.
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management,
67(1), 58-70.
Abson DJ, Termansen M, Pascual U, Aslam U, Fezzi C, Bateman I (2014). Valuing Climate Change Effects Upon UK Agricultural GHG Emissions: Spatial Analysis of a Regulating Ecosystem Service.
Environmental and Resource Economics,
57(2), 215-231.
Fezzi C, Bateman I, Askew T, Munday P, Pascual U, Sen A, Harwood A (2014). Valuing Provisioning Ecosystem Services in Agriculture: the Impact of Climate Change on Food Production in the United Kingdom.
Environmental and Resource Economics,
57(2), 197-214.
Bateman IJ, Harwood AR, Mace GM, Watson RT, Abson DJ, Andrews B, Binner A, Crowe A, Day BH, Dugdale S, et al (2013). Bringing ecosystem services into economic decision-making: land use in the United Kingdom.
341(6141), 45-50.
Author URL.
Bateman I (2013). EAERE Award for the Best Paper Published in Environmental and Resource Economics During 2012. Environmental and Resource Economics, 56(1), 1-2.
Sen A, Harwood AR, Bateman IJ, Munday P, Crowe A, Brander L, Raychaudhuri J, Lovett AA, Foden J, Provins A, et al (2013). Economic Assessment of the Recreational Value of Ecosystems: Methodological Development and National and Local Application. Environmental and Resource Economics, 57(2), 233-249.
Bateman IJ, Harwood AR, Mace GM, Watson RT, Abson DJ, Andrews B, Binner A, Crowe A, Day BH, Dugdale S, et al (2013). Ecosystem Services: Nature's Balance Sheet Response.
342(6157), 421-422.
Author URL.
Bateman IJ, Harwood AR, Mace GM, Watson RT, Abson DJ, Andrews B, Binner A, Crowe A, Day BH, Dugdale S, et al (2013). Ecosystem services: response.
342(6157), 421-422.
Author URL.
Garnett T, Appleby MC, Balmford A, Bateman IJ, Benton TG, Bloomer P, Burlingame B, Dawkins M, Dolan L, Fraser D, et al (2013). Sustainable Intensification in Agriculture: Premises and Policies.
341(6141), 33-34.
Tratalos JA, Sugden R, Bateman IJ, Gill JA, Jones AP, Showler DA, Sutherland WJ, Watkinson AR (2013). The Conflict Between Conservation and Recreation When Visitors Dislike Crowding: a Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of the Spatial Distribution of Recreational Beach Users.
Environmental and Resource Economics,
55(3), 447-465.
Perino G, Andrews B, Kontoleon A, Bateman I (2013). The Value of Urban Green Space in Britain: a Methodological Framework for Spatially Referenced Benefit Transfer. Environmental and Resource Economics, 57(2), 251-272.
Metcalfe PJ, Baker W, Andrews K, Atkinson G, Bateman IJ, Butler S, Carson RT, East J, Gueron Y, Sheldon R, et al (2012). An assessment of the nonmarket benefits of the Water Framework Directive for households in England and Wales.
Water Resources Research,
Bateman I, Binner A, Coombes E, Day B, Ferrini S, Fezzi C, Hutchins M, Posen P (2012). Integrated and spatially explicit modelling of the economic value of complex environmental change and its indirect effects.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(1), 1-40.
Fezzi C, Bateman I (2012). Non-linear effects and aggregation bias in Ricardian models of climate change.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(1), 1-33.
Day B, Bateman IJ, Carson RT, Dupont D, Louviere JJ, Morimoto S, Scarpa R, Wang P (2012). Ordering effects and choice set awareness in repeat-response stated preference studies.
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management,
63(1), 73-91.
Dupont DP, Bateman IJ (2012). Political affiliation and willingness to pay: an examination of the nature of benefits and means of provision.
Ecological Economics,
75, 43-51.
Atkinson G, Bateman I, Mourato S (2012). Recent advances in the valuation of ecosystem services and biodiversity.
Oxford Review of Economic Policy,
28(1), 22-47.
Kataria M, Bateman I, Christensen T, Dubgaard A, Hasler B, Hime S, Ladenburg J, Levin G, Martinsen L, Nissen C, et al (2012). Scenario realism and welfare estimates in choice experiments - a non-market valuation study on the European water framework directive.
Journal of Environmental Management,
94(1), 25-33.
Morse-Jones S, Bateman IJ, Kontoleon A, Ferrini S, Burgess ND, Turner RK (2012). Stated preferences for tropical wildlife conservation amongst distant beneficiaries: Charisma, endemism, scope and substitution effects.
Ecological Economics,
78, 9-18.
Schaafsma M, Morse-Jones S, Posen P, Swetnam RD, Balmford A, Bateman IJ, Burgess ND, Chamshama SAO, Fisher B, Green RE, et al (2012). Towards transferable functions for extraction of Non-timber Forest Products: a case study on charcoal production in Tanzania.
Ecological Economics,
80, 48-62.
Fezzi C, Bateman I, Ferrini S (2012). Using revealed preferences to estimate the value of travel time to recreation sites.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(1).
Carr SM, Lhussier M, Forster N, Geddes L, Deane K, Pennington M, Visram S, White M, Michie S, Donaldson C, et al (2011). An evidence synthesis of qualitative and quantitative research on component intervention techniques, effectiveness, cost-effectiveness, equity and acceptability of different versions of health-related lifestyle advisor role in improving health.
Health Technology Assessment,
15(9), 1-284.
Dettinger MD, Ralph FM, Das T, Neiman PJ, Cayan DR (2011). Atmospheric rivers, floods and the water resources of California.
Water (Switzerland),
3(2), 445-478.
Luisetti T, Turner RK, Bateman IJ, Morse-Jones S, Adams C, Fonseca L (2011). Coastal and marine ecosystem services valuation for policy and management: Managed realignment case studies in England.
Ocean and Coastal Management,
54(3), 212-224.
Bateman IJ, Mace GM, Fezzi C, Atkinson G, Turner K (2011). Economic analysis for ecosystem service assessments.
Environmental and Resource Economics,
48(2), 177-218.
Crowther J, Hampson DI, Bateman IJ, Kay D, Posen PE, Stapleton CM, Wyer MD (2011). Generic modelling of faecal indicator organism concentrations in the UK.
Water (Switzerland),
3(2), 682-701.
Bateman IJ, Brouwer R, Ferrini S, Schaafsma M, Barton DN, Dubgaard A, Hasler B, Hime S, Liekens I, Navrud S, et al (2011). Making Benefit Transfers Work: Deriving and Testing Principles for Value Transfers for Similar and Dissimilar Sites Using a Case Study of the Non-Market Benefits of Water Quality Improvements Across Europe.
Environmental and Resource Economics,
50(3), 365-387.
Fezzi C, Bateman IJ (2011). Structural agricultural land use modeling for spatial agro-environmental policy analysis.
American Journal of Agricultural Economics,
93(4), 1168-1188.
Luisetti T, Bateman IJ, Kerry Turner R (2011). Testing the fundamental assumption of choice experiments: Are values absolute or relative?.
Land Economics,
87(2), 284-296.
Schaafsma M, MorseJones S, Posen P, Swetnam RD, Balmford A, Bateman IJ, Burgess N, Chamshama SAO, Fisher B, Freeman T, et al (2011). The importance of local forest benefits: Valuation of nontimber forest products in the eastern arc mountains in Tanzania.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(1), 1-49.
Donaldson C, Baker R, Mason H, Jones-Lee M, Lancsar E, Wildman J, Bateman I, Loomes G, Robinson A, Sugden R, et al (2011). The social value of a QALY: Raising the bar or barring the raise?.
BMC Health Services Research,
11 Abstract.
Bateman IJ, Mace GM, Fezzi C, Atkinson G, Turner K (2010). Economic analysis for ecosystem service assessments.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(1), 1-49.
Turner K, Bateman I (2010). Editorial. Environmental and Resource Economics, 45(1), 1-1.
Jones A, Wright J, Bateman I, Schaafsma M (2010). Estimating Arrival Numbers for Informal Recreation: a Geographical Approach and Case Study of British Woodlands.
