Journal articles
Bateman IJ, Badura T, Ferrini S, Burton M, Binner A (In Press). A new approach to capturing the spatial dimensions of value within choice experiments. Environmental and Resource Economics
Day B, Mancini M, Bateman I, Binner A, Cho F, Lee C, Fezzi C, Liuzzo L, Owen N, Smith G, et al (In Press). Natural capital approaches for the optimal design of policies for nature recovery.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences Abstract.
Bateman IJ, Anderson K, Argles A, Belcher C, Betts RA, Binner A, Brazier RE, Cho FHT, Collins RM, Day BH, et al (2023). A review of planting principles to identify the right place for the right tree for ‘net zero plus’ woodlands: Applying a place-based natural capital framework for sustainable, efficient and equitable (SEE) decisions.
People and Nature,
5(2), 271-301.
Ritchie P, Smith G, Davis K, Fezzi C, Halleck-Vega S, Harper A, Boulton C, Binner A, Day B, Gallego-Sala A, et al (2020). Shifts in national land use and food production in Great Britain after a climate tipping point. Nature Food, 1, 76-83.
Smith GS, Day B, Binner A (2019). Multiple‑Purchaser Payments for Ecosystem Services: an Exploration Using Spatial Simulation Modelling.
Environmental and Resource Economics Abstract.
Day BH, Bateman I, Binner A, Ferrini S, Fezzi C (2019). Structurally-consistent estimation of use and nonuse values for landscape-wide environmental change. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 98
Davis KJ, Binner A, Bell A, Day B, Poate T, Rees S, Smith G, Wilson K, Bateman I (2018). A generalizable integrated natural capital methodology for targeting investment in coastal defence. Journal of Environmental Economics & Policy
Binner AR, Day BH (2017). How Property Markets Determine Welfare Outcomes: an Equilibrium Sorting Model Analysis of Local Environmental Interventions.
Environmental and Resource Economics Abstract.
Bateman I, Agarwala M, Binner A, Coombes E, Day B, Ferrini S, Fezzi C, Hutchins M, Lovett A, Posen P, et al (2016). Spatially explicit integrated modeling and economic valuation of climate driven land use change and its indirect effects.
J Environ Manage,
181, 172-184.
Author URL.
Bateman IJ, Coombes E, Fitzherbert E, Binner A, Bad’ura T, Carbone C, Fisher B, Naidoo R, Watkinson AR (2015). Conserving tropical biodiversity via market forces and spatial targeting.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,
112(24), 7408-7413.
Binner A, Day B (2015). Exploring mortgage interest deduction reforms: an equilibrium sorting model with endogenous tenure choice. Journal of Public Economics, 122, 40-54.
Bateman IJ, Harwood AR, Mace GM, Watson RT, Abson DJ, Andrews B, Binner A, Crowe A, Day BH, Dugdale S, et al (2013). Bringing ecosystem services into economic decision-making: land use in the United Kingdom.
341(6141), 45-50.
Author URL.
Bateman IJ, Harwood AR, Mace GM, Watson RT, Abson DJ, Andrews B, Binner A, Crowe A, Day BH, Dugdale S, et al (2013). Ecosystem Services: Nature's Balance Sheet Response.
342(6157), 421-422.
Author URL.
Bateman IJ, Harwood AR, Mace GM, Watson RT, Abson DJ, Andrews B, Binner A, Crowe A, Day BH, Dugdale S, et al (2013). Ecosystem services: response.
342(6157), 421-422.
Author URL.
Bateman I, Binner A, Coombes E, Day B, Ferrini S, Fezzi C, Hutchins M, Posen P (2012). Integrated and spatially explicit modelling of the economic value of complex environmental change and its indirect effects.
Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment(1), 1-40.
Bateman IJ, Binner A, Smith G, Day B, Fezzi C, Rusby A, Welters R (2020). Chapter 15 - United Kingdom: Public and Private Sector Payments for Ecosystem Services. In (Ed) Integration, Valuation, Targeting and Efficient Delivery of Public and Private Sector Payments for Ecosystem Services in the UK.
Bateman I, Binner A, Day B, Faccioli M, Fezzi C, Rusby A, Smith G (2020). The natural capital approach to integrating science, economics and policy into decisions affecting the natural environment. In Sutherland W, Brotherton P, Davis Z, Ockendon N, Pettorelli N, Vickery J (Eds.)
Conservation Research, Policy and Practice, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 198-217.
Bateman IJ, Badura T, Agarwala M, Binner A (2016). Valuing preferences for ecosystem related goods and services. In (Ed)
Routledge Handbook of Ecosystem Services, Routledge.
Binner A, Smith G, Faccioli M, Bateman I, Day B, Agarwala M, Harwood A (2018).
Valuing the social and environmental contribution of woodlands and trees
in England, Scotland and Wales. Second edition: to 2018., Land, Environment, Economics and Policy Institute (LEEP) University of Exeter Business School.
Binner AR, smith G, bateman I, day BH, agarwala M, harwood A (2017). Valuing the social and environmental contribution of woodlands and trees in England, Scotland and Wales.
Bateman IJ, Binner A, Harlow J, Bradburne R, Wettingfeld T (2016). Report on user needs in relation to Natural Capital / decision support tools: from Valuing nature to policies and decision making.
Elliott J, Day B, Jones G, Binner A, Smith GS, Skirvin D, Boatman ND, Tweedie F (2015). Scoping the strengths and weaknesses of different auction and PES mechanisms for Countryside Stewardship.