Journal articles
Day B, Mancini M, Bateman I, Binner A, Cho F, Lee C, Fezzi C, Liuzzo L, Owen N, Smith G, et al (In Press). Natural capital approaches for the optimal design of policies for nature recovery.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences Abstract.
Balmford B, Day B, Lindsay DL, Collins DJ, Peacock J (In Press). Pricing Rules for Pes Auctions: Evidence from a Field Experiment. SSRN Electronic Journal
Day B (In Press). Value of greenspace under lockdown in England. Environmental and Resource Economics
Delafield G, Smith GS, Day B, Holland RA, Donnison C, Hastings A, Taylor G, Owen N, Lovett A (2024). Spatial context matters: Assessing how future renewable energy pathways will impact nature and society. Renewable Energy, 220
Bateman IJ, Anderson K, Argles A, Belcher C, Betts RA, Binner A, Brazier RE, Cho FHT, Collins RM, Day BH, et al (2023). A review of planting principles to identify the right place for the right tree for ‘net zero plus’ woodlands: Applying a place-based natural capital framework for sustainable, efficient and equitable (SEE) decisions.
People and Nature,
5(2), 271-301.
Delafield G, Smith GS, Day B, Holland R, Lovett A (2023). Correction to: the Financial and Environmental Consequences of Renewable Energy Exclusion Zones. Environmental and Resource Economics, 87(2), 399-400.
Faccioli M, Zonneveld S, Tyler CR, Day B (2023). Does local Natural Capital Accounting deliver useful policy and management information? a case study of Dartmoor and Exmoor National Parks.
J Environ Manage,
327 Abstract.
Author URL.
Delafield G, Smith GS, Day B, Holland R, Lovett A (2023). The Financial and Environmental Consequences of Renewable Energy Exclusion Zones.
Environmental and Resource Economics,
87(2), 369-398.
Faccioli M, Law C, Caine C, Berger N, Yan X, Weninger F, Guell C, Day B, Smith R, Bateman I, et al (2022). Combined carbon and health taxes outperform single-purpose information or fiscal measures in designing sustainable food policies.
Nature Food,
3, 331-340.
Roulston M, Kaplan T, Day B, Kaivanto K (2022). Prediction-market innovations can improve climate-risk forecasts.
12(10), 879-880.
Author URL.
Fairchild TP, Bennett WG, Smith G, Day B, Skov MW, Moeller I, Beaumont N, Karunarathna H, Griffin JN (2021). Coastal wetlands mitigate storm flooding and associated costs in estuaries.
Author URL.
Finch T, Day BH, Massimino D, Redhead JW, Field RH, Balmford A, Green RE, Peach WJ (2021). Evaluating spatially explicit sharing-sparing scenarios for multiple environmental outcomes.
58(3), 655-666.
Author URL.
Lovett A, Day B, Smith G, Delafield G, Owen N, Agnolucci P, Bateman I, Beaumont N, Carver S, Dockerty T, et al (2020). Incorporating the value of nature into assessments of future energy pathways.
Ritchie P, Smith G, Davis K, Fezzi C, Halleck-Vega S, Harper A, Boulton C, Binner A, Day B, Gallego-Sala A, et al (2020). Shifts in national land use and food production in Great Britain after a climate tipping point. Nature Food, 1, 76-83.
Day BH (2020). The Value of Greenspace Under Pandemic Lockdown.
76(4), 1161-1185.
Author URL.
Smith GS, Day B, Binner A (2019). Multiple‑Purchaser Payments for Ecosystem Services: an Exploration Using Spatial Simulation Modelling.
Environmental and Resource Economics Abstract.
Smith G, Day B, Bateman IJ (2019). Preference Uncertainty as an Explanation of Anomalies in Contingent Valuation: Coastal Management in the UK. Regional Environmental Change
Day BH, Bateman I, Binner A, Ferrini S, Fezzi C (2019). Structurally-consistent estimation of use and nonuse values for landscape-wide environmental change. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 98
Bateman IJ, Balmford B, Bolt K, Day B, Ferrini S (2019). The value of statistical life for adults and children:. Comparisons of the contingent valuation and chained approaches. Resource and Energy Economics, 57, 68-84.