2(2), 684-684.
Crowther J, Hampson DI, Bateman IJ, Kay D, Posen PE, Stapleton CM, Wyer MD (2010). Generic modelling of faecal indicator organism concentrations in the UK.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(1).
Fezzi C, Hutchins M, Rigby D, Bateman IJ, Posen P, Hadley D (2010). Integrated assessment of water framework directive nitrate reduction measures.
Agricultural Economics,
41(2), 123-134.
Bateman IJ, Dupont DP (2010). Political affiliation and willingness-to-pay for publicly versus privately provided environmental goods.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(1), 1-34.
Hampson D, Crowther J, Bateman I, Kay D, Posen P, Stapleton C, Wyer M, Fezzi C, Jones P, Tzanopoulos J, et al (2010). Predicting microbial pollution concentrations in UK rivers in response to land use change.
Water Res,
44(16), 4748-4759.
Author URL.
Morse-Jones S, Bateman I, Kontoleon A, Ferrini S, Burgess N, Turner K (2010). Testing the theoretical consistency of stated preferences for tropical wildlife conservation.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(1), 1-24.
Bateman IJ, Fisher B, Fitzherbert E, Glew D, Naidoo R (2010). Tigers, markets and palm oil: Market potential for conservation.
44(2), 230-234.
Baker R, Bateman I, Donaldson C, Jones-Lee M, Lancsar E, Loomes G, Mason H, Odejar M, Pinto Prades JL, Robinson A, et al (2010). Weighting and valuing quality-adjusted life-years using stated preference methods: Preliminary results from the social value of a QALY project.
Health Technology Assessment,
Baker R, Bateman I, Donaldson C, Jones-Lee M, Lancsar E, Loomes G, Mason H, Odejar M, Pinto Prades JL, Robinson A, et al (2010). Weighting and valuing quality-adjusted life-years using stated preference methods: preliminary results from the Social Value of a QALY Project.
Health technology assessment (Winchester, England),
14(27), 1-162.
Hime S, Bateman IJ, Posen P, Hutchins M (2009). A transferable water quality ladder for conveying use and ecological information within public surveys.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(1), 1-36.
Bateman IJ (2009). Bringing the real world into economic analyses of land use value: Incorporating spatial complexity.
Land Use Policy,
26(SUPPL. 1).
Hutchins M, Fezzi C, Bateman I, Posen P, Deflandre-Vlandas A (2009). Cost-effective mitigation of diffuse pollution: setting criteria for river basin management at multiple locations.
Environ Manage,
44(2), 256-267.
Author URL.
Bateman IJ (2009). Economic analysis for ecosystem assessments: Application for the UK national ecosystem assessment (NEA).
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(1), 1-51.
Bateman IJ, Turner RK (2009). Environmental and Resource Economics: Editorial. Environmental and Resource Economics, 42(1).
Bateman IJ, Munro A (2009). Household Versus Individual Valuation: What's the Difference?.
Environmental and Resource Economics,
43(1), 119-135.
Bateman IJ, Brouwer R, Ferrini S, Schaafsma M, Barton DN, Dubgaard A, Hasler B, Hime S, Liekens I, Navrud S, et al (2009). Making benefit transfers work: Deriving and testing principles for value transfers for similar and dissimilar sites using a case study of the non-market benefits of water quality improvements across europe.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(1), 1-47.
Bateman IJ, Day BH, Dupont D, Georgiou S (2009). Procedural invariance testing of the one-and-one-half-bound dichotomous choice elicitation method. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 91, 806-820.
Bateman IJ, Day BH, Jones AP, Jude S (2009). Reducing gain-loss asymmetry: a virtual reality choice experiment valuing land use change.
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management,
58(1), 106-118.
Bateman IJ, Coombes E, Fisher B, Fitzherbert E, Glew D, Naidoo R (2009). Saving sumatra's species: Combining economics and ecology to define an efficient and self-Sustaining program for inducing conservation within oil palm plantations.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(1), 1-37.
Coombes EG, Jones AP, Bateman IJ, Tratalos JA, Gill JA, Showler DA, Watkinson AR, Sutherland WJ (2009). Spatial and temporal modeling of beach use: a case study of east Anglia, UK.
Coastal Management,
37(1), 94-115.
Day B, Bateman IJ, Carson RT, Dupont D, Louviere JJ, Morimoto S, Scarpa R, Wang P (2009). Task independence in stated preference studies: a test of order effect explanations.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(1), 1-40.
Brainard J, Bateman IJ, Lovett AA (2009). The social value of carbon sequestered in Great Britain's woodlands.
Ecological Economics,
68(4), 1257-1267.
Luisetti T, Turner K, Bateman I (2008). An ecosystem services approach to assess managed realignment coastal policy in England.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(1), 1-25.
Bateman IJ, Carson RT, Day B, Dupont D, Louviere JJ, Morimoto S, Scarpa R, Wang P (2008). Choice set awareness and ordering effects in discrete choice experiments.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(1), 1-45.
BATEMAN IJ, MUNRO A, POE GL (2008). Decoy Effects in Choice Experiments and Contingent Valuation: Asymmetric Dominance. Land Economics, 84(1), 115-127.
Bateman IJ, Munro A, Poe GL (2008). Decoy effects in choice experiments and contingent valuation: Asymmetric dominance.
Land Economics,
84(1), 115-127.
Fezzi C, Rigby D, Bateman IJ, Hadley D, Posen P (2008). Estimating the range of economic impacts on farms of nutrient leaching reduction policies.
Agricultural Economics,
39(2), 197-205.
Fezzi C, Hutchins M, Rigby D, Bateman IJ, Posen P, Hadley D, Deflandre-Vlandas A (2008). Integrated assessment of water framework directive nitrate reduction measures.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(1), 1-34.
Bateman IJ, Burgess D, Hutchinson WG, Matthews DI (2008). Learning design contingent valuation (LDCV): NOAA guidelines, preference learning and coherent arbitrariness.
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management,
55(2), 127-141.
Bateman IJ, Fisher B, Fitzherbet E, Glew DW, Watkinson A (2008). Making tigers pay: Marketing conservation of the sumatran tiger through tiger friendly' oil palm production.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(1), 1-30.
Luisetti T, Bateman IJ, Turner RK (2008). Testing the fundamental assumption of choice experiments: Are values absolute or relative?.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(1), 1-21.
Ferrini S, Fezzi C, Day BH, Bateman IJ (2008). Valuing spatially dispersed environmental goods: a joint revealed and stated preference model to consistently separate use and non-use values.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(1), 1-25.
Day B, Bateman I, Lake I (2007). Beyond implicit prices: Recovering theoretically consistent and transferable values for noise avoidance from a hedonic property price model.
Environmental and Resource Economics,
37(1), 211-232.
Bateman I, Day B, Loomes G, Sugden R (2007). Can ranking techniques elicit robust values?.
Journal of Risk and Uncertainty,
34(1), 49-66.
Fezzi C, Rigby D, Bateman IJ, Hadley D, Posen P (2007). Estimating the range of impacts arising from nitrate leaching reduction policies using farm accounts.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(1), 1-31.
Bateman IJ, Barbier EB, Barrett S (2007). Introduction to the special issue in honour of David W. Pearce: Environmental economics and policy. Environmental and Resource Economics, 37(1), 1-6.
Bateman I, Dent S, Peters E, Slovic P, Starmer C (2007). The affect heuristic and the attractiveness of simple gambles.
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making,
20(4), 365-380.
Covey J, Loomes G, Bateman IJ (2007). Valuing risk reductions: Testing for range biases in payment card and random card sorting methods.
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management,
50(4), 467-482.
Bateman IJ, Deflandre-Vlandas A, Fezzi C, Hadley D, Hutchins M, Lovett A, Posen P, Rigby D (2007). WFD related agricultural nitrate and phosphate leaching reduction options: Cost estimates derived from farm level survey data & a cost-effectiveness assessment for the Derwent catchment.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(1), 1-62.
Schmidt S, Bateman I, Breinlinger-O'Reilly J, Smith P (2006). A management approach that drives actions strategically: Balanced scorecard in a mental health trust case study.
International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance,
19(2), 119-135.
Bateman IJ, Brouwer R, Davies H, Day BH, Deflandre A, Di Falco S, Georgiou S, Hadley D, Hutchins M, Jones AP, et al (2006). Analysing the agricultural costs and non-market benefits of implementing the Water Framework Directive.
Journal of Agricultural Economics,
57(2), 221-237.
Bateman IJ, Brouwer R, Davies H, Day BH, Deflandre A, Falco SD, Georgiou S, Hadley D, Hutchins M, Jones AP, et al (2006). Catchment hydrology, resources, economics and management (ChREAM): Integrated modelling of rural kand use & farm income impacts of the WFD and its potential non-market benefits.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(1), 1-21.
Bateman IJ, Cole MA, Georgiou S, Hadley DJ (2006). Comparing contingent valuation and contingent ranking: a case study considering the benefits of urban river water quality improvements.
J Environ Manage,
79(3), 221-231.
Author URL.
Bateman IJ, Brouwer R (2006). Consistency and construction in stated WTP for health risk reductions: a novel scope-sensitivity test.
Resource and Energy Economics,
28(3), 199-214.
Bateman I, Day B, Dupont D, Georgiou S, Matias NGN, Morimoto S, Subramanian L (2006). Does phosphate treatment for prevention of eutrophication pass the benefit-cost test?.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(1), 1-25.
Brainard J, Jones A, Bateman IJ, Lovett AA (2006). Equal access for all? Ethnicity and public park Availability in Birmingham (UK).
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(1), 1-38.
Day B, Bateman I, Lake I (2006). Estimating the demand for peace and quiet using property market data.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(1), 1-37.
Bateman IJ, Dent S, Slovic P, Starmer C (2006). Exploring the determinants of affect: Examining rating scale assessments of gambles.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(1), 1-37.
Bateman I, Slovic P, Starmer C (2006). Incentivised experimental investigations of the affect heuristic.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(1), 1-47.
Bateman IJ, Burgess D, Hutchinson WG, Matthews DI (2006). Preference learning versus coherent arbitrariness: NOAA guidelines or a Learning Design Contingent Valuation (LDCV).
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(1), 1-25.
Bateman IJ, Jones AP, Jude S, Day BH (2006). Reducing gains/loss asymmetry: a virtual reality choice experiment (VRCE) valuing land use change.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(1), 1-28.
Soto Montes De Oca G, Bateman IJ (2006). Scope sensitivity in households' willingness to pay for maintained and improved water supplies in a developing world urban area: Investigating the influence of baseline supply quality and income distribution upon stated preferences in Mexico City.
Water Resources Research,
Brainard J, Lovett A, Bateman I (2006). Sensitivity analysis in calculating the social value of carbon sequestered in British grown Sitka spruce.
Journal of Forest Economics,
12(3), 201-228.
Bateman IJ, Day BH, Georgiou S, Lake I (2006). The aggregation of environmental benefit values: Welfare measures, distance decay and total WTP.
Ecological Economics,
60(2), 450-460.
Bateman IJ, Georgiou S (2006). The socioeconomic consequences and management of climate change impacts on water resources.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(1), 1-22.
Jude S, Jones AP, Andrews JE, Bateman IJ (2006). Visualisation for participatory coastal zone management: a case study of the Norfolk coast, England.
Journal of Coastal Research,
22(6), 1527-1538.
Bateman IJ, Brouwer R, Georgiou S, Hanley N, Machado F, Mourato S, Saunders C (2005). A 'natural experiment' approach to contingent valuation of private and public UV health risk reduction strategies in low and high risk countries.
Environmental and Resource Economics,
31(1), 47-72.
Bateman I, Munro A (2005). An experiment on risky choice amongst households.
Economic Journal,
Bateman IJ, Munro A, Poe GL (2005). Asymmetric dominance effects in choice experiments and contingent valuation.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(1), 1-18.
Brouwer R, Bateman IJ (2005). Benefits transfer of willingness to pay estimates and functions for health-risk reductions: a cross-country study.
Journal of Health Economics,
24(3), 591-611.
Bateman I, Brouwer R (2005). Consistency and construction in stated WTP for health risk reductions: a novel scope-sensitivity test.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(1), 1-20.
Bateman IJ, Cooper P, Georgiou S, Navrud S, Poe GL, Ready RC, Riera P, Ryan M, Vossler CA (2005). Economic valuation of policies for managing acidity in remote mountain lakes: Examining validity through scope sensitivity testing.
Aquatic Sciences,
67(3), 274-291.
Turner K, Bateman I (2005). Editorial: Professor David W. Pearce. Environmental and Resource Economics, 32(4), 443-444.
Bateman IJ, Cooper P, Georgiou S, Navrud S, Poe GL, Ready RC, Riera P, Ryan M, Vossler CA (2005). Erratum: Economic valuation of policies for managing acidity in remote mountain lakes: Examining validity through scope sensitivity testing (Aquatic Sciences (June 13, 2005)3(274-291)). Aquatic Sciences, 67(3).
Georgiou S, Bateman IJ (2005). Revision of the EU Bathing Water Directive: economic costs and benefits.
Mar Pollut Bull,
50(4), 430-438.
Author URL.
Brouwer R, Bateman IJ (2005). Temporal stability and transferability of models of willingness to pay for flood control and wetland conservation.
Water Resources Research,
41(3), 1-6.
Bateman I, Kahneman D, Munro A, Starmer C, Sugden R (2005). Testing competing models of loss aversion: an adversarial collaboration.
Journal of Public Economics,
89(8 SPEC. ISS.), 1561-1580.
Bateman I, Georgiou S, Lake I (2005). The aggregation of environmental benefit values: a spatially sensitive valuation function approach.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(1), 1-64.
Brainard J, Bateman IJ, Lovett AA (2005). The social value of carbon sequestered in Great Britain's woodlands.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(1), 1-23.
Bateman IJ, Covey J, Loomes G (2005). Valuing risk reductions: Testing for range biases in payment card and random card sorting methods.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(1), 1-20.
Turner RK, Bateman IJ, Georgiou S, Jones A, Langford IH, Matias NGN, Subramanian L (2004). An ecological economics approach to the management of a multi-purpose coastal wetland. Regional Environmental Change, 4(2-3), 86-99.
Brainard JS, Jones AP, Bateman IJ, Lovett AA (2004). Exposure to environmental urban noise pollution in Birmingham, UK.
Urban Studies,
41(13), 2581-2600.
Bateman IJ, Mawby J (2004). First impressions count: Interviewer appearance and information effects in stated preference studies.
Ecological Economics,
49(1), 47-55.
Powe NA, Bateman IJ (2004). Investigating insensitivity to scope: a split-sample test of perceived scheme realism.
Land Economics,
80(2), 258-271.
Day B, Bateman I, Lake I (2004). Nonlinearity in hedonic price equations: an estimation strategy using model-based clustering.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(1), 1-82.
Bateman IJ, Day BH, Dupont D, Georgiou S (2004). OOH LA LA: Testing the one-and-one-half bound dichotomous choice elicitation method for robustness to anomalies.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(1), 1-57.
Day B, Bateman I, Lake I (2004). Omitted locationalvariates in hedonic analysis: a semiparametric approach using spatial statistics.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(1), 1-58.
Bateman IJ, Cole M, Cooper P, Georgiou S, Hadley D, Poe GL (2004). On visible choice sets and scope sensitivity.
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management,
47(1), 71-93.
Bateman IJ, Cooper P, Georgiou S, Navrud S, Poe GL, Ready R, Riera P, Ryan M, Vossler CA (2004). Scope sensitivity tests for preference robustness: an empirical examination of economic expectations regarding the economic valuation of policies for reducing acidity in remote mountain lakes.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(1), 1-88.
Bateman I, Munro A (2004). Testing economic models of the household: an experiment.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(1), 1-41.
Cooper P, Poe GL, Bateman IJ (2004). The structure of motivation for contingent values: a case study of lake water quality improvement.
Ecological Economics,
50(1-2), 69-82.