Davis KJ, Binner A, Bell A, Day B, Poate T, Rees S, Smith G, Wilson K, Bateman I (2018). A generalizable integrated natural capital methodology for targeting investment in coastal defence. Journal of Environmental Economics & Policy
Smith GS, Day B (2017). Addressing the Collective Action Problem in Multiple-purchaser PES: an Experimental Investigation of Negotiated Payment Contributions. Ecological Economics, 144, 36-58.
Binner AR, Day BH (2017). How Property Markets Determine Welfare Outcomes: an Equilibrium Sorting Model Analysis of Local Environmental Interventions.
Environmental and Resource Economics Abstract.
Bateman I, Agarwala M, Binner A, Coombes E, Day B, Ferrini S, Fezzi C, Hutchins M, Lovett A, Posen P, et al (2016). Spatially explicit integrated modeling and economic valuation of climate driven land use change and its indirect effects.
J Environ Manage,
181, 172-184.
Author URL.
Binner A, Day B (2015). Exploring mortgage interest deduction reforms: an equilibrium sorting model with endogenous tenure choice. Journal of Public Economics, 122, 40-54.
Bateman IJ, Harwood AR, Mace GM, Watson RT, Abson DJ, Andrews B, Binner A, Crowe A, Day BH, Dugdale S, et al (2013). Bringing ecosystem services into economic decision-making: land use in the United Kingdom.
341(6141), 45-50.
Author URL.
Bateman IJ, Harwood AR, Mace GM, Watson RT, Abson DJ, Andrews B, Binner A, Crowe A, Day BH, Dugdale S, et al (2013). Ecosystem Services: Nature's Balance Sheet Response.
342(6157), 421-422.
Author URL.
Bateman IJ, Harwood AR, Mace GM, Watson RT, Abson DJ, Andrews B, Binner A, Crowe A, Day BH, Dugdale S, et al (2013). Ecosystem services: response.
342(6157), 421-422.
Author URL.
Bateman I, Binner A, Coombes E, Day B, Ferrini S, Fezzi C, Hutchins M, Posen P (2012). Integrated and spatially explicit modelling of the economic value of complex environmental change and its indirect effects.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(1), 1-40.
Day B, Bateman IJ, Carson RT, Dupont D, Louviere JJ, Morimoto S, Scarpa R, Wang P (2012). Ordering effects and choice set awareness in repeat-response stated preference studies.
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management,
63(1), 73-91.
Kirkby CA, Giudice R, Day B, Turner K, Soares-Filho BS, Oliveira-Rodrigues H, Yu DW (2011). Closing the ecotourism-conservation loop in the Peruvian Amazon. Environmental Conservation, 38, 6-17.
Day BH, Loomes G (2010). Conflicting violations of transitivity and where they may lead us. Theory and Decision, 68, 233-242.
Parry L, Day B, Amaral S, Peres CA (2010). Drivers of rural exodus from Amazonian headwaters. Population and Environment, 32, 137-176.
Day B, Pinto Prades J-L (2010). Ordering anomalies in choice experiments. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 59, 7675-7697.
Parry L, Peres CA, Day B, Amaral S (2010). Rural-urban migration brings conservation threats and opportunities to Amazonian watersheds. Conservation Letters, 3, 251-259.
Kirkby CA, Giudice-Granados R, Day B, Turner K, Velarde-Andrade LM, Duenas-Duenas A, Lara-Rivas JC, Yu DW (2010). The market triumph of ecotourism: an economic investigation of the private and social benefits of competing land uses in the Peruvian Amazon. PLoS ONE, 5
Bateman IJ, Day BH, Dupont D, Georgiou S (2009). Procedural invariance testing of the one-and-one-half-bound dichotomous choice elicitation method. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 91, 806-820.
Bateman IJ, Day BH, Jones AP, Jude S (2009). Reducing gain-loss asymmetry: a virtual reality choice experiment valuing land use change.
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management,
58(1), 106-118.
Day B, Bateman IJ, Carson RT, Dupont D, Louviere JJ, Morimoto S, Scarpa R, Wang P (2009). Task independence in stated preference studies: a test of order effect explanations.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(1), 1-40.