De Oca GSM, Bateman IJ, Tinch R, Moffatt PG (2003). Assessing the willingness to pay for maintained and improved water supplies in Mexico City.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(1), 1-31.
Bateman IJ, Jones AP (2003). Contrasting conventional with multi-level modeling approaches to meta-analysis: Expectation consistency in U.K. woodland recreation values.
Land Economics,
79(2), 235-258.
Bateman IJ, Jones AP (2003). Contrasting conventional with multi-level modeling approaches to meta-analysis: Expectation consistency in UK woodland recreation values.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(1), 1-37.
Horton B, Colarullo G, Bateman IJ, Peres CA (2003). Evaluating non-user willingness to pay for a large-scale conservation programme in Amazonia: a UK/Italian contingent valuation study.
Environmental Conservation,
30(2), 139-146.
Bateman IJ, Mawby J (2003). First impressions count - Almost double! a study of the interaction of interviewer appearance and information effects in stated preference studies.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(1), 1-29.
Bateman IJ, Kahneman D, Munro A, Starmer C, Sugden R (2003). Is there loss aversion in buying? an adversarial collaboration.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(1), 1-39.
Brainard JS, Jones AP, Bateman IJ, Lovett AA (2003). Modelling environmental equity: Exposure to environmental urban noise pollution in Birmingham, UK.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(1), 1-26.
Bateman I, Munro A (2003). Non-cooperative decision-making and measures of household surplus.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(1), 1-28.
Powe NA, Bateman IJ (2003). Ordering effects in nested 'top-down' and 'bottom-up' contingent valuation designs.
Ecological Economics,
45(2), 255-270.
Turner RK, Bateman IJ (2003). The exxon valdes contingent valuation study. Environmental and Resource Economics, 25(3), 255-256.
Turner RK, Georgiou S, Brouwer R, Bateman IJ, Langford IJ (2003). Towards an integrated environmental assessment for wetland and catchment management.
Geographical Journal(2), 99-116.
Day B, Bateman I, Lake I (2003). What price peace? a comprehensive approach to the specification and estimation of hedonic housing price models.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(1), 1-49.
Bateman IJ, Jones AP, Lovett AA, Lake IR, Day BH (2002). Applying Geographical Information Systems (GIS) to environmental and resource economics.
Environmental and Resource Economics,
22(1-2), 219-269.
Bateman IJ (2002). Blueprint for a sustainable economy.
168, 79-80.
Author URL.
BROWN K, TURNER RK, HAMEED H, BATEMAN IAN (2002). Environmental carrying capacity and tourism development in the Maldives and Nepal.
Environmental Conservation,
24(4), 316-325.
Brainard JS, Jones AP, Bateman IJ, Lovett AA, Fallon PJ (2002). Modelling environmental equity: Access to air quality in Birmingham, England.
Environment and Planning A,
34(4), 695-716.
Turner RK, Bateman IJ, Georgiou S, Jones A, Langford IH (2001). An ecological economics approach to the management of a multi-purpose coastal wetland.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(ECM 01-01), 1-36.
Bateman IJ, Langford IH, Jones AP, Kerr GN (2001). Bound and path effects in double and choice contingent valuation.
Resource and Energy Economics,
23(3), 191-213.
Lovett A, Bateman I (2001). Economic analysis of environmental preferences: progress and prospects. Computers Environment and Urban Systems, 25(2), 131-139.
Kontogianni A, Skourtos MS, Langford IH, Bateman IJ, Georgiou S (2001). Integrating stakeholder analysis in non-market valuation of environmental assets.
Ecological Economics,
37(1), 123-138.
Brainard J, Bateman I, Lovett A (2001). Modelling demand for recreation in English woodlands.
74(5), 423-438.
Brainard J, Jones AP, Bateman IJ, Lovett AA, Fallon PJ (2001). Modelling the relationship between socio-economic indicators and air pollution.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(ECM 01-04).
Brouwer R, Bateman IJ, Hanley N, Dubourg R, Georgiou S, Kontogianni A, Machado F, Mourato S, Saunders C, Skourtos MS, et al (2001). Public perception and valuation of UV health risks in low and high risk countries.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(GEC 01-05).
Medin H, Nyborg K, Bateman I (2001). The assumption of equal marginal utility of income: How much does it matter?.
Ecological Economics,
36(3), 397-411.
Langford IH, Skourtos MS, Kontogianni A, Day RJ, Georgiou S, Bateman IJ (2001). Use and nonuse values for conserving endangered species: the case of the Mediterranean monk seal.
Environment and Planning A,
33(12), 2219-2233.
Bateman IJ, Cooper P, Georgiou S, Poe GL (2001). Visible choice sets and scope sensitivity: an experimental and field test of study design effects upon nested contingent values.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(EDM 01-01).
Bateman IJ (2000). Blueprint for a sustainable economy.
76(4), 874-875.
Author URL.
Georgiou S, Bateman IJ, Langford IH, Day RJ (2000). Coastal bathing water health risks: Developing means of assessing the adequacy of proposals to amend the 1976 EC directive.
Risk, Decision and Policy,
5(1), 49-68.
Scarpa R, Bateman I (2000). Efficiency gains afforded by improved bid design versus follow-up valuation questions in discrete-choice CV studies.
Land Economics,
76(2), 299-311.
Bateman IJ, Lovett AA (2000). Estimating and valuing the carbon sequestered in softwood and hardwood trees, timber products and forest soils in Wales.
Journal of Environmental Management,
60(4), 301-323.
Bateman IJ, Langford IH, Munro A, Starmer C, Sugden R (2000). Estimating four Hicksian welfare measures for a public good: a contingent valuation investigation.
76(3), 355-373.
Author URL.
Lake IR, Lovett AA, Bateman IJ, Day BH (2000). Improving land compensation procedures via GIS and hedonic pricing.
Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy,
18(6), 681-696.
Langford IH, Georgiou S, Bateman IJ, Day RJ, Turner RK (2000). Public perceptions of health risks from polluted coastal bathing waters: a mixed methodological analysis using cultural theory.
Risk Anal,
20(5), 691-704.
Author URL.
Bateman IJ, Langford IH, Nishikawa N, Lake I (2000). The Axford debate revisited: a case study illustrating different approaches to the aggregation of benefits data.
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management,
43(2), 291-302.
McLeod H, Langford IH, Jones AP, Stedman JR, Day RJ, Lorenzoni I, Bateman IJ (2000). The relationship between socio-economic indicators and air pollution in England and Wales: implications for environmental justice. Regional Environmental Change, 1(2), 78-85.
Lake IR, Lovett AA, Bateman IJ, Day B (2000). Using gis and large-scale digital data to implement hedonic pricing studies.
International Journal of Geographical Information Science,
14(6), 521-541.
Bateman IJ, Langford IH, Kerr GN (1999). Bound and path effects in multiple-bound dichotomous choice contingent valuation. Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(GEC 99-12).
Georgiou S, Langford IH, Day RJ, Bateman IJ (1999). Comparing perceptions of risk and quality with willingness to pay: a mixed methodological study of public preferences for reducing health risks from polluted coastal bathing waters. Risk Decision and Policy, 4(3), 201-220.
Bateman IJ, Lovett AA, Brainard JS (1999). Developing a methodology for benefit transfers using geographical information systems: Modelling demand for woodland recreation.
Regional Studies,
33(3), 191-205.
Turner K, Bateman I (1999). Environmental and Resource Economics: Editorial. Environmental and Resource Economics, 14(4).
Brainard J, Lovett A, Bateman I (1999). Integrating geographical information systems into travel cost analysis and benefit transfer.
International Journal of Geographical Information Science,
13(3), 227-246.
Turner RK, Georgiou S, Gren IM, Wulff F, Barrett S, Söderqvist T, Bateman IJ, Folke C, Langaas S, Zylicz T, et al (1999). Managing nutrient fluxes and pollution in the Baltic: an interdisciplinary simulation study.
Ecological Economics,
30(2), 333-352.
Bateman IJ, Ennew C, Lovett AA, Rayner AJ (1999). Modelling and mapping agricultural output values using farm specific details and environmental databases.
Journal of Agricultural Economics,
50(3), 488-511.
Brouwer R, Bateman IJ, Saunders C, Langford IH (1999). Perception and valuation of risk reduction as a public and private good: Investigating methodological issues in contingent valuation of UV risks in New Zealand.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(GEC 99-06), 1-101.
Brouwer R, Powe N, Turner RK, Bateman IJ, Langford IH (1999). Public attitudes to contingent valuation and public consultation.
Environmental Values,
8(3), 325-347.
Bateman IJ, Langford IH, Nishikawa N (1999). The aggregation of non-user benefits: a case study illustrating different approaches.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(GEC 99-18), 1-18.
Bateman IJ, Brainard JS, Lovett AA, Garrod GD (1999). The impact of measurement assumptions upon individual travel cost estimates of consumer surplus: a GIS analysis. Regional Environmental Change, 1(1), 24-30.
Langford IH, Georgiou S, Bateman IJ, Day RJ, Turner RK (1998). A cultural theory analysis of public perceptions of health risks from polluted coastal bathing waters.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(GEC 98-20).
Georgiou S, Bateman IJ, Langford IH, Day RJ, Turner RK (1998). Coastal bathing water health risks: assessing the adequacy of proposals to amend the EC Directive.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(PA 98-04).
Kerry Turner R, Lorenzoni I, Beaumont N, Bateman IJ, Langford IH, Mcdonald AL (1998). Coastal management for sustainable development: Analysing environmental and socio-economic changes on the UK coast.
Geographical Journal,
164(3), 269-281.
Bateman I (1998). Contingent valuation and endangered species: Methodological issues and applications.
108(446), 230-231.
Author URL.
Georgiou S, Langford IH, Bateman IJ, Turner RK (1998). Determinants of individuals' willingness to pay for perceived reductions in environmental health risks: a case study of bathing water quality.
Environment and Planning A,
30(4), 577-594.
Langford IH, Bateman IJ, Jones AP, Langford HD, Georgiou S (1998). Improved estimation of willingness to pay in dichotomous choice contingent valuation studies.
74(1), 65-75.
Author URL.
Lake IR, Lovett AA, Bateman IJ, Langford IH (1998). Modelling environmental influences on property prices in an urban environment.
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems,
22(2), 121-136.
Langford IH, Kontogianni A, Skourtos MS, Georgiou S, Bateman IJ (1998). Multivariate mixed models for open-ended contingent valuation data: Willingness to pay for conservation of monk seals.
Environmental and Resource Economics,
12(4), 443-456.
Langford IH, Moulden-Horrocks S, Day RJ, McDonald AL, Bateman IJ, Saunders C (1998). Perceptions of risk of malignant melanoma skin cancer from sunlight: a comparative study of young people in the UK and New Zealand.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(PA 98-05).
McLeod H, Langford IH, Jones AP, Stedman JR, Day RJ, Lorenzoni I, Bateman IJ (1998). Regional variations in the socio-economic distribution of air pollutants in England and Wales: implications for environmental justice.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(GEC 98-11).
Brown K, Turner RK, Hameed H, Bateman I (1998). Reply to Lindberg and McCool: 'A critique of environmental carrying capacity as a means of managing the effects of tourism development'. Environmental Conservation, 25(4), 293-294.
Klein RJT, Bateman IJ (1998). The recreational value of cley marshes nature reserve: an argument against managed retreat?.
Water and Environment Journal,
12(4), 280-285.
Bateman IJ, Lovett AA (1998). Using geographical information systems (GIS) and large area databases to predict Yield Class: a study of Sitka spruce in Wales.
71(2), 147-168.
Brouwer R, Langford IH, Bateman IJ, Crowards TC, Turner RK (1997). A meta-analysis of wetland contingent valuation studies.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment,
GEC 97-20 Abstract.
Bateman I, Munro A, Rhodes B, Starmer C, Sugden R (1997). A test of the theory of reference-dependent preferences.
Quarterly Journal of Economics,
112(2), 478-505.
Bateman IJ, Langford IH (1997). Budget-constraint, temporal, and question-ordering effects in contingent valuation studies.
Environment and Planning A,
29(7), 1215-1228.
Turner RK, Lorenzoni I, Beaumont N, Bateman IJ, Langford IH, McDonald AL (1997). Coastal management and environmental economics: analysing environmental and socio-economic changes on the UK coast.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment,
GEC 97-25 Abstract.
Bateman I, Munro A, Rhodes B, Starmer C, Sugden R (1997). Does part-whole bias exist? an experimental investigation.
Economic Journal,
107(441), 322-332.
Lovett AA, Brainard JS, Bateman IJ (1997). Improving benefit transfer demand functions: a GIS approach.
Journal of Environmental Management,
51(4), 373-389.
Bateman IJ, Langford IH (1997). Non-users' willingness to pay for a National Park: an application and critique of the contingent valuation method.
Regional Studies,
31(6), 571-582.
Foster V, Bateman IJ, Harley D (1997). Real and hypothetical willingness to pay for environmental preservation: a non-experimental comparison.
Journal of Agricultural Economics,
48(2), 123-137.
Brainard JS, Lovett AA, Bateman IJ (1997). Using isochrone surfaces in travel-cost models.
Journal of Transport Geography,
5(2), 117-126.
Langford IH, Bateman IJ, Langford HD (1996). A multilevel modelling approach to triple-bounded dichotomous choice contingent valuation.
Environmental and Resource Economics,
7(3), 197-211.
Lake IR, Bateman IJ, Parfitt JP (1996). Assessing a kerbside recycling scheme: a quantitative and willingness to pay case study.
Journal of Environmental Management,
46(3), 239-254.
Georgiou S, Langford I, Bateman I, Turner RK (1996). Determinants of individual's willingness to pay for reductions in environmental health risks: a case study of bathing water quality.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment,
GEC 96-14 Abstract.
Georgiou S, Langford I, Bateman I, Turner RK (1996). Economic and epidemiological investigation of coastal bathing water health risks.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment,
PA 96-01 Abstract.
Langford IH, Bateman IJ (1996). Elicitation and truncation effects in contingent valuation studies.
19(3), 265-267.
Author URL.
Kerr GN, Graham AWK (1996). Elicitation and truncation effects in contingent valuation studies: comment. Ecological Economics, 19(3), 261-264.
Bateman IJ, Diamand E, Langford IH, Jones A (1996). Household willingness to pay and farmers' willingness to accept compensation for establishing a recreational Woodland.
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management,
39(1), 21-44.
Bateman IJ, Garrod GD, Brainard JS, Lovett AA (1996). Measurement issues in the travel cost method: a geographical information systems approach.
Journal of Agricultural Economics,
47(2), 191-205.
Bateman IJ, Langford IH, Graham A (1995). A survey of non-users willingness to pay to prevent saline flooding in the Norfolk Broads.
Working Paper - Centre for Social & Economic Research on the Global Environment(GEC 95-11).
Bateman IJ, Langford IH, Graham A (1995). A survey of non-users willingness to pay to prevent saline flooding in the Norfolk Broads.
Working Paper - Centre for Social & Economic Research on the Global Environment(GEC 95-11).
Bateman I, Munro A, Rhodes B, Starmer C, Sugden R (1995). A test of the theory of reference-dependent preferences.
Working Paper - Centre for Social & Economic Research on the Global Environment(GEC 95-19).
Bateman I, Munro A, Rhodes B, Starmer C, Sugden R (1995). A test of the theory of reference-dependent preferences.
Working Paper - Centre for Social & Economic Research on the Global Environment(GEC 95-19).
Bateman IJ, Langford IH (1995). Design effects in contingent valuation studies: mental account and temporal ordering effects.
Working Paper - Centre for Social & Economic Research on the Global Environment(GEC 95-02).
Bateman IJ, Langford IH (1995). Design effects in contingent valuation studies: mental account and temporal ordering effects.
Working Paper - Centre for Social & Economic Research on the Global Environment(GEC 95-02).
Bateman IJ, Langford IH, Turner RK, Willis KG, Garrod GD (1995). Elicitation and truncation effects in contingent valuation studies. Ecological Economics, 12(2), 161-179.