Bateman IJ, Carson RT, Day B, Dupont D, Louviere JJ, Morimoto S, Scarpa R, Wang P (2008). Choice set awareness and ordering effects in discrete choice experiments.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(1), 1-45.
Ferrini S, Fezzi C, Day BH, Bateman IJ (2008). Valuing spatially dispersed environmental goods: a joint revealed and stated preference model to consistently separate use and non-use values.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(1), 1-25.
Day B, Bateman I, Lake I (2007). Beyond implicit prices: Recovering theoretically consistent and transferable values for noise avoidance from a hedonic property price model.
Environmental and Resource Economics,
37(1), 211-232.
Bateman I, Day B, Loomes G, Sugden R (2007). Can ranking techniques elicit robust values?.
Journal of Risk and Uncertainty,
34(1), 49-66.
Day B (2007). Distribution-free estimation with interval-censored contingent valuation data: Troubles with Turnbull?. Environmental and Resource Economics, 37, 777-795.
Nellthorp JA, Bristow A, Day BH (2007). Introducing willingness-to-pay for noise changes into transport appraisal: an application of benefit transfer. Transport Reviews, 27, 1-27.
Bateman IJ, Brouwer R, Davies H, Day BH, Deflandre A, Di Falco S, Georgiou S, Hadley D, Hutchins M, Jones AP, et al (2006). Analysing the agricultural costs and non-market benefits of implementing the Water Framework Directive.
Journal of Agricultural Economics,
57(2), 221-237.
Bateman IJ, Brouwer R, Davies H, Day BH, Deflandre A, Falco SD, Georgiou S, Hadley D, Hutchins M, Jones AP, et al (2006). Catchment hydrology, resources, economics and management (ChREAM): Integrated modelling of rural kand use & farm income impacts of the WFD and its potential non-market benefits.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(1), 1-21.
Bateman I, Day B, Dupont D, Georgiou S, Matias NGN, Morimoto S, Subramanian L (2006). Does phosphate treatment for prevention of eutrophication pass the benefit-cost test?.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(1), 1-25.
Day B, Bateman I, Lake I (2006). Estimating the demand for peace and quiet using property market data.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(1), 1-37.
Bateman IJ, Jones AP, Jude S, Day BH (2006). Reducing gains/loss asymmetry: a virtual reality choice experiment (VRCE) valuing land use change.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(1), 1-28.
Bateman IJ, Day BH, Georgiou S, Lake I (2006). The aggregation of environmental benefit values: Welfare measures, distance decay and total WTP.
Ecological Economics,
60(2), 450-460.
Day B (2005). Distribution-free estimation with interval-censored contingent valuation data: Troubles with turnbull?.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(1), 1-33.
Atkinson G, Day B, Mourato S, Palmer C (2004). 'Amenity' or 'eyesore'? Negative willingness to pay for options to replace electricity transmission towers.
Applied Economics Letters,
11(4), 203-208.
Ready R, Navrud S, Day B, Dubourg R, Machado F, Mourato S, Spanninks F, Rodriquez MXV (2004). Benefit Transfer in Europe: How Reliable Are Transfers between Countries?. Environmental and Resource Economics, 29(1), 67-82.
Ready R, Navrud S, Day BH, Duborg R, Machado F, Mourato S, Spanninks F, Rodriguez M (2004). Contingent valuation of ill health caused by pollution: Testing for context and ordering effects. Portuguese Economic Journal, 3, 145-156.
Day B, Bateman I, Lake I (2004). Nonlinearity in hedonic price equations: an estimation strategy using model-based clustering.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(1), 1-82.
Bateman IJ, Day BH, Dupont D, Georgiou S (2004). OOH LA LA: Testing the one-and-one-half bound dichotomous choice elicitation method for robustness to anomalies.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(1), 1-57.
Day B, Bateman I, Lake I (2004). Omitted locationalvariates in hedonic analysis: a semiparametric approach using spatial statistics.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(1), 1-58.
Day B (2003). Submarket identification in property markets: a hedonic housing price model for Glasgow.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(1), 1-50.
Day B, Bateman I, Lake I (2003). What price peace? a comprehensive approach to the specification and estimation of hedonic housing price models.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(1), 1-49.