Henderson N, Bateman I (1995). Empirical and public choice evidence for hyperbolic social discount rates and the implications for intergenerational discounting. Environmental & Resource Economics, 5(4), 413-423.
Brainard J, Bateman I, Lovett A (1995). How much is a forest worth?.
Mapping Awareness,
9(9), 22-26.
Bateman IJ, Brainard JS, Lovett AA (1995). Modelling woodland recreation demand using geographical information systems: a benefit transfer study.
Working Paper - Centre for Social & Economic Research on the Global Environment(GEC 95-06).
Bateman IJ, Brainard JS, Lovett AA (1995). Modelling woodland recreation demand using geographical information systems: a benefit transfer study.
Working Paper - Centre for Social & Economic Research on the Global Environment(GEC 95-06).
Langford IH, Bateman IJ (1995). Multilevel modelling and contingent valuation: part 2, modelling individual and group effects in a dichotomous choice survey.
Working Paper - Centre for Social & Economic Research on the Global Environment(GEC 95-05).
Langford IH, Bateman IJ (1995). Multilevel modelling and contingent valuation: part 2, modelling individual and group effects in a dichotomous choice survey.
Working Paper - Centre for Social & Economic Research on the Global Environment(GEC 95-05).
Brown K, Turner RK, Hameed H, Bateman I (1995). Tourism and sustainability in environmentally fragile areas: case studies from the Maldives and Nepal.
Working Paper - Centre for Social & Economic Research on the Global Environment(GEC 95-30).
Brown K, Turner RK, Hameed H, Bateman I (1995). Tourism and sustainability in environmentally fragile areas: case studies from the Maldives and Nepal.
Working Paper - Centre for Social & Economic Research on the Global Environment(GEC 95-30).
Bateman I, Willis K, Garrod G (1994). Consistency Between Contingent Valuation Estimates: a Comparison of Two Studies of UK National Parks. Regional Studies, 28(5), 457-474.
Bateman I (1994). Contingent valuation and hedonic pricing: problems and possibilities. Landscape Research, 19(1), 30-32.
Bateman I (1994). Integrating economics, ecology and thermodynamics by Matthias Ruth Kluwer Academic Publishers, Ecology, Economy and Environment Series, Vol. 3 (1993). £78.00/$119.00 hbk (xi + 251 pages) ISBN 0 7923 2377 7. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 9(11), 451-452.
Langford IH, Bateman IJ, Langford HD (1994). Multilevel modelling and contingent valuation. Part 1: a triple bounded dichotomous choice analysis.
Working Paper - Centre for Social & Economic Research on the Global Environment(GEC 94-04).
Langford IH, Bateman IJ, Langford HD (1994). Multilevel modelling and contingent valuation. Part 1: a triple bounded dichotomous choice analysis.
Working Paper - Centre for Social & Economic Research on the Global Environment(GEC 94-04).
Bateman I, Turner RK, Bateman S (1993). Extending cost benefit analysis of UK highway proposals: environmental evaluation and equity. Project Appraisal, 8(4), 213-224.
103(416), 265-267.
Author URL.
Clayton K, Sutton TA, Jickells T, Baban S, Rose J, Graham SR, Simmons IG, Atkins PJ, Norman JN, Schembri PJ, et al (1992). Book reviews. International Journal of Environmental Studies, 42(2-3), 223-236.
O'Riordan T, Clayton KM, Bateman I, Frost S, Simmons IG, Pocock DCD, Norman JN, McCallum RI, Rose J, Brody B, et al (1991). Book reviews. International Journal of Environmental Studies, 39(1-2), 139-155.
7(4), 474-474.
Author URL.
Bateman I, Mellor C (1990). The UK timber market: an econometric model. Oxford Agrarian Studies, 18(1), 53-61.
Bateman I (1989). Modified discounting method: some comments—1. Project Appraisal, 4(2), 104-106.
Kim N, Wongsa-art P, Bateman IJ (2023). A New Model for Agricultural Land-Use Modeling and Prediction in England Using Spatially High-Resolution Data. In (Ed) Essays in Honor of Joon Y. Park: Econometric Methodology in Empirical Applications, Emerald, 291-317.
Bateman IJ, Binner A, Smith G, Day B, Fezzi C, Rusby A, Welters R (2020). Chapter 15 - United Kingdom: Public and Private Sector Payments for Ecosystem Services. In (Ed) Integration, Valuation, Targeting and Efficient Delivery of Public and Private Sector Payments for Ecosystem Services in the UK.
Bateman I, Binner A, Day B, Faccioli M, Fezzi C, Rusby A, Smith G (2020). The natural capital approach to integrating science, economics and policy into decisions affecting the natural environment. In Sutherland W, Brotherton P, Davis Z, Ockendon N, Pettorelli N, Vickery J (Eds.)
Conservation Research, Policy and Practice, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 198-217.
Bateman I, Brett Day AB, Faccioli M, Fezzi C, Rusby A, Smith G (2020). The natural capital approach to integrating science, economics and policy into decisions affecting the natural environment. In (Ed) Conservation Research, Policy and Practice, Cambridge University Press (CUP), 196-215.
Bateman I, Munro A, Rhodes B, Starmer C, Sugden R (2019). A test of the theory of reference-dependent preferences. In (Ed)
Choices, Values, and Frames, 180-201.
Mandle L, Ouyang Z, Salzman J, Bateman I, Folke C, Guerry AD, Li C, Li J, Li S, Liu J, et al (2019). The Case and Movement for Securing People and Nature. In (Ed) Green Growth That Works, Island Press, 3-16.
Bateman IJ, Mandle L, Ouyang Z, Salzman J, Folke C, Li C, Li J, Li S, Liu J, Polasky S, et al (2019). Transformative Pathways to Inclusive Green Development. In (Ed)
Green Growth That Works Natural Capital Policy and Finance Mechanisms Around the World, Island Press.
Brouwer R, Langford IH, Bateman IJ, Turner RK (2018). A meta-analysis of Wetland Contingent valuation studies. In (Ed)
The Stated Preference Approach to Environmental Valuation: Volume III: Applications: Benefit-Cost Analysis and Natural Resource Damage Assessment, 301-311.
Ninan K, Inoue M, Fezzi C, Harwood AR, Lovett AA, Bateman IJ (2017). Chapter 2: the environmental impact of climate change adaptation on land use and water quality. In (Ed) Building a Climate Resilient Economy and Society, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Fezzi C, Harwood AR, Lovett AA, Bateman IJ (2017). The environmental impact of climate change adaptation on land use and water quality. In (Ed)
Building a Climate Resilient Economy and Society: Challenges and Opportunities, 27-40.
Lanz B, Provins A, Bateman IJ, Scarpa R, Willis K, Ozdemiroglu E (2016). Investigating Willingness to Pay–Willingness to Accept Asymmetry in Choice Experiments. In (Ed) Choice Modelling: the State-of-the-art and the State-of-practice, Emerald, 517-541.
Bateman IJ, Badura T, Agarwala M, Binner A (2016). Valuing preferences for ecosystem related goods and services. In (Ed)
Routledge Handbook of Ecosystem Services, Routledge.
Bateman IJ, Ferrini S, Schaafsma M (2015). Ecosystem Services Assessment and Benefit Transfer. In (Ed)
Benefit Transfer of Environmental and Resource Values a Guide for Researchers and Practitioners, Springer.
Bateman IJ, Schaafsma M, Ferrini S, Harwood AR (2015). The first UK National Ecosystem Assessment and beyond. In (Ed)
Water Ecosystem Services, Cambridge University Press.
Schaafsma M, Ferrini S, Harwood AR, Bateman IJ (2015). The first United Kingdom’s national ecosystem assessment and beyond. In (Ed)
Water Ecosystem Services: a Global Perspective, 73-81.
Bateman IJ, Mace GM, Fezzi C, Atkinson G, Turner RK (2014). Chapter 2: Economic analysis for ecosystem service assessments. In (Ed) Valuing Ecosystem Services, Edward Elgar Publishing, 23-77.