Bateman IJ, Jones AP, Lovett AA, Lake IR, Day BH (2002). Applying Geographical Information Systems (GIS) to environmental and resource economics.
Environmental and Resource Economics,
22(1-2), 219-269.
Nunes LC, Cunha-e-Sá MA, Ducla-Soares MM, Rosado MA, Day BH (2001). Identifying non-consistent choice behavior in recreation demand models. Economics Letters, 72(3), 403-410.
Lake IR, Lovett AA, Bateman IJ, Day BH (2000). Improving land compensation procedures via GIS and hedonic pricing.
Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy,
18(6), 681-696.
Lake IR, Lovett AA, Bateman IJ, Day B (2000). Using gis and large-scale digital data to implement hedonic pricing studies.
International Journal of Geographical Information Science,
14(6), 521-541.
Swanson T, Day B, Mourato S (1999). Valuing water quality in China: Purpose, approach and policy.
Journal of Environmental Sciences,
11(3), 309-315.
Day B, Mourato S (1998). Willingness to pay for water quality maintenance in Chinese rivers.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(WM 98-02).
Bateman IJ, Binner A, Smith G, Day B, Fezzi C, Rusby A, Welters R (2020). Chapter 15 - United Kingdom: Public and Private Sector Payments for Ecosystem Services. In (Ed) Integration, Valuation, Targeting and Efficient Delivery of Public and Private Sector Payments for Ecosystem Services in the UK.
Bateman I, Binner A, Day B, Faccioli M, Fezzi C, Rusby A, Smith G (2020). The natural capital approach to integrating science, economics and policy into decisions affecting the natural environment. In Sutherland W, Brotherton P, Davis Z, Ockendon N, Pettorelli N, Vickery J (Eds.)
Conservation Research, Policy and Practice, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 198-217.
Day BH, Bateman IJ, Lake IR (2006). A hedonic pricing analysis of road traffic noise. In Pearce DW (Ed) Valuing the Environment in Developed Countries, Edward Elgar.
Bateman I, Day B, Dupont D, Matias NG, Morimoto S (2006). Chapter 15: Cost–Benefit Analysis and the Prevention of Eutrophication. In (Ed) Environmental Valuation in Developed Countries, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Day B, Bateman I, Lake I (2006). Chapter 17: Hedonic Price Analysis of Road Traffic Noise Nuisance. In (Ed) Environmental Valuation in Developed Countries, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Bateman I, Day B, Dupont D, Georgiou S, Matias NG, Morimoto S, Subramanian L (2006). Cost-benefit analysis and the prevention of eutrophication. In (Ed) Environmental Valuation in Developed Countries: Case studies, 317-339.
Day B, Bateman I, Lake I (2006). Hedonic price analysis of road traffic noise nuisance. In (Ed) Environmental Valuation in Developed Countries: Case studies, 363-406.
Atkinson G, Day BH, Mourato S (2006). Underground or overground? Measuring the visual disamenity from overhead electricity power lines. In Pearce DW (Ed) Valuing the Environment in Developed Countries, Edward Elgar.