Morse-Jones S, Bateman IJ, Kontoleon A, Ferrini S, Burgess ND, Turner RK (2014). Chapter 5: Stated preferences for tropical wildlife conservation amongst distant beneficiaries: charisma, endemism, scope and substitution effects. In (Ed) Valuing Ecosystem Services, Edward Elgar Publishing, 109-131.
Bateman IJ, Mace GM, Fezzi C, Atkinson G, Turner RK (2014). Economic analysis for ecosystem service assessments. In (Ed)
Valuing Ecosystem Services: Methodological Issues and Case Studies, 23-77.
Morse-Jones S, Bateman IJ, Kontoleon A, Ferrini S, Burgess ND, Turner RK (2014). Stated preferences for tropical wildlife conservation amongst distant beneficiaries: Charisma, endemism, scope and substitution effects. In (Ed)
Valuing Ecosystem Services: Methodological Issues and Case Studies, 109-131.
Bateman I, Perino G, Abson D, Andrews B, Crowe A, Dugdale S, Fezzi C, Foden J, Hadley D, Haines-Young R, et al (2014). The UK National Ecosystem Assessment: Valuing Changes in Ecosystem Services. In (Ed) Nature in the Balance: the Economics of Biodiversity, Oxford University Press, 79-100.
Atkinson G, Bateman IJ, Mourato S (2014). Valuing Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity. In (Ed) Nature in the Balance, Oxford University Press (OUP), 100-134.
Bateman I (2013). The United Kingdom. In (Ed) Forests: Market and Intervention Failures, Five Case Studies, 10-57.
Fisher B, Bateman I, Turner RK (2013). Valuing ecosystem services: Benefits, values, space and time. In (Ed)
Values, Payments and Institutions for Ecosystem Management: a Developing Country Perspective, 58-69.
Turner RK, Bateman IJ, Georgiou S, Jones A, Langford IH, Matias NGN, Subramanian L (2012). An ecological economics approach to the management of a multi-purpose coastal Wetland. In (Ed) Conserving and Valuing Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity: Economic, Institutional and Social Challenges, 195-220.
Lamond JE, Bateman I (2012). Methods for Valuing Preferences for Environmental and Natural Resources: an Overview. In (Ed) Solutions to Climate Change Challenges in the Built Environment, 87-98.
Turner RK, Folke C, Gren IM, Bateman IJ (2012). Wetland valuation: three case studies. In (Ed) Biodiversity Loss, Cambridge University Press (CUP), 129-149.
Jones AP, Brainard J, Bateman IJ, Lovett AA (2011). Equity of access to public parks in birmingham, england. In (Ed)
Advances in Environmental Research. Volume 13, 237-256.
Jones A, Wright J, Bateman I, Schaafsma M (2011). Estimating arrival numbers for informal recreation. In (Ed)
Tourism and Hospitality: Issues and Developments, 220-236.
Bateman IJ (2011). Valid value estimates and value estimate validation: Better methods and better testing for stated preference research. In (Ed) The International Handbook on Non-Market Environmental Valuation, 322-352.
Fisher B, Bateman I, Turner RK (2010). Valuing ecosystem services: Benefits, values, space and time. In (Ed) Valuation of Regulating Services of Ecosystems: Methodology and Applications, 13-23.
Jones AP, Brainard J, Bateman IJ, Lovett AA (2009). Equity of access to public parks in Birmingham(UK). In (Ed)
Income Distribution: Inequalities, Impacts and Incentives, 1-36.
Bateman IJ, Georgiou S (2009). The Socioeconomic Consequences of Climate Change for the Management of Water Resources. In (Ed) The Impact of Climate Change on European Lakes, Springer Nature, 437-452.
Bateman IJ, Jones AP (2007). Contrasting conventional with multi-level modeling approaches to meta-analysis: Expectation consistency in UK woodland recreation values. In (Ed) Environmental Value Transfer: Issues and Methods, Springer Nature, 131-160.
Bateman IJ, Cameron MP, Tsoumas A (2007). Investigating the characteristics of stated preferences for reducing the impacts of air pollution: a contingent valuation experiment. In (Ed) Environmental Economics, Experimental Methods, 424-446.
Bateman I, Munro A, Rhodes B, Starmer CV, Sugden R (2006). Anchoring and yea-saying with private goods: an experiment. In (Ed) Using Experimental Methods in Environmental and Resource Economics, 1-19.
Bateman I, Day B, Dupont D, Matias NG, Morimoto S (2006). Chapter 15: Cost–Benefit Analysis and the Prevention of Eutrophication. In (Ed) Environmental Valuation in Developed Countries, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Day B, Bateman I, Lake I (2006). Chapter 17: Hedonic Price Analysis of Road Traffic Noise Nuisance. In (Ed) Environmental Valuation in Developed Countries, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Bateman I, Munro A, Rhodes B, Starmer CV, Sugden R (2006). Chapter 1: Anchoring and Yea-saying with Private Goods: an Experiment. In (Ed) Using Experimental Methods in Environmental and Resource Economics, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Serret Y, Johnstone N, Brainard JS, Jones AP, Bateman IJ (2006). Chapter 6: Exposure to Environmental Urban Noise Pollution in Birmingham, UK. In (Ed) The Distributional Effects of Environmental Policy, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Bateman I, Day B, Dupont D, Georgiou S, Matias NG, Morimoto S, Subramanian L (2006). Cost-benefit analysis and the prevention of eutrophication. In (Ed) Environmental Valuation in Developed Countries: Case studies, 317-339.
Brainard JS, Jones AP, Bateman IJ, Lovett AA (2006). Exposure to environmental urban noise pollution in birmingham, UK. In (Ed) The Distributional Effects of Environmental Policy, 199-226.
Day B, Bateman I, Lake I (2006). Hedonic price analysis of road traffic noise nuisance. In (Ed) Environmental Valuation in Developed Countries: Case studies, 363-406.
Georgiou S, Bateman IJ, Langford IH (2005). Chapter 12: Cost–benefit Analysis of Improved Bathing Water Quality in the United Kingdom as a Result of a Revision of the European Bathing Water Directive. In (Ed) Cost–Benefit Analysis and Water Resources Management, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Bateman IJ, Jones AP (2005). Chapter 13: Contrasting conventional with multi-level modelling approaches to meta-analysis: expectation consistency in UK woodland recreation values. In (Ed) Econometrics Informing Natural Resources Management, Edward Elgar Publishing.
de Oca GSM, Bateman IJ (2005). Chapter 16: Cost–benefit Analysis of Urban Water Supply in Mexico City. In (Ed) Cost–Benefit Analysis and Water Resources Management, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Georgiou S, Bateman I, Cole M (2005). Chapter 8: Contingent ranking of river water quality improvements. In (Ed) Econometrics Informing Natural Resources Management, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Georgiou S, Bateman I, Cole M, Hadley D (2005). Contingent ranking of river water quality improvements. In (Ed)
Econometrics Informing Natural Resources Management: Selected Empirical Analyses, 175-194.
Bateman IJ, Jones AP (2005). Contrasting conventional with multi-level modelling approaches to meta-analysis: Expectation consistency in UK woodland recreation values. In (Ed)
Econometrics Informing Natural Resources Management: Selected Empirical Analyses, 281-315.
Georgiou S, Bateman IJ, Langford IH (2005). Cost-benefit analysis of improved bathing water quality in the United Kingdom as a result of a revision of the European bathing water directive. In (Ed) Cost-Benefit Analysis and Water Resources Management, 270-289.
De Oca GSM, Bateman IJ (2005). Cost-benefit analysis of urban water supply in Mexico city. In (Ed) Cost-Benefit Analysis and Water Resources Management, 361-380.
Brouwer R, Langford IH, Bateman IJ, Turner RK (2003). A meta-analysis of wetland ecosystem valuation studies. In (Ed) Managing Wetlands: an Ecological Economics Approach, 108-129.