Bateman I, Carson R, Day B, Hanemann M, Hanley N, Hett T, Jones-Lee M, Loomes G (2002). Acronyms. In (Ed) Economic Valuation with Stated Preference Techniques, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Bateman I, Carson R, Day B, Hanemann M, Hanley N, Hett T, Jones-Lee M, Loomes G (2002). Aggregation. In (Ed) Economic Valuation with Stated Preference Techniques, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Bateman I, Carson R, Day B, Hanemann M, Hanley N, Hett T, Jones-Lee M, Loomes G (2002). Analysis of choice modelling data. In (Ed) Economic Valuation with Stated Preference Techniques, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Bateman I, Carson R, Day B, Hanemann M, Hanley N, Hett T, Jones-Lee M, Loomes G (2002). Analysis of contingent valuation data. In (Ed) Economic Valuation with Stated Preference Techniques, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Bateman I, Carson R, Day B, Hanemann M, Hanley N, Hett T, Jones-Lee M, Loomes G (2002). Cautions, caveats and future directions. In (Ed) Economic Valuation with Stated Preference Techniques, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Bateman I, Carson R, Day B, Hanemann M, Hanley N, Hett T, Jones-Lee M, Loomes G (2002). Combining revealed and states preference techniques. In (Ed) Economic Valuation with Stated Preference Techniques, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Bateman I, Carson R, Day B, Hanemann M, Hanley N, Hett T, Jones-Lee M, Loomes G (2002). Commissioning a states preference study. In (Ed) Economic Valuation with Stated Preference Techniques, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Bateman I, Carson R, Day B, Hanemann M, Hanley N, Hett T, Jones-Lee M, Loomes G (2002). Designing a choice modelling questionnaire. In (Ed) Economic Valuation with Stated Preference Techniques, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Bateman I, Carson R, Day B, Hanemann M, Hanley N, Hett T, Jones-Lee M, Loomes G (2002). Designing a contingent valuation questionnaire. In (Ed) Economic Valuation with Stated Preference Techniques, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Bateman I, Carson R, Day B, Hanemann M, Hanley N, Hett T, Jones-Lee M, Loomes G (2002). Foreword. In (Ed) Economic Valuation with Stated Preference Techniques, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Bateman I, Carson R, Day B, Hanemann M, Hanley N, Hett T, Jones-Lee M, Loomes G (2002). Introduction. In (Ed) Economic Valuation with Stated Preference Techniques, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Bateman I, Carson R, Day B, Hanemann M, Hanley N, Hett T, Jones-Lee M, Loomes G (2002). Population, sample and survey mode. In (Ed) Economic Valuation with Stated Preference Techniques, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Bateman I, Carson R, Day B, Hanemann M, Hanley N, Hett T, Jones-Lee M, Loomes G (2002). Reporting. In (Ed) Economic Valuation with Stated Preference Techniques, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Bateman I, Carson R, Day B, Hanemann M, Hanley N, Hett T, Jones-Lee M, Loomes G (2002). The authors. In (Ed) Economic Valuation with Stated Preference Techniques.
Bateman I, Carson R, Day B, Hanemann M, Hanley N, Hett T, Jones-Lee M, Loomes G (2002). The foundations of economic valuation. In (Ed) Economic Valuation with Stated Preference Techniques, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Bateman I, Carson R, Day B, Hanemann M, Hanley N, Hett T, Jones-Lee M, Loomes G (2002). Validity and reliability. In (Ed) Economic Valuation with Stated Preference Techniques, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Day BH, Mourato S (2002). Valuing river water quality in China. In Pearce DW, Pearce C, Palmer C (Eds.) Valuing the Environment in Developing Countries, Edward Elgar.
Day BH (2002). Valuing visits to game parks in South Africa. In Pearce DW, Pearce C, Palmer C (Eds.) Valuing the Environment in Developing Countries, Edward Elgar.
Day B, Smith GS (2018). Outdoor Recreation Valuation (ORVal) User Guide: Version 2.0., Land, Environment, Economics and Policy (LEEP) Institute, Business School, University of Exeter.
Binner A, Smith G, Faccioli M, Bateman I, Day B, Agarwala M, Harwood A (2018).
Valuing the social and environmental contribution of woodlands and trees
in England, Scotland and Wales. Second edition: to 2018., Land, Environment, Economics and Policy Institute (LEEP) University of Exeter Business School.
Day B, Smith GS (2017). The ORVal Recreation Demand Model., Land, Environment, Economics and Policy (LEEP) Institute, Business School, University of Exeter.
Binner AR, smith G, bateman I, day BH, agarwala M, harwood A (2017). Valuing the social and environmental contribution of woodlands and trees in England, Scotland and Wales.
Day B, Smith GS (2016). Outdoor Recreation Valuation (ORVal) User Guide: Version 1.0., Land, Environment, Economics and Policy (LEEP) Institute, University of Exeter.
Elliott J, Day B, Jones G, Binner A, Smith GS, Skirvin D, Boatman ND, Tweedie F (2015). Scoping the strengths and weaknesses of different auction and PES mechanisms for Countryside Stewardship.
Bateman IJ, Day BH, Lake IR, Lovett AA (2001). The effect of road traffic on residential property values. The Stationery Office, the Stationery Office.