Hanley N, Shaw W, Wright R, Bateman IJ, Lovett AA, Brainard JS (2003). Chapter 10: Using Geographical Information Systems (GIS) to Estimate and Transfer Recreational Demand Functions. In (Ed) The New Economics of Outdoor Recreation, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Turner R, van den Bergh J, Brouwer R, Brouwer R, Langford IH, Bateman IJ, Turner RK (2003). Chapter 5: a Meta-Analysis of Wetland Ecosystem Valuation Studies. In (Ed) Managing Wetlands, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Turner R, van den Bergh J, Brouwer R, Brouwer R, Turner RK, Georgiou S, Powe N, Bateman IJ, Langford IH (2003). Chapter 6: Social and Deliberative Approaches to Support Wetland Management. In (Ed) Managing Wetlands, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Turner R, van den Bergh J, Brouwer R, Skourtos MS, Troumbis AY, Kontogianni A, Langford IH, Bateman IJ, Georgiou S (2003). Chapter 8: Ecological and Socio-Economic Evaluation of Wetland Conservation Scenarios. In (Ed) Managing Wetlands, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Skourtos MS, Troumbis AY, Kontogianni A, Langford IH, Bateman IJ, Georgiou S (2003). Ecological and socio-economic evaluation of wetland conservation scenarios. In (Ed) Managing Wetlands: an Ecological Economics Approach, 198-222.
Turner RK, Brouwer R, Georgiou S, Bateman IJ, Langford IH, Green M, Voisey H (2003). Management of a multi-purpose, open access wetland: the norfolk and suffolk broads, UK. In (Ed) Managing Wetlands: an Ecological Economics Approach, 250-270.
Langford IH, Bateman IJ (2003). Multi‐Level Modelling and Contingent Valuation. In (Ed) Valuing Environmental Preferences, Oxford University Press (OUP), 442-459.
Brouwer R, Turner RK, Georgiou S, Powe N, Bateman IJ, Langford IH (2003). Social and deliberative approaches to support wetland management1. In (Ed) Managing Wetlands: an Ecological Economics Approach, 130-161.
Bateman IJ, Lovett AA, Brainard JS, Jones AP (2003). Using geographical information systems (GIS) to estimate and transfer recreational demand functions. In (Ed) The New Economics of Outdoor Recreation, 191-220.
Bateman IJ, Langford IH, Rasbash J (2003). Willingness‐To‐Pay Question Format Effects in Contingent Valuation Studies. In (Ed) Valuing Environmental Preferences, Oxford University Press (OUP), 511-539.
Bateman I, Carson R, Day B, Hanemann M, Hanley N, Hett T, Jones-Lee M, Loomes G (2002). Acronyms. In (Ed) Economic Valuation with Stated Preference Techniques, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Bateman I, Carson R, Day B, Hanemann M, Hanley N, Hett T, Jones-Lee M, Loomes G (2002). Aggregation. In (Ed) Economic Valuation with Stated Preference Techniques, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Bateman I, Carson R, Day B, Hanemann M, Hanley N, Hett T, Jones-Lee M, Loomes G (2002). Analysis of choice modelling data. In (Ed) Economic Valuation with Stated Preference Techniques, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Bateman I, Carson R, Day B, Hanemann M, Hanley N, Hett T, Jones-Lee M, Loomes G (2002). Analysis of contingent valuation data. In (Ed) Economic Valuation with Stated Preference Techniques, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Bateman I, Carson R, Day B, Hanemann M, Hanley N, Hett T, Jones-Lee M, Loomes G (2002). Cautions, caveats and future directions. In (Ed) Economic Valuation with Stated Preference Techniques, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Bateman I, Carson R, Day B, Hanemann M, Hanley N, Hett T, Jones-Lee M, Loomes G (2002). Combining revealed and states preference techniques. In (Ed) Economic Valuation with Stated Preference Techniques, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Bateman I, Carson R, Day B, Hanemann M, Hanley N, Hett T, Jones-Lee M, Loomes G (2002). Commissioning a states preference study. In (Ed) Economic Valuation with Stated Preference Techniques, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Bateman I, Carson R, Day B, Hanemann M, Hanley N, Hett T, Jones-Lee M, Loomes G (2002). Designing a choice modelling questionnaire. In (Ed) Economic Valuation with Stated Preference Techniques, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Bateman I, Carson R, Day B, Hanemann M, Hanley N, Hett T, Jones-Lee M, Loomes G (2002). Designing a contingent valuation questionnaire. In (Ed) Economic Valuation with Stated Preference Techniques, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Bateman IJ, Lovett AA, Brainard JS (2002). Developing a GIS-based methodology for benefit transfers. In (Ed) Comparative Environmental Economic Assessment, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Bateman I, Carson R, Day B, Hanemann M, Hanley N, Hett T, Jones-Lee M, Loomes G (2002). Foreword. In (Ed) Economic Valuation with Stated Preference Techniques, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Bateman I, Carson R, Day B, Hanemann M, Hanley N, Hett T, Jones-Lee M, Loomes G (2002). Introduction. In (Ed) Economic Valuation with Stated Preference Techniques, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Schulze W, Poe G, Bateman I, Rondeau D (2002). Is the Scope Test Meaningful in the Presence of Other-regarding Behaviour?. In (Ed) Recent Advances in Environmental Economics, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Bateman I, Carson R, Day B, Hanemann M, Hanley N, Hett T, Jones-Lee M, Loomes G (2002). Population, sample and survey mode. In (Ed) Economic Valuation with Stated Preference Techniques, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Bateman I, Carson R, Day B, Hanemann M, Hanley N, Hett T, Jones-Lee M, Loomes G (2002). Reporting. In (Ed) Economic Valuation with Stated Preference Techniques, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Bateman I, Carson R, Day B, Hanemann M, Hanley N, Hett T, Jones-Lee M, Loomes G (2002). The authors. In (Ed) Economic Valuation with Stated Preference Techniques.
Bateman I, Carson R, Day B, Hanemann M, Hanley N, Hett T, Jones-Lee M, Loomes G (2002). The foundations of economic valuation. In (Ed) Economic Valuation with Stated Preference Techniques, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Bateman I, Carson R, Day B, Hanemann M, Hanley N, Hett T, Jones-Lee M, Loomes G (2002). Validity and reliability. In (Ed) Economic Valuation with Stated Preference Techniques, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Brouwer R, Langford IH, Bateman IJ, Turner RK (2001). A Meta-Analysis of Wetland Contingent Valuation Studies. In (Ed) Economics of Coastal and Water Resources: Valuing Environmental Functions, Springer Nature, 305-322.
Turner RK, Bateman IJ, Adger WN (2001). Ecological Economics and Coastal Zone Ecosystems’ Values: an Overview. In (Ed) Economics of Coastal and Water Resources: Valuing Environmental Functions, Springer Nature, 1-43.
Brouwer R, Bateman IJ, Turner RK, Adger WN, Boar R, Crooks S, Dockerty T, Georgiou S, Jones A, Langford IH, et al (2001). Management of a Multi-Purpose Coastal Wetland: the Norfolk and Suffolk Broads, England. In (Ed) Economics of Coastal and Water Resources: Valuing Environmental Functions, Springer Nature, 159-213.
Georgiou S, Langford IH, Bateman IJ, Day RJ, Turner RK (2001). Public Preferences for Reducing Health Risks from Polluted Coastal Bathing Water. In (Ed) Economics of Coastal and Water Resources: Valuing Environmental Functions, Springer Nature, 91-112.
Bateman IJ, Turner RK, Klein RJT, Langford IH (2001). The Application of the Cost Benefit Method to Sea Defence and Coastal Protection Management in England. In (Ed) Economics of Coastal and Water Resources: Valuing Environmental Functions, Springer Nature, 113-142.
Langford IH, Skourtos MS, Kontogianni A, Day RJ, Georgiou S, Bateman IJ (2001). Use and Nonuse Values for Conserving Endangered Species: the Case of the Mediterranean Monk Seal. In (Ed) Economics of Coastal and Water Resources: Valuing Environmental Functions, Springer Nature, 143-158.
Georgiou S, Turner RK, Bateman IJ (2001). Valuation and Management of Nutrient Pollution in the Baltic Drainage Basin. In (Ed) Economics of Coastal and Water Resources: Valuing Environmental Functions, Springer Nature, 215-234